The Great Awakening

More than 3,000 members of NATO's Special Operations Forces will take part in key European Special Forces Trojan Footpint exercises, to be held from 2 to 13 May in parallel with the Swift Response maneuvers and as part of the Alliance's and Partner's large-scale exercises. Defender Europe 2022.

Herinner je je nog begin vorige maand toen er een demo was in Nijmegen en zowel het spoor als het luchtruim van Schiphol waren afgesloten i.v.m. een 'storing'? We zagen wel beelden van legermaterieel dat via het spoor werd verscheept vanuit Vlissingen. Dat deed heel erg denken aan de Defender-oefening die gepland stond in de lente van 2020, maar die toen niet doorging vanwege 'COVID'. Er was toen volop speculatie over massa-arrestaties, met name in het Vaticaan. Kijk nu eens naar twee belangrijjke Q-posts over mei:

Time to end the horror show.

The Pope will have a terrible May.

Zou het deze keer dan toch echt gebeuren?

The binary thinking of white hat/black hat distorts our perception of the players and events in Crossfire, SpyGate, etc.

We don’t have to like these people. We don’t have to agree with their politics.

What matters is, “Did they do their jobs?”

What matters is the Law.

There’s a number of people who have become popularly hated.

Who are commonly assumed to have committed wrongs.

We’ve had years of speculation, media narratives (both sides), and theatrics.

And now we have the benefit of perspective (looking back), deep digs, declassified docs (thank you Trump, thank you Ratcliffe), and we have #Durham filings.

Now, finally, we get to find out who actually did right and who actually did wrong.

Turn off the binary thinking, examine the facts anew.


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