The Great Awakening

Zelenko weer actief op Twitter!

Helaas, het was van korte duur:

175k followers in one week and Twitter suspends me because I actually offer solid medical advice and not vaccine based hysteria. Our government is truly the enemy of the people.


No President EVER took on Child Trafficking like Donald Trump.

Most Presidents would make empty stock statements about helping the poor (which they'd never do) or "bla bla bla (insert hollow campaign promise here)"

President Trump talked about the REAL problems in the world and that scared the shit out of them!

>Liberals just lost Twitter..
>Theyre not Welcome on Truth Social
>And Now its possible that the Supreme Court might take away their ability to Dismember babies. ..

These people are going to lose it...

All this along with being fresh off pretending a National Election Wasnt Rigged to get rid of "Mean Tweets" in lieu of a guy whos collapsing us now.... Seemingly on purpose... Opps...

I hope theres room at the psych ward.. Incoming lol

To all the obsessive "Hitler was the good guy and Nazism was a good thing" shills:

So when are you taking up arms in support of AZOV and the neonazis in Ukraine against Putin?

Tell me why Israel is supporting the Nazis in Ukraine?

Tell me why Israel is funding and sending weapons/arms/mercenaries to Ukraine?

Tell me why the Rothshild's, Soros, Hillary, Obama, Abramovic, Media, Dem/RINO congressmen pubicly and unanimously support Ukraine ?

I wasn't born yesterday.

Go piss on a tree somewhere else.

Re: Roe v Wade is a distraction from 2000 Mules

63.5 Million babies killed since RvW
-that’s 60x more than all US soldiers that died in All wars since 1776
-10x more than allegedly died in the Holocaust
-3x more than died in Holodomor

Roe v Wade is the single biggest tragedy to ever occur in the US - By a country mile

There is no distraction.
This is turning into the flood foretold

You know how Devin, Scavino and Trump can’t discuss the story behind Covfefe.

It’s the same reason why they can’t discuss what’s really going on in Ukraine or anything Q related.

Anyone else sitting here in awe as I am?

You were born for this VERY moment in time. God chose you to be here to participate and look at you now. You’re here despite all the struggles and trials you’ve faced, some of you doing it alone and for years.

Please know I am proud and humbled to stand here with each and everyone one of you today. Also know it’s going to get a whole lot harder but never forget — we continue to grow in numbers, we are ready and we fight alongside God himself.

Let’s finish this, Patriots. For God and country.


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