The Great Awakening

Zelfde idee als de conceptbeslissing van het Amerikaanse Hooggerechtshof over abortus. Nergens in de Amerikaanse grondwet staat het homohuwelijk als grondrecht en dus is de erkenning ervan door het Hooggerechtshof een vergissing die gecorrigeerd dient te worden. De gekozen volksvertegenwoordigers van de individuele staten dienen hierover te beslissen, niet benoemde en dus niet gekozen opperrechters op federaal.niveau.

Let me be clear:

There are evil people in all demographics.

Not all people in every demographic are evil

And the actions of a few don’t represent the whole

There are only two sides: good and evil.

When anyone makes blatant statements generalizing whole demographics you fuel the NWO’s goal of divide and conquer

God’s children are of all demographics.

Satanic POS’s are of all demographics.

Good vs evil.

Carry on

Elon is tweeting about Freemasons and how sunlight is the best disinfectant. He sure is sounding like an anon these days! Sunlight kills.

Sheep literally one month ago on vaccines:
You're body, My choice!
Sheep today:
Muh my body, My choice.

What if white hats wanted this leak?
What if this was allowed by design to soften the blow and further wake up moderate dems when more riots occur?
What if everything the enemy does backfires on them and nothing can stop what is coming?

Man, what a terrible day to have eyes.
I can’t do anything without seeing outrageously asinine takes on this situation. I can’t even consume sports or entertainment related media without being bombarded with Roe v Wade nonsense. As much as it is painful to watch, I think it’s going to wake up normies to some extent.

The left are fumbling over themselves trying to articulate how this is now the greatest threat to our democracy, after foaming at the mouth for the past month over Elon and Free Speech. It’s the perfect maelstrom of conflicting narratives they cannot support simultaneously. This will break the minds of many of the sheep.

After spending the last 2 years claiming that they know what’s best for our bodies and everyone should be vaccinated regardless of religious or personal beliefs; now they must contradict themselves to say “my body my choice” so they can justify slaughtering their unborn children. Just as during the Kavanaugh smear campaign, they cried “believe all women”. Now they can’t even define what a “woman” is.

And when you think big picture, by imagining how future generations look back on what we went through in today’s world, they will look back in horror at the leftist ideology. Future generations will associate liberalism with:

-forced harmful injections
-forced mask wearing
-election fraud
-supporting actual nazis in Ukraine
-grooming children
-anti-free speech
-slaughtering unborn children

And this was just the crazy shit they defended over the past month.

So if you ask me what I think is happening with the SCOTUS leak? No idea. But what is the overalll effect of the happenings? Normies waking up because the left are fucking insane and the more they talk, the more the sane people start to realize just how far the left has gone off the deep end.

And I don’t know if you all feel it, but the rate of these “happenings” seems to be escalating incrementally. The sheep are being forced to change their identities rapidly. The narrative they are being fed directly contradicts the previous narratives, and I believe more and more of them will recognize it.

When the enemy is under duress, they become sloppy and more prone to mistakes.


Man, what a terrible day to have eyes.
I can’t do anything without seeing outrageously asinine takes on this situation. I can’t even consume sports or entertainment related media without being bombarded with Roe v Wade nonsense. As much as it is painful to watch, I think it’s going to wake up normies to some extent.

The left are fumbling over themselves trying to articulate how this is now the greatest threat to our democracy, after foaming at the mouth for the past month over Elon and Free Speech. It’s the perfect maelstrom of conflicting narratives they cannot support simultaneously. This will break the minds of many of the sheep.

After spending the last 2 years claiming that they know what’s best for our bodies and everyone should be vaccinated regardless of religious or personal beliefs; now they must contradict themselves to say “my body my choice” so they can justify slaughtering their unborn children. Just as during the Kavanaugh smear campaign, they cried “believe all women”. Now they can’t even define what a “woman” is.

And when you think big picture, by imagining how future generations look back on what we went through in today’s world, they will look back in horror at the leftist ideology. Future generations will associate liberalism with:

-forced harmful injections
-forced mask wearing
-election fraud
-supporting actual nazis in Ukraine
-grooming children
-anti-free speech
-slaughtering unborn children

And this was just the crazy shit they defended over the past month.

So if you ask me what I think is happening with the SCOTUS leak? No idea. But what is the overalll effect of the happenings? Normies waking up because the left are fucking insane and the more they talk, the more the sane people start to realize just how far the left has gone off the deep end.

And I don’t know if you all feel it, but the rate of these “happenings” seems to be escalating incrementally. The sheep are being forced to change their identities rapidly. The narrative they are being fed directly contradicts the previous narratives, and I believe more and more of them will recognize it.

When the enemy is under duress, they become sloppy and more prone to mistakes.


Man, wat een verschrikkelijke dag om ogen te hebben.
Ik kan niets doen zonder schandalig stompzinnige standpunten over deze situatie te zien. Ik kan niet eens sport of entertainment gerelateerde media consumeren zonder gebombardeerd te worden met Roe v Wade onzin. Hoe pijnlijk het ook is om naar te kijken, ik denk dat het de normies tot op zekere hoogte wakker zal schudden.

Links struikelt over zichzelf en probeert duidelijk te maken hoe dit nu de grootste bedreiging voor onze democratie is, nadat ze de afgelopen maand schuimbekkend over Elon en Free Speech hebben gesproken. Het is de perfecte maalstroom van tegenstrijdige verhalen die ze niet tegelijkertijd kunnen ondersteunen. Dit zal de geest breken van veel van de schapen.

Nadat ze de afgelopen twee jaar hebben beweerd dat zij weten wat het beste is voor ons lichaam en dat iedereen gevaccineerd moet worden, ongeacht religieuze of persoonlijke overtuigingen, moeten ze zichzelf nu tegenspreken door te zeggen "mijn lichaam, mijn keuze", zodat ze het slachten van hun ongeboren kinderen kunnen rechtvaardigen. Net als tijdens de lastercampagne tegen Kavanaugh, riepen ze "geloof alle vrouwen". Nu kunnen ze niet eens definiëren wat een "vrouw" is.

En als je in het groot denkt, door je voor te stellen hoe toekomstige generaties terugkijken op wat we in de wereld van vandaag hebben meegemaakt, zullen ze met afschuw terugkijken op de linkse ideologie. Toekomstige generaties zullen liberalisme associëren met:

-gedwongen schadelijke injecties
-gedwongen maskers dragen
-het steunen van echte nazi's in Oekraïne
-het verminken van kinderen
-anti-vrijheid van meningsuiting
-het afslachten van ongeboren kinderen

En dit was alleen nog maar de gekke shit die ze de afgelopen maand verdedigden.

Dus als je me vraagt wat ik denk dat er aan de hand is met het SCOTUS lek? Geen idee. Maar wat is het algemene effect van de gebeurtenissen? Normies wakker worden omdat de linkerzijde zijn fucking krankzinnig en hoe meer ze praten, hoe meer de gezonde mensen beginnen te beseffen hoe ver links is gegaan van het diepe einde.

En ik weet niet of jullie het allemaal voelen, maar het tempo van deze "happenings" lijkt steeds hoger te worden. De schapen worden gedwongen hun identiteit snel te veranderen. Het verhaal dat ze te horen krijgen is in directe tegenspraak met de vorige verhalen, en ik geloof dat steeds meer van hen dat zullen inzien.

Als de vijand onder druk staat, worden ze slordig en meer geneigd tot fouten.


It’s all tied together, bioweapons, fetus harvesting, ukraine

👆👆👆There are things being done to infants that normal people just won't do. That's why they needed the ultra-Nationalist Nazis of Ukraine.

It's why they still so desperately need them, they are sending $33 billion dollars of your tax money to the Nazis.

The world MUST NOT FIND OUT what has been going on there.

Laatst bewerkt:
You know things are bad when the Left are attacking RBG from the dead for not retiring earlier.

Holy shit balls….😂


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