The Great Awakening

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Dr. Zev Zeleno ist gestorben
30. Juni 2022

Mit großer Trauer geben wir das Ableben von Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko bekannt. Dr. Zelenko war ein Arzt, Wissenschaftler und Aktivist für medizinische Rechte, der das Leben von Millionen Menschen berührt hat.

In den letzten anderthalb Jahren war Zev ein ausgesprochener Kritiker des mRNA-Impfstoffs und wies sowohl auf dessen schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen als auch auf die mögliche Veränderung des genetischen Codes hin. Besonders kritisch äußerte er sich über die Verwendung des Impfstoffs bei Kindern, die noch nicht alt genug sind, um ihre eigene informierte Zustimmung zu geben, und bei denen praktisch kein Risiko einer schweren Erkrankung durch Covid-19 besteht.

Wir danken Dr. Zelenko für alles, was er getan hat, um eine ehrliche Einschätzung der Situation zu geben, und sprechen seiner Familie unser aufrichtiges Beileid aus.

Auf dem Laufenden bleiben:


Hmmmmm..... het ging echt de dag ervoor toch ineens veel beter met hem?

Hoe dan ook, moge hij rusten in vrede🙌🏻
Hmmmmm..... het ging echt de dag ervoor toch ineens veel beter met hem?

Hoe dan ook, moge hij rusten in vrede🙌🏻
Ja en daarna volver ook weer een bericht dat het verlo slechter gong. Ik geloof dat Medusa ze hier plaatste, maar in de verkeerde volgorde. Had deze no eerdet al voorbij xzen komen in omgekeerde volgorde.
Think about it from a 40k foot view.
Disney was always corrupt. Walt was a freemason.
He put witchcraft symbols in his movies. They were always working to undermine the children.
Walt Disney cruise line went past Epstein Island inexplicably.
Their VP was arrested for being a pedophile.
Now let it sink in that it's always been this way.
Only now you are seeing it with crystal clear 20/20 vision. Only now is the Great Awakening in full swing.
You may feel great bitterness at what's happening but Q said that only when something is brought out into the light can we expose it.
This kind of exposure is unprecedented in our day.
In other words, victory is nigh. God wins. Light wins.

Take a wild guess at what's going to happen:
They'll show their agenda and fail miserably.
This is the pattern that we've seen over and over.
Stay comfy and watch as the Awakening unfolds.
They are fighting against God because God's on a mission to save America.
It will happen.


The plan is actually right on course. You might not always see it that way... it might not always feel as such but it's the truth.
Instead of panic or complete silence from Q he came back like a boss just to tell everyone:
Yeah. It's still happening. And there's nothing the haters can do to stop it.

More people have awakened under Biden than Trump.
The economy will be able to transition to something new.
Ukraine can be rid of nazis.
All of this had to happen under Biden and more.
The brilliance of the plan is so magnificent it's something only God could truly come up with. And make no mistake: He is the one guiding us through the fall of Babylon. No one else.

The meltdowns continue.
A symphony of reees like music to my ears.

(This is apparently fake but no one can tell the difference because this is how they are really acting)


Enjoy the glorious panic 🍿

Their entire corrupt system is crumbling right before their eyes and all they can do is cry about it.


I’ve been on a long road trip and just arrived at my destination to learn that the world has lost a true hero.

Dr. Zelenko saved thousands of lives with his protocol to treat COVID-19 and became a leader because he is a fighter. He NEVER stopped. A few months ago he made a video where he implored us all to keep fighting - even after he was gone. His relationship with God led him to discover the Zelenko protocol, and he is enjoying his place in heaven today, never far away.

I know I am not alone when I say I’m heartbroken over his passing. We have to continue Dr. Zelenko’s legacy of service - we must keep shouting the truth as loud as our voices will shout. We have to keep praying. That is how we can honor this brave man. Know that he changed the course of history in ways that may not be realized for a very long time. Embrace that fighting spirit and pay it forward. That is what he told us to do. God bless you, Dr. Z, and may you eternally Rest In Peace.

Dr. Zelenko fought until the very end. His life, his words and his battle will NEVER be forgotten. Our heart goes out to Zev's family and friends and to all of you for your overwhelming prayers and support. He truly loved ALL of you more than you could ever possibly know.

Here is the Twitter page for the Zelenko Freedom Foundation. Please follow and share if you are able to.


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