The Great Awakening

Liberal World Order?
Spent a couple days pondering what to say about what Brian Deese said (13th Director of the National Economic Council, serving under Biden).

A "Great Deception" has already happened. A significant chunk of the population worldwide has been deceived into believing in some kind of post-God rationalism... where Mankind can create a new androgynous "Mxnkind" in the image of sex obsessed Nihilism, wherein every human is defined by its lusts.

How does this "creation" happen? The deceived masses think it's through the equitable allocation of science towards utopian goals like clean energy and gender studies, while their elite behind the scenes are secretly obsessed with eugenics and post-humanism enabled by gene sequencing, CRISPR and a coming wave of biotech implants... and otherwise spend their time and treasure on molesting kids.

These people have their masses believing the world will end if they don't wrest all power from the mostly Judeo-Christian Neanderthals.

Tragically, everywhere they do manage to get total power, they can't help but begin to gorge their lust and greed upon the backs and bodies of the people... and they end up repeating the death spiral of Venezuela.

The spiritually dead are leading the spiritually blind. There is no compromise... no equitable "sharing of power" with people who believe we must be disarmed, tracked & traced, and re-educated until we are eliminated as a class of people with values in total opposition to their Liberal World Order.

Fight like we're about to become the next Venezuela... or we will be.

[Doorgestuurd van General Flynn ️️]
“I hope that the American people will know how to treasure this historic opportunity, and that they will understand that there cannot be justice anywhere the right to abortion is recognized, there cannot be peace and prosperity in a society that massacres its own children, and there cannot be liberty wherever license, vice and pride subvert God’s Commandments.”

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Binc
This headline by the New York Times is as cruel and spiteful as it gets. These are truly terrible, evil people.

It's also patently false. Dr. Zelenko's protocols and treatments have been proven to be effective across the entire world.


Reactie van Gen. Flynn:

Don’t worry Marine, We The People have your back and will protect your sacrifice, as we will protect the sacrifices of those that came before, and after.

God bless our country…because that what it is, ours!

[Doorgestuurd van Patri0tsareinContr0l ️️]
[ Video ]
Kash, who is Trump’s best advisor?

“His best advisor, hands down, Dan Scavino, the legend.”

Imagine starting out as a golf caddie for Donald Trump at age 16, then eventually becoming his right-hand man while systematically taking down a centuries-old Deep State satanic cabal.

That’s about as legendary as it gets 🔥
[Doorgestuurd van ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)]

So Elon went and visited the pope and now he appears to be coordinating with Trump by talking about socks. Trump misspelled stocks and wrote socks and retruthed a sock account 3 days ago and Kash was wearing punisher socks and highlighted them.
I've got to wonder what was said or what happened in that Pope encounter.
There is definitely things going on behind the scenes that we aren't privy too but they appear to be giving us hints.
What do you think is happening here?


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