The Great Awakening

A A Truth Warrior and a Deeply-Human, Kind Soul: Paying Tribute to Dr. Zev Zelenko

Dr. Robert Malone: "What an example for the world. What a kind, gentle soul."

Steve Bannon: "Dr. Zelenko was as kind an individual as you could ever meet, and he was attacked mercilessly. Why? Because he had this concept that therapeutics [could] help us take care of this and cut the mortality."

Twitter just banned the account for the Zelenko Freedom Foundation. Yes, they banned the account of a non-profit foundation that was recently founded by world-renowned doctor Vladimir Zelenko while he was dying. As many of you know, the brave and heroic Dr. Vladimir Zelenko unfortunately passed away yesterday.

Twitter has consistently engaged in practices to silence and suppress prominent doctors, scientists and political opponents without just cause but this has to be the most vile, cold-hearted and spiteful example of their biased censorship to date.

Please share this far and wide across here and Twitter until they are forced to respond.

CNN had Andrew McCabe of all people on last night to break down the new Cassidy Hutchinson Q drop: “There is no significance to the posts…. It’s a cave of conspiracies.”

I’d probably try to discredit Q too if my name was mentioned 58 times in the drops like Mr. McCabe’s 🧐

Your PANIC is fun to watch, Andy!

These are both difficult and glorious times.

We are in a war, whether we want to be or not. There is a battle that rages in almost all areas of our lives. A battle for our attention, our emotions, our mind.

Anytime we have big wins or positive developments, and we’ve had some of the biggest EVER these past few months IMO, we all get on a high, we ride a wave of positive energy. Then we have to come down. It’s normal.

It is during that coming down phase that we are most vulnerable and are targeted for attacks. That’s when we get hit with some of the most hyperbolic headlines, misdismal-info, etc. Ignore that shit. If a headline or news clip is making you angry or depressed, skip it. It’s likely a psyop, anyway.

Focus on the factual, disregard the emotional.

Understanding > Reacting

Weet iemand hoe het nu met Carrie Madej gaat?
Ongelukje of ........? Uit de nieuwsbrief van Stop World Control (vertaald):

Beste Freedom Warriors,

Vandaag ontving ik het nieuws dat onze dierbare vriendin en fenomenale wereldleidende vrijheidsstrijder dokter Carrie Madej betrokken was bij een vliegtuigongeluk, dat haar bijna het leven kostte. Na een getuigenis in de rechtbank voor een mede medische vrijheidsstrijder Dr. Paul Gosselin, vertrok ze in een privé vliegtuig met haar partner Billy. Kort na het opstijgen kreeg ze een motorstoring, en ze stortten neer in een nabijgelegen veld.

Dr. Madej heeft verschillende breuken, waarvoor zij vandaag is geopereerd, en Billy heeft schedel- en rugbreuken. God zij geprezen leven ze allebei nog, maar ik vraag jullie allen om gebed.

Zoals velen weten is Dr. Carrie Madej één van de vooraanstaande medische professionals die de mensheid heeft gewaarschuwd voor de snode trans-humanistische agenda achter de opgelegde vaccins.

Dr. Madej heeft medische conferenties bijgewoond waar zij de spreekwoordelijke 'gekke, kwaadaardige professoren' hun agenda hoorde uiteenzetten om de mensheid te beëindigen en ons te vervangen door cyborgs: een nieuwe vorm van menselijkheid die deels technologisch, deels biologisch is. Dit verontrustte haar zeer en lanceerde haar op een 20 jaar durend onderzoek om deze duivelse plannen van de gecriminaliseerde medische instituten bloot te leggen.

Zij onthulde hoe de injecties het proces van trans-humanisme in gang zetten, door het menselijk genoom te veranderen, en de mensheid voor te bereiden op de overgang naar Mens 2.0.

Het doel is een nieuw ras van mensen te creëren, die gemakkelijk kunnen worden gecontroleerd door kunstmatige intelligentie in de Cloud, en door verschillende soorten signalen en frequenties. Deze agenda wordt bevestigd door de klokkenluider Alex Thompson, voormalig officier van de Britse geheime dienst, in de Grand Jury Evidence 1.

Weet iemand hoe het nu met Carrie Madej gaat?
Weet iemand hoe het nu met Carrie Madej gaat?

Weet iemand hoe het nu met Carrie Madej gaat?

Dr. Carrie Madej Talks About Her Plane Crash & Gives An Update On Her Health​

Moet zelf nog kijken hoor.....

"None of those people were with us."

I have a close friend who attended the rally, then walked to the capital. Along the way he watched buses roll in and unload in MAGA gear. Those bus crowds immediately B lined for the capital.

They did not interact with anyone and had a totally different vibe than everyone else. That's because they were Soros plants escorted by DC police under the protection of Pelosi and the FBI.

The J6 justice boomerang is going to be vicious.

Devin truths that Kash found Scavino, and the opening of the video he retruthed says “Qooking” with a Q and closes with “Nothing can stop what is coming isn’t just a catch phrase.”

Another clue that Scavino may have taken over on 8kun…

Kash jokes that the “interwebs are probably going to get lit up with talks about Q or whatever,” but insists he doesn’t work with the Department of Defense anymore.

Wink wink 😉

Sorry Kash, but you asked for it 😂

Trump ReTruths an account that opened in February. The account only has a single post on it's timeline from June 30 that reads "Confirmation."

This one seems way too obvious to be a coincidence.

Hoping we get a solid zero delta and trip config soon, but all signs point to Q being back on the board.


Dan’s video of Reagan’s speech he just posted is the same speech quoted in this Q drop from exactly 2 years ago.

An exact 2 year delta 🤯

Furthermore; the section missing from the speech on the video, is the section in the Q Drop.

Wake up America - these people are pushing a false narrative that paints anyone with faith (but especially Christians) as “extremist”. They intend to get rid of every Christian & are part of a seditious conspiracy to destroy this country and your freedom. Jamie Raskin - currently engaged in the political persecution of American citizens under the cover of the Jan 6 committee - is the ultimate hypocrite. What is now an “insurrection” is what he did in 2016 when he declared Trump “illegitimate” & boycotted his inauguration.

Zie ook The Handmaid's Tale op Netflix. Al die libs lopen weg met deze serie, waarin christenen weggezet worden als vrouwenonderdrukkers en -verkrachters.


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