The Great Awakening

In your agreement to be sent to Earth:
Cons :

-You'll lose your powers

-You'll lose memory of who / what you truly are & what you're truly capable of

-You'll likely be living in poverty, eating the cereal you find in your couch cusions

-You'll likely spend the first 1/4 of your Earthly life-span wandering around the 🌎 spiritually lost, getting so drunk that you pee your pants

-You'll commit many sins due to Earth's ruling Powers That Shouldn't Be distorting & removing God's image from society & brainwashing you to believe that law enforcement is humanity's highest authority in the universe

-You'll be forced to watch people mentally, physically & spiritually deteoriate due to the drugs the ruling class pushes onto the masses & it'll crush your ♥️ to bear witness to

Pros :

-You'll one day be awoken to help The Great Awakening process for MILLIONS of other lost, manipulated & enslaved spiritual souls wandering the 🌎 who are searching for meaning / HOME

A Story About The Volunteers Who Came From Every Comer Of The Universe / Realm To Assist With Earth's Great Awakening

A lot of ppl look in the mirror & are unhappy with certain aspects of their appearance. It's important to realize you are NOT your body

The Energy that you're made of has existed in many forms before.
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transfered from the ÆTHER & back from whence it came. What you SEE is just temporary, but what you ARE, is ♾

The body similar to a radio, TUNES the signal of your Soul / Spirit.
Just because you smash the radio, doesn't mean the signal ceases to exist. Its still forever propagating, waiting to be tuned to another Wi-Fi enabled physical body, which is the definition of Free Energy

Those Electric currents you feel running through your body while listening to this video, causing the seemingly weightless hairs to stand up against the strong force of 'gravity', just means this messege is hitting EXACTLY where its supposed to be hitting. Home -> 💖

All joking aside, there's NOWHERE I'd rather be, than here with each & every one of you. I'd do it a thousand times over with a belly full of lint covered cereal each & every time.
There's nothing I enjoy more, than connecting with each & every one of you. My ability to post is limited at this point in⏳

Humanity will discover things about the true nature of Energy / Spirit / Conciousness that will bring everyone together

The Powers That Shouldn't Be, can't have this. That's why they try so hard to make you all believe you're just random specks of dust & a 1 in a million shot in the uni-verse

Electro-Static Lightning storms going off in your brain governs all ϕ Phi-ve of your Electrical senses

Metaphysics / Biology is a double sided coin. The reasons to suppress Nikola Tesla will turn out to be FAR deeper than suppressing "free Energy" & in the end when truth is revealed, an Energy bill will be the last thing on ppl's mind when it comes to learning truths about the BIOLOGY of nature.

Under Elon Musk, the previous Twitter regime's "fact checkers" have been replaced by Community Notes.

And it's awesome.

The MSM is shrieking about it and they can't stop it.

Instead of a few dozen biased far leftists screening what's a 'fact' and what's not, EVERYBODY is involved.

Here We Go! Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, & the WHO Just Simulated Another Pandemic

Almost 3 years to the day, the same people behind Event 201 just completed a desktop simulation for a new Enterovirus originating near Brazil. The virus has a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affects children.

So Michelle Obama personally lobbied Twitter about the Banning of Trump.

For requesting people "Peacefully and Patriotically" let their voices be heard.

What if Melania had personally requested the Banning of Obama?
Oh thats right, Melania has class.

A Story About The Volunteers Who Came From Every Comer Of The Universe / Realm To Assist With Earth's Great Awakening

A lot of ppl look in the mirror & are unhappy with certain aspects of their appearance. It's important to realize you are NOT your body

The Energy that you're made of has existed in many forms before.
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transfered from the ÆTHER & back from whence it came. What you SEE is just temporary, but what you ARE, is ♾

The body similar to a radio, TUNES the signal of your Soul / Spirit.
Just because you smash the radio, doesn't mean the signal ceases to exist. Its still forever propagating, waiting to be tuned to another Wi-Fi enabled physical body, which is the definition of Free Energy

Those Electric currents you feel running through your body while listening to this video, causing the seemingly weightless hairs to stand up against the strong force of 'gravity', just means this messege is hitting EXACTLY where its supposed to be hitting. Home -> 💖

Doet me denken aan Dolores Cannon en de three waves of volunteers:

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