The Great Awakening

Who would have thought, a century or more ago, that an Archbishop of the Catholic church would interact with a man who wants to colonize Mars to defend the human race using a global microblogging platform

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Who would have thought, a century or more ago, that an Archbishop of the Catholic church would interact with a man who wants to colonize Mars to defend the human race using a global microblogging platform

Vigano is one of a kind.


We have to fixthe bandwidth problem.
In de laatste minuut.

Min. 22
En dan vanaf min 24 is het interview gedaan en komen er allerhande losse clips, de eerste tot min 34
Min 37.35 : I try/tried to tell people to slow down on AI, to regulate it. En daarvoor praat ie over bandwith ivm 5G ed. Regulations take time and first something has to happen, maw people have to see it with their own eyes, experience it. Hij geeft het vb van de autogordel, dit duurde 10-tallen jaren voor de regels en in min 39.15 zegt ie dat deze tijd er niet is voor AI.
Min 40 weer die bandwidth omdat we te traag communiceren.

Naast het limbic systeem en de cortex, een derde layer, de AI, maar zegt Musk : Thankfully, we'll be able to control this completely, Musk tells Urban: “People won’t be able to read your thoughts — you would have to will it. If you don’t will it, it doesn’t happen. Just like if you don’t will your mouth to talk, it doesn’t talk.”
Neuralink won't come out the gate with a BMI that transforms you into a walking computer. The first product the company will focus on releasing will be much more targeted. "We are aiming to bring something to market that helps with certain severe brain injuries (stroke, cancer lesion, congenital) in about four years," said Musk.

"We are aiming to bring something to market that helps with certain severe brain injuries (stroke, cancer lesion, congenital) in about four years," said Musk. En dat was 4j geleden.
"I think we are about 8 to 10 years away from this being usable by people with no disability…It is important to note that this depends heavily on regulatory approval timing and how well our devices work on people with disabilities."

the big one — bandwidth. To date, we've never put more than roughly 200 electrodes in a person's brain at one time. Jaar 2017
De bandwidth tussen de cortex en AI extentie van jezelf, zodat de AI NIET apart gaat werken. min 41
Min 43.20, je doet dat nu al met je smartphone als je iets moet weten. Maar de bandwith tussen jou en te gsm is nog traag.

Min 44.44 not mandatory

En dat dit :
Funny how Kari Lake, Flynn, Elon Musk, Bannon, Trump and others are making subtle hints towards Q drops and sayings and their rhetoric is becoming increasingly more confident and extreme.
Buckle up.

"The Hidden Magnetic Universe Begins To Come Into View"

The universe is nothing BUT Energy. Who's paying the bill to keep THOSE Lights on? 🤔

God's creational elements in the universe are divinely simplex & repeatable from the micro to the galactic macro. The occult stole the symbols our Ancient Ancestors used to depict these elements of energy manifestation & propagation in the universe, hid the knowledge & perverted the symbols. It's time we take them back

At 3:12 in the video, pause it & study the picture. Then look at your thumb-print. Go to the nearest person & look at the crown of their head. Same, divinely structured vortex patterns

The universe is conciously alive &
The BIOLOGY of the universe, is the same biology of all living systems here on this 🌍.
As above, so below.
As within, so without.
Nikola Tesla knew this.
Charles Proteus Steinmetz knew this.
Our Ancient Ancestors knew this.
Isn't time, we do too?

FAIL: Harry Styles and luxury fashion brand Gucci are taking heat for an ad campaign featuring Styles wearing a t-shirt with a teddy bear on it standing in front of what some are alleging is a toddler bed. Super bad move and timing especially considering the Balenciaga scandal and that a Gucci heiress has accused a family member of sexual abuse.


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