The Great Awakening

Identity politics is dead.
Political correctness be damned.

A spade is a spade.

If you’re an evil POS, I don’t give a damn who you are or what identity demographic you claim, I’m gonna call you out.

Stand up and tell it like it is.
If the fallen world should try to punish you for it - GOOD - just know your reward is greater later for standing in the Truth—God and those that matter have your back.

History will honor those who stood for the TRUTH.

History will shame the cowards who cowered in fear.

I think it’s real.

I think the DS allowed the DS funded terrorists in to commit real crimes and murders to give justification for more money laundering and to garner more support for Israel.

1. F*** Hamas
2. F*** Mossad
3. F*** the deep state Satanists
4. F*** our compromised Congress who continues to pour OUR MONEY into foreign nations and not ours
5. SMH at all the normies who still fall for every single event like a 5 year old whose grandpa just pulled a quarter from behind their ear.

I’m grateful for the anons and people awake to the BS and brave enough to call the BS like it is: BS.


We were right about Ukraine
We are right about Israel

Tick tock. The world is gonna find out the truth one way or another. We will continue to point it out until they do.

I need your opinions.

It would appear that an effort is being schemed amongst a small corner of the larger Anon/Patriot community is scheming to promote a new narrative that claims any and all elements of the military are deep state as they all report to Biden. Read that again. That's at the heart of what's being implied.

They're actually claiming that there are no white hats working with certain elements of the military whatsoever, nor are there white hats in the military.

I personally think that assertion is both ludicrous and stupid.

Let's just start with Space Force. Are they not military? So I guess Trump started his own branch and then gifted it to the DS to control? C'mon, man. That's legit 'tarded.

In fact, I believe that good elements within the military (in addition to the Space Force mind you, and NOT loyal to Biden) have been CRUCIAL all along in the larger effort (the plan as it were) to save us from the claws of the deep state cabal.

How could they not be?

Moreover, Space Force was, I believe, are the very folks who recorded everything that happened over the last two elections (especially in 2020), and that is why it's said that "we have it all".

Furthermore, my theory is that they worked in coordination with Gen. Nakasone (who was appointed as the head of BOTH the NSA and Cyber Command) expressly to gain access behind the cabals firewall (via the novel hack of the Orion SolarWinds software) in 2019 a year before 2020 and lay in wait. In fact, the hack was disclosed/burned shortly after the election. Msg. sent...but I digress.

Overall, what's clear to me is that white hats exist that are civilian AND military. That it's a joint effort and has been all along.

Take Adm. Rogers for example. My understanding is he's been integrally tied into this since the pivotal moment when he went to meet Trump and let him know he was under surveillance which led Trump to move his entire operation to Bedminster. So, I guess we're supposed to believe that he's a black hat too now? Yeah, it's that dumb.

And don't even get us all started on all the times the military was referenced in the drops - and not as an adversary.

Look, in the end, people are allowed to have differences of opinion...or they should anyway. But something has changed and there's a new standard everyone is supposed to now fall in line with and that's if you don't agree with my/our take on people and events then you're deep state. This is especially suspect when people flip 180 degrees on things that they supported before, and are big mad that everyone doesn't change their minds with them.

Personally, I find that childish AND obnoxious on its face. In fact, it's not a big leap to then view this as an effort/operation to KNOWINGLY divide us.

What do you think?
Please respond with your thoughts.

I'm genuinely interested in your opinions. 👊

If white hats weren't in adequate control, Trump wouldn't be alive.

And if they do have adequate control, which I fully believe they do, then things are going well for us - even when we can't always see it and/or until after the fact.

That being true, I'm comfortable trusting those that got us this far. Had they not, HRC would have won in 2016 and we'd be staring down the barrel of FIVE more years of her hollowing out America right now.

And if you think you have a better plan, call 1-800-motherfuckerswhoaresavingourasses and let 'em know that Kenny from Sheboygan or Karen from Witchita says they're doing it wrong.

One thing that occurs to me is that when you heal from being sick - and I mean SICK sick (not just a run of the flu cold) - is how amazing it feels just to feel normal again.

Because we forget.

We forget how amazing it feels not to feel like absolute hell. We don't have to feel great mind you...just normal is awesome by comparison.

Well, I believe that rush awaits all of us once this shitstorm passes multiplied by infinity.

The way I see it is we've all been unfortunately acclimated to the abject hellhole that we're surviving currently. This mad world of chaos has sadly become normal to us. (hint: none of this is)

Note that the reason I mention that is because awaiting us all is going to be life-changing having collectively cast off a cancer that had plagued mankind for far too long.

And it's going to be awesome.
We deserve nothing less.
Don't lose faith.
God wins!

As much as all of this sucks...imagine if we didn't have the ability to communicate with one another like we do.

Can you even imagine how isolated and vulnerable you'd feel?

This allows us the opportunity to arms with others who, like us, have awakened from the 'matrix' (for lack of a better term) and are mad as hell about what we've learned.

At least this way we can suffer through all of this together...and I'll take that as opposed to the alternative every day of the damn week.

Band of Brothers & Sisters applies here. Don't ever take for granted how vital this is to maintain our resolve and spirit. These are our emotional supply lines.

Apparently just saying 'I think a lot of innocent people will suffer' and not being heavily invested in one side or another because you may disagree with multiple things in this war, suddenly makes people evil, stupid or cold hearted.

This conflict has been going on for longer than I've been alive, so I don't think the opinion of this particular asshole (me) on the internet is going to change much and I really get the feeling we're being goaded to be invested so much the US will feel they have the support to get us into another war or conflict.

If you haven't figured out that all governments will and do lie to manipulate you to support the war machine, you don't know your history very well.

Understand this: The crazier things get, the closer the [Deep State] gets to it's end. [They] will try to bombard us, & I don't just mean online. [They] are going to hit us from every angle.

The [Cabal] is in panic mode. [They] are trying everything, because nothing is working. The [Deep State] needed to maintain control of the narrative. If [they] can't control the flow of information, [they] can't move in the shadows. Together, we have forced [them] to move in the light.

IT WILL GET WORSE BEFORE IT GETS BETTER. We haven't hit the low point yet. After we get past the low point, we rebuild. We will hit the highest point we've ever seen.

The best is yet to come...


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