The Great Awakening

A good friend of mine and military historian just wrote me. This is what he had to say about the situation in the Middle East: “Yeah bro this was unexpected but now we can all see it was planned. Hamas is an extension of Muslim Brotherhood, who fought for Obama against Syria. Double agents, IDF opened the door. Now Bibi can justify genocide and unify Israel while getting the west in. Also it’s a good off-ramp for Ukraine. We’re now on the escalation escalator. Next in are Hezbolla, then Taliban, Yemeni Houthis, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Russia and China. It’s so polarizing it’ll draw in the whole world. With our leaders in the west being so insane I see no way out…”

@juliebeans sent me this article. You should read it.

You want to know why we have terrorist acts? Every time there is a terror attack, gov restricts our freedoms a little more BECAUSE THEY “MISSED” all the warning signs. They have to do more surveillance. But they aren’t surveilling the terrorists OR THEY WOULDN’T MISS THE NEXT ATTACK. They are surveilling us more each time. You want to stop terror attacks? Disassemble the surveillance networks and forbid it from ever happening again.

They created cell phones to track you, emails to surveil you, social media to brain wash your children…they murder innocents routinely to further the surveillance state. They’ve been planning this for over a century. Each country on the list below were all major players in Operation Gladio terror cells implemented against their own citizens. It’s all so clear now.


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