The Great Awakening

Does anyone else need any more help figuring out that there’s a spiritual war ? That there’s an operation to take out the NWO? That the Satanists and pedos are coming out of the closet into the light?

There’s so much that is SO obvious that simply reporting on the habbenings is sufficient to convince the average person.

Therefore, what is the point of decodes ?

In the beginning we needed proof confirmed through obscure messages and coincidences, enough to prove it was statistically impossible to be just coincidence.

Do we not have enough people awake and realizing the truth that we need to continue to try and find/decipher coded messages as proof ?

Or is blatantly obvious reality not clear enough …

Exactly 6 years ago today, a historical silence was ended. One day the coverups, lies, bias, and dismissive propaganda about the breaking of this silence will be exposed and removed. Once the disinformation about this moment in humanity is eliminated, history will record that a voice entered the human race that forever changed the relationship between the voter and the elected.

Patriot's of the world were taught to ask questions, to test the claims and narratives established by the media and the political mainstream. We began researching documents and reports and uncovering bribes, coverups, pay to play and more. This brought about an Awakening that opened the eyes of millions.

Now, there's PANIC among those who have been controlling the narratives and the propaganda machine used to influence what we're allowed to know. When the silence was broken 6 years ago, truth and accountability officially entered the playing field. The world will never be the same again.

Quick Reminder: Everyone doesn't have to agree on everything. In fact, that's never going to happen.

However, that I even feel compelled to say that troubles me.

Fact: No one (save for his holiness) possesses a patent on the truth.

Every single one of us has an equal share in this grand, once in many-lifetimes, paradigm shift. During which you are all free to determine how you choose to navigate this civilization-level transition and who you navigate it with.

And that's okay.
Or at least it should be.

Trust yourself.
Trust God.

We have been hit with a barrage of bullshit over the last few years.

I didn’t fall for:

- The Trump/ Russia collusion
- The Las Vegas shooting narrative
- Masks
- Lockdowns
- The so called “vaccine”
- Trump Impeachment Hoax 1 &2
- The George Floyd/ BLM saga
- The stolen 2020 election.
- Global boiling / climate hysteria
- The push for trans & pedophilia
- The Russia / Ukraine war

…and guess what? I’m not accepting the official story on Israel & Palestine either.

They have literally never been honest with us about anything, why would this time be any different ? Something bigger is going on - and now Iran is involved.

Don’t let them steer you, think for yourself.

So yesterday was the anniversary of this hiiiiii-larious tweet. But I have to wonder how many people understand the bullet we dodged here. I have no idea how Trump got in, by the grace of God maybe. But she wasn't supposed to lose, and it would have been the end of us.

I'm not being hyperbolic, I mean that literally.

Covid was meant to happen under her regime. Think for a second what that would have looked like. Trump gets hated on for Operation Warp Speed, but without that and him, you guys realize we would STILL be under lock down and it would have been MUCH worse, right?

That was part of their plan for us, a plan that would have moved us very quickly into globalism and the loss of all of our freedoms and liberties. So quickly, in fact, most people wouldn't have seen it coming until it was too late.

You know that scene in a movie when, after the main character's whole life has fallen apart and things are as bad as they could get, they wake up in their bed or they get to go back to the beginning and they run down the street in their pajamas shouting with joy and kissing total strangers?

That's this tweet. 👇

All white people are not responsible for the sins of a few.

All black people are not responsible for the sins of a few.

All Arab people are not responsible for the sins of a few.

All Jewish people are not responsible for the sins of a few.

All men are not responsible for the sins of a few.

All women are not responsible for the sins of a few.

I could go on...

I shouldn't need to say this, but it seems like the world needs a reminder.

Enough with the collective guilt and collective punishment.

  • Thanks
Waarderingen: Surv
As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures.
…he will refuse to believe it... That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

Yuri Bezmenov [1983]

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv
Believing that Netanyahu is fighting Hamas is at a similar level of naivëty as believing lockdowns, masks and mRNA injections were about a cold virus. That some saw the first psyop but fell for the second simply show that psyops, aka the weaponisation of trauma, actually do work if the trauma is unresolved, and fear and hate of the Other are present there.

SO many people are telling you the truth.
When it comes time to answer before God for why you didn't do "xyz" or you did do "abc" you can't say "I didn't know".

Your being aware is your own conscious decision.
Your choosing to ignore and be unaware when others told you and tried to warn you, is your own conscious decision.

You are responsible for you.
No one else is. But don't say you weren't warned.

Here's the brutal truth:

We're nowhere near the point at this time where we could cut all funding to Israel.




This is going to take some time.

Go ahead and rant if it makes you feel better. Let it out. Get it out of your system.

We still have a lot of work to do.

But notice we've slain the Ukraine Dragon, we now have Speaker who IS willing to shut off Ukraine.

And people are waking up to the new Israel psy-op that the Forever Wars Machine is currently running.

As one of the most well known corrupt nations in the world, Ukraine took awhile to get fully exposed. The psy-op they ran on Ukraine was INTENSE. It took some time for many people to see through it.

The key difference that is going to make Israel extremely difficult to expose is that the US public has spent several generations being conditioned and programmed by their authorities to see Israel as an unquestioned ally that is above reproach.

So any bill that completely shuts the door on Israel $$$ has ZERO chance of passing at this point.

It is what it is.

Be realists about this.

This is going to take some time.

The good news is, they've lost the total narrative control they had when Ukraine started, and once they lost it, the Ukraine psy op quickly unraveled.

Its going to be a big uphill battle to educate the global community about Israel's role in globalism and America Last, but it CAN be done.

Let's get started and press on.


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