The Great Awakening

Didn’t the (deep) state of Israel and USA CREATE Hamas?
(And Al Qaeda)
(And ISIS)
(And Taliban)
(And AZOV)

Create the enemy
Create the justification for a “hero”
Create the war to fight “terrorism”
Kill innocents along the way in the name of “justice”

War. Death. Destruction. Takeover of power.

Rinse and repeat.
We get played like fools and led around by virtue-signaling dog whistles.

Let's get something clear: if something is true then it doesn't matter what people say about it.

If people think Q is not legit, or the operation failed then that's their opinion. It doesn't dictate the reality that true anons have spent years dwelling in - Q is real. There is a group of people working behind the scenes to fight the NWO agenda and awaken the sleeping populace.

We have the sauce. People who don't want to believe it will dismiss the evidence. Put aside the Q proofs for a moment and just look at what's happened on the world stage, the evidence of a war between good and evil is evident.

The people who we view on the board take certain positions in order to produce a result. Whether it's for future purpose or current. It's hard to understand sometimes.

We are all witnesses to an incredible moment in the timeline of God's narrative. It's complicated what's happening. But it is happening. Filter all through God Wins and patriots are in control, because that's the truth.

Let's do a thought experiment on optics:
Imagine you are part of the network of patriots tasked with bringing down the Cabal (Q team and people working with Q.)

Not only are you aware of the incredible risk you are taking, but you are aware of how serious this mission is. Ask yourself this question - how would you navigate the sensitive waters you are in?

It is clear to you and those you are working with that every action and public word spoken is under a microscope. Every action and public statement you say has a counter-reaction.

The Cabal is fully aware of your war pact against them, they are looking for any ammunition against you. You are aware of how plugged into the Cabal brainwash system the general population is, hence you must be thoughtful with your words and actions to ultimately accomplish your task.

You know there are events current and that will take place that require you to take certain positions.

Operators never divulge. Optics are important.

There's people who claim everyone's a clone and they "know" military tribunals are happening. It's far more profitable on social media to make outlandish claims than it is to stay in the realm of facts and evidence.

That being said it's important to theorizing and ask questions. That's the basis of having an open mind, which is important to find the truth.

Having an open mind doesn't mean jumping at every theory and trusting any account or person. We gotta weigh everything we see online with a sober mind or we'll be swept away by people who want to take advantage of having followers.

Is it possible the elite have the ability to clone people? Currently we can't prove or disprove it. If people come with sauce that's compelling then I will take a look and consider it. The problem is that these social media vipers know what gets them likes and followers, and it's these kinds of topics.

Careful out here guys. It's more fun to follow people who say wild things, but your beliefs matter.

If Gen Flynn is ignorant of the true purpose of the Q operation, he would naturally dismiss it as nonsense.
If he is aware of the operation—especially if he is involved in it personally— he could never say so publicly and would be forced to deny it.
You will never learn anything valuable about Q from people like Flynn
Anons know this.
If you're new to Q, now you know it.

United States Space Force Tweeted this a while ago.

Listen closely and remeber Q drop 2222

Are we alone ?
Roswell ?

Highest classification.
Consider the VASTNESS of space.

- “Earth is only half the battle”
“Cyberattacks and jamming of our satellites”
- “At 17,000 miles an hour, a piece of metal the size of a coin can be weaponized” 17 😎
- “A military branch that PROTECTS the hopes and dreams of America and our way of life as the space domain becomes more and more contested”
- “When foreign powers can build bases on the dark side of the moon.
- “When private companies are inventing a new economy beyond our planet.”
- “Our Space Force is defending our country. Here on earth and wherever our mission takes us.”

Space Force is special.

This video

I was told I Hate old people for not supporting the tyrannical covid lockdowns

I was told I hate black people for not supporting the communist-inspired BLM riots

I'm being told I hate Jews for not supporting the genocidal apartheid state of Israel

The truth always prevails in the end

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