The Great Awakening

Ik heb die hele tekst nooit echt kunnen verstaan. Maar dan ook amper een woord ervan. Ik heb dat vaak met Engelse gezongen teksten met onuitspreekbare woorden. Soms is er iemand bij Hollands Got talent ofzo die dan een lied zingt dat ik dan opeens wel versta. Zo van Oh dat zingen ze dus.
Sid Lucassen vindt Peterson prima pleitbezorger voor meer individuele verantwoordelijkheid, maar vindt ook dat Peterson collectieve verantwoordelijkheid uit het oog verliest.

Rolling Stone: dead-naming and defaming me.

I'm no White Nationalist, and posting quotes from books and former world leaders isn't "hate speech" or "Nazi propaganda"; it's called HISTORY. Btw, this is also part of FREE SPEECH, which these people are vehemently against.

Me telling people to "Stop being soft on Jews," is 100% necessary; this is to get everyone to stop being afraid of talking about Jewish power, and to also wake up Jewish folks who have been conditioned to believe even the slightest criticism of a Jewish person, people, or organization doing something wrong, is anti-Semitism that will lead to "another Holoacust." Everyone must be told the truth, including Jews. If Jews are above criticism, then we are not equal, are we?

Of course, Rolling Stone doesn't mention my numerous posts and videos openly discussing my "tough love" strategy on all people, including Jewish folks.

No, that won't fit their "he's a neo-Nazi" narrative.

But can we expect anything different? The author of this article is Jewish, and he is denying the LITERAL genocide in Gaza, that we can all see with our eyes.

Months ago, on the "Jew Function" Podcast, I warned Jëwish people this would happen. If you don't get rid of your bad apples, they will get you all hurt.

The Jëws like Bibi and Soros at the top, don't care about those of you at the bottom; just like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab doesn't care about Whites on the bottom. Both will put their people in harm's way for their agenda.

The Zionists are a threat to everyone on Earth; this means the average Jëws as well. Jëwish people need to wake up and eliminate those who are creating real anti-Semitism by their actions, before it is too late.


Do I look like I write for Ynet—a Jewish publication?

He even tries to scapegoat me for the article written by a JEWISH PERSON. So it isn't according to "this former Marine," it's according to your own fellow Jew.

And yes, they are the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century; this is an irrefutable fact, due to their role in Communism, whose death toll is is unnmatched.

Sid Lucassen vindt Peterson prima pleitbezorger voor meer individuele verantwoordelijkheid, maar vindt ook dat Peterson collectieve verantwoordelijkheid uit het oog verliest.
Jeepee is gevallen - heeft zijn ziel verkocht - voor kunnen doorleven na de prik, status en macht.
Jeepee is gevallen - heeft zijn ziel verkocht - voor kunnen doorleven na de prik, status en macht.
Hij werkt voor Daily Wire, ook wel bekend als Daily Liar, net als Matt Walsh. Daily Wire is van Ben Shapiro, dus dan weet je wel hoe laat het is.

  • Wow
Waarderingen: Surv
They got my mom fired from her teaching job at SUNY Oswego with pressure from the ADL. My wife was kicked off airbandb and we weren’t allowed to rent out our house anymore and had to sell it. Kicked off PayPal, venmo, YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, all clubs even the ones my picture was hanging on the wall, theaters would cancel last minute even when I’d sell out and rent them myself. That was my last 6 years. Here’s the good news.
My mom missed the Covid insanity and sees it as a blessing
I was forced to make my own streaming platforms and social media and now am much more secure during economic down turns and ad collapses.
My community was strengthened and innovated and now I perform on my own land or trusted peoples which is way way better.
I also was forced to learn the law and realized it isn’t the government doing this. It’s NGO’s funded by central banks and it’s now failing.
As someone who went thru all this years ago, I’m enjoying seeing people wake up to it.
And even if you disagree with any of our opinions, as Americans you should clearly see that this clearly shows there is no free market, they don’t actually want debate or truth seeking they want submission, and it is going to fail and you’ll be left holding the bag.
Oh yeah and I’ve had the global media machine claim I’m a cult leader motivated by hate and I’m a failure. They also claimed my wife was leaving me 3 sons ago because of my drug use even tho I don’t do drugs and rarely drink any alcohol. And when I do it’s because a neighbor made meed or wine.
I know that’s a long response but I could write a book on how the grabbler subverts and exerts their influence.
Islam knows how to keep them out it’s why they bomb them so much.

  • Wow
Waarderingen: Surv
Q absolutely was and is real.

You’ll never convince me otherwise

I was there for every proof

I was there for all the zero deltas

I’m here now watching it unfold (painfully slow) still today

The question isn’t if Q is real or habbening

The question is only a matter of when it will be complete

(2025 is what we were told)

Buckle up.
We are coming into the final stretch.


I'm watching back Trump's speech from last night.. Cause that's what everyone does at 4am right? 🤣

This PAUSE statement is literally a Q PROOF.

Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.
Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.
Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception. Seeing is Believing.
Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth.
It had to be this way.
This is not another 4-year election. GOD WINS.


Trump is literally telling us this is an operation that was done intentionally.



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