Dear "Conspiracy Theorists",
Your friends and family who passed you off as crazy will soon realize you were only trying to protect them.
The hardest part about our journey was families dismissing the very people off as crazy that they had a Life-long intimate and personal connection with and instead choosing to believe complete strangers on Tel-a-vision they'll never even meet.
They will wake from their programming in due time and come to you for guidance with a newfound curiosity to find out what the hell is truly going on in our world. Their mind and ego will be fragile. People get angry when they truly FEEL stupid. How you handle that situation with them will make or break the repairing of your previously broken relationship.
At this moment, some are already aware you were right and staying silent due to hubris and therefore won't approach YOU to repair what was once broken. For some of you, it may be best to carefully approach them at this point to cautiously test the waters.
We need to remember how badly the overall mental well-being of the world will be turned upside down, just as it was for all of us when we first started to wake up. We don't want to be on the sidewalk pointing & laughing at people who are on their knees crying in the street, but rather we should be the arms that embrace them when that moment arrives, and for many of you I'm sure will be crying WITH them.
The world doesn't need vindictive people when we enter the new age of enlightenment, empathy / compassion and service to others. The

's heart will shatter. We don't want to be the people just waiting for the opportunity to stomp on the pieces while laughing in their faces after that happens.
Leave the, "I told you so's" out of the equation for the greater good of uniting against our common enemy.
This truly is a battle of Good vs Evil.