In case you missed the last 6 months:
Israel decided to admit publicly they own America.
It was forced to do this because of the Gaza Genocide train wreck.
The USA has become an Israeli Colony.
Y’all got Colonized.
By Israel.
True Story.
It controls the US Government and has either bought off or infiltrated every major position of power in the country.
It’s daring you to do something.
But before you can it’s got over 40 States creating anti-hate speech laws to protect Israel from any criticism.
The United States has been conquered by Jews while the citizens watched Seinfeld and laughed at Jewish jokes while Rome burned.
The reason it’s all happening so openly now is because of the position of strength Israel has leveraged for itself on the world stage.
No one has a bigger check book than the US Government.
Who has received more billions than any other country?
You guessed it.
Israel has the control of world governments.
Israel has the money to finance itself like a parasite.
Israel has the muscle protecting it via the U.S. Military.
They call the shots.
Instead of thinking about it like Russia vs the US vs China.
Instead think about it like the US IS Israel.
Jews are the Upper Class.
Citizens are the Middle Class.
Migrants are the Peasants.
WW2 was lost.
The Great Awakening is not a result result of Q or any other Psyop.
It’s simple a result of the Internet.
It took us a while collectively as a global population to harness the power of the internet as a resource to free our minds of government propaganda.
But we have finally and the truth of our Masters in tiny hats living like royalty in their infiltrated host countries has poured out from undeniable sources.
The best trick the devil ever pulled was making the world think he didn’t exist.
But he does exist and people serve him.
If Jesus was wrong then why so much venom directed his way from Tel Aviv?
In the end it does not matter how we got here in history.
It only matters how we move forward from here.
You now know you are ruled once more by a people who believe they are royalty compared to you America.
It cannot be debated.
You know the truth.
Just like the Patriots in 1775 knew the truth.
You are ruled by people who don’t have your best interests in mind.
Manipulated like herds of sheep.
Will you rise again?
Or just keep walking peacefully to the slaughterhouse?
November approaches….
Buckle up.