The Great Awakening

Als het aan Tesla had gelegen dan was energie gratis geweest. Vandaar dat hij kapot is gemaakt door de overheid en oliemaatschappijen.
In de jaren 30 van de vorige eeuw reed hij al in een auto op water. Hij is het grootste genie aller tijden, waarbij Einstein in het niet valt.
Als Tesla tenminste ooit heeft bestaan..? :rolleyes:

Over het 'ontstaan' van 'onze' 'moderne wereld':

I was told Katt Williams was a conspiracy theorist for telling us that Hollywood demands that men perform humiliation rituals in order to be part of the club and make their millions.
But here we have John Cena wearing a dress, getting naked in front of Epstein's client list, and embarrassing himself in front of the world to the applause of the elites.

Hollywood celebrity men who've participated in the humiliation ritual of wearing a dress to please the higher ups:
John Cena
Jimmy Fallon
Kevin Hart
Tom Hanks
P Diddy
Will Ferrell
Jared Leto
Pete Davidson
Michael Strahan
Zac Efron
Kid Cudi
Kurt Cobain
Jaden Smith
Arsenio Hall
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Dustin Hoffman
Tyler Perry
David Bowie
A Compilation

If Katt Williams was incorrect in his assessment then why does Hollywood continue to normalize this behavior at such an egregious rate?

There are many more who have participated in this over the years.
This is just a sample of the humiliation.
Who am I missing?

Never forget what Dave Chapelle told Oprah Winfrey:
"They put every black in the movies in a dress at some point in their career I start connecting the dots. Why are all these brothers wearing a dress?"

The world is going to wake up.

Just ONE LIE is enough to question everything else we've ever been taught to believe.

In case you're all wondering why Elon's 𝕏 Logo mirrored is the Freemason Logo, it's the exact same reason when you mirror Elon's (Nikola) TESLA Logo, the Torodial Geometry of Magnetic reciprocation becomes visible.

Magnetism 🧲 🍩 ⚛️ is God's building blocks of creation.

Not only is the importance of Magnetism not being taught to us properly, but magnetism is NOT limited to the metal you see on your refrigerator. It's a neat trick / attribute, but it's not magnetism's original function in the biology of nature.

Di-Electric inertial plane = The Electro-Static Equator within magnetic reciprocation.

What he's saying, is when the space from end to end becomes to distant, the magnetic geometry will not exist as it's usual Torus 🍩 ⚛️.
It then propagates in a DOUBLE HELIX (🧬) ϕ Phi-llotaxis 🌻 patterned propagation, like a transmission line, or Light. DNA also.

Doesn't matter WHAT is propagating through the Air / Aer / Ether, SunLight or Energy transmission.
Energy is Energy & it propagates the same. In a coaxeal circuit, torodial vortex like manner.

Occult cabal run mainstream $cience's foundation is built upon their understanding of Light / Magnetism -> Conciousness. Unfortunately, they're LYING about WHAT Magnetism is & HOW it TRULY functions and how it operates with Light dualistically.

Their foundation to brainwash masses is based upon WHAT we're allowed to learn.

They LIE to us as they wave symbolism -> Knowledge in our faces on Tel-a-vision.

"Think Mirror"

Why does Elon Musk's TESLA logo mirror the CIA's graphic having our universe mapped out as a giant magnetic polar Torus 🍩? 🤔

WHAT is magnetism & how does it TRULY work? What aren't we being told?

Elon Musk is fully aware every Atom is a torodial electro-static dynamo, as Nikola TESLA understood. Elon is fully aware of magnetism's true importance in the universe.

Polarized Electro-Static Energy in the universe is a Torus (doughnut). Magnetism IS the fundamental principle of the universe, but it's primary origin & function is not in metal that you see on ur refrigerator. It's a cool attribute but it's not magnetism's origin.

Magnetism's structure / geometry does NOT change, only its SIZE does. From an atom that has poles, to the water molecule, to a blood cell, to a planet, to a galaxy, to the Universe itself, it's geometry remains the same.

The galaxy disc, IS the equator (Plane of inertia) within magnetic reciprocation. The calm zone in which life can exist.
It's ALL in Elon's logo
"Think mirror"

Half of his logo shows magnetic reciprocation of the Atom.

👀 Magnet / Ferrocell video
PS - Spot the Owl's face in this geometry to understand why the occult worship the owl for the same reason.

I'll admit it. I often tire of those who are Debbie-downer grumps with a negative attitude, seemingly only able to spread their pessimism and bring others down their path.

Sure some of those are obviously deep-state plants that are tasked to do exactly that because it unfortunately works on a small percentage of the Patriot/Anon community - but that's not who I am alluding to here.

I suggest that if you are a Patriot but disillusioned, dark, and exhausted regarding our prospect of overcoming the globalist cabal, perhaps consider keeping it to yourself. Or at the minimum, just throttled back a little.

Note that this is only my opinion and if you happen to disagree then it's absolutely your right to do so. I'm just coming at this from a practical standpoint since negative energy has a detrimental effect on the essential vibes of positive thoughts and emotions needed to help everyone through this grand paradigm transition.

Food for thought.


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