Trump 2024

Trump announces his victory over Nikki Haley in Nevada one week before it happens:
"She forgot one thing: Next week it's Nevada. It's not South Carolina. I'm pleased to announce we just won Nevada. 100%. They took polls, I was polling at 95%. So we just won Nevada." 😂

I wonder how long Nikki Haley is going to attempt to hold out for given all the humiliating losses she's receiving?

"Trump is the person that the people want. I feel like he's the only candidate that loves America. I think Nikki Haley is beholden to Rhinos. She's part of the uniparty. She's with the Democrats and the Republicans that are part of this uniparty. There's no way out. We need somebody who loves America."

The collective IQ of voters around America has risen drastically in the last eight years. It's unassailable. You can listen to interviews like this happen nearly every single week where everyday voters talk about the uniparty and the swamp with understanding.
An understanding of this reality is mainstream and this is all because Trump pulled back the curtain and showed us all what was really going on as they framed him for treason and attempted to stop him at every turn.

It's all adding up now.
Listen to this MSM talk about what happened tonight.
Nikki Haley is being used to plant the seeds in the masses minds that Trump and Biden are too old to be President while she remains in the running.
She is a sacrificial pawn. They replace Biden and put in Michelle Obama as the "young and enthusiastic" uniparty candidate that you cannot refuse or else you are racist.
@ItsJuliansRum @Jordan_Sather_

Establishment politicians refuse to acknowledge the gigantic elephant in the room and will never do so because it benefits them:
Voter fraud is the only reason "Trump lost" his elections and if you don't believe me why don't you ask the people who inexplicably saw a water valve leak at 2 in the morning on election night or the people opening up boxes of ballots without proper chain of custody.
Did I mention the fact that we literally don't need an ID to vote in this country as they import millions of illegal aliens across an open border?
If our elections are not secured, we do not have a country.
Nikki Haley will never speak of this because she's in on the con.

Seems like Kari Lake could be a serious candidate for Trump's VP pick and I'm here for it.
She knows elections are rigged.
She's mean as hell to the mainstream media and knows how to eviscerate and dismantle them in seconds.
She's based af.
She's loyal to Trump.
And she's a woman, so the left will have to admit defeat on the muh trump is sexist point.
I would 117% be down for Kari Lake as Vice President but let's see what happens.
What would everyone think if Kari Lake was VP?

This is what people DON’T grasp.

Doesn’t matter how many times you explain.


“Why’d Trump endorse the RONNA for RNC Chair again Why didn’t he endorse somebody else instead?”

Because her chances of LOSING THE VOTE of those 111 establishment people was exactly ZERO POINT ZERO PER CENT.

Trump KNOWS this.

Don’t you think Trump KNOWS that?

Can’t you see?

But it’s OK.

They still can’t stop him and they’re going to have to give him the nomination.

Watch how he rubs The Ronna’s face in it when she’s forced to hand him the nomination to him.

Having followed every GOP primary battle since 1988, when Jack Kemp and others were unsuccessful in their attempt to win the nomination against George H.W. Bush, I'm very aware of how nasty primary races can get.

One thing we didn't have going on back in 1988, 92, 96, 00, 04, 08, 12, 16 and 20 were social media teams embedded inside the GOP candidate camps.

Yes, it got exceedingly nasty and we've had months of both sides screaming the other side started it, or is worse, etc. etc.

Doesn't matter.


Cool it. Let it go.

Stop it now before Trump and DeSantis have to come out and slap you down publicly for trying to keep the nastiness going.

When the primaries are over, team unity takes precedence. If you didn't know that, or believe that, you're about to get a lesson in it.

Trump will be turning on the charm and mending the fences.

He's trying to build the biggest baddest most election fraud-proof base the world has ever seen.

You keep attempting to tear down the fences Trump is trying to mend and he's gonna give you the look sooner or later.

You know the one.

Let me get this straight:
The Dems cheated in the NH primary
Nikki cheated in the Nh primary
The deep state funneled millions in the NH Primary
The NH Gov pushed and cheated in the NH primary
NH was mostly still using Dominion machines
And YET TRUMP still won by the largest margin in 48 years.
Folks, it’s over! And they know it.
You still need to do your part and vote like Trump said.
Space Force will do their part as well.
I’m loving this feeling we all have now!!!!!
#NCSWIC #OnlyTrump


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