
From Liz Crokin...Laying out the Harsh REALITY of being President of a Country where half the people are asleep and the other half are fully awake...So Everything becomes a chess match...Good thing Trump is a master Chess player...

CF and Coll

Liz Crokin
7h ·
For those of you confused as to why President Trump wished Ghislaine Maxwell well, here’s some insight. President Trump is constantly trolling the Deep State & yes he often uses sarcasm. The Deep State uses comms & code words all the time. Trump has a history of using their codes & throwing them in their faces. Q posted that wishing someone well is the Deep State’s comm for death threat. As I have extensively reported, the only reason Jeffrey Epstein & Maxwell were arrested is because of President Trump & his DOJ. Furthermore, Trump has to remain neutral about these cases for optics. If he doesn’t, they’ll call him a tyrant & accuse him of weaponizing his DOJ for political reasons during an election year. Trump plays 5D chess & is always 1,000 steps ahead. We can’t always make sense of his moves but I can assure you everything he says & does is strategic. He’s been working as a double agent to take down the Satanic Pedophile Cabal long before he became President. He has access to the highest level of classified information & he’s working with the best military intelligence team that’s ever existed. Also, his favorite book is the Art Of War & he constantly uses Sun Tzu tactics to combat the enemy. When Trump says or does something that doesn’t make sense, do not react out of emotion. There’s a lot going on behind-the-scenes & when the dust settles everything will make sense!


Ik volg het Engelse nieuws niet altijd. Deze site zal hier al wel bekend zijn. Is dit een goede site?

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Je hoeft het niet te gaan volgen, maar misschien kun je gewoon eens een blik werpen.

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