
Ik hoor van hem geen woord over het feit dat ze Trump wel continu vals hebben beschuldigd dat hij ook op het eiland zou zijn geweest.
Trump kan zijn ware gezicht (nog) niet laten zien. Het feit dat hij zich voortdurend negatief uit over Netanyahu en zijn houding naar Epstein in het verleden zegt genoeg.

It’s called a sting operation.

How do you capture an invisible enemy that infiltrated every side everywhere?

The main issue that non woke anti Trumpers have against him is the Zionist claim, especially pardoning the handler of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard

But LOOK at who was most upset about Pollard:


What was Pollard *really* leaking?
Who was Pollard *really* leaking to?

Rumsfeld and Cheney are notorious neocon Bush crime family Christian Zionists. They collaborated with Israel, among others with the inside job on 9/11.

When did they ever care about National Security?

Why would they be so upset about Pollard?

Why weren’t they already involved?

Seems to me that Q team likely has operatives inside Israel and Netanyahu may not even know. Trump has given plenty of comms already that he is not a fan of “Bibi.”

Netenyahu and Larry Silverstein profited billions from the WTC insurance after 9/11, when Silverstein bought the towers just one month before.

President Trump has eluded to knowing 9/11 was an inside job on more than one occasion.


It’s been clear that Trump allied with elements of Israel, but also covertly with Saudi Arabia, Russia, NK, etc and key players around the world. (Q140)

I’m no fan of the Rothschild created state of Israel but if you read General Flynn’s book, Field of Fight, he lays out a very sound case why it was/is strategically necessary for Trump (and America) to ally with Israel militarily against Iran on the global stage. (In this same book, when discussing running psychological operations abroad to counter deep state narratives and wake the public, he used the term “Great Awakening” — this book was written in 2016, over a year before Q ever posted.)

The fact is that Israel, aside from Saudi Arabia (anons know), at least publicly, is our greatest strategic ally in the Middle East that doesn’t (openly) chant “death to America.”

At least not publicly. But many of us know better; their deep state government, along with our deep state government, is creating and funding the ones that do, and were both involved with 9/11 the inside job. (Not the people of Israel or America, of course; people are not their corrupt governments.)

Israel was the First Nation to mandate vaccine passports.

As we know, Trump stopped that entire NWO FEMA camp endgame with warpspeed.

Now it looks like the Cabal is making their move for the big counter attack they’ve seemingly been building up to with mass illegal immigration: their “Holy War” WW3 start attempt, as outlined in Luciferian scumbag Albert Pike’s infamous letter to Mazzini, laying out the plan for 3 world wars…

The NWO is really this evil.
They gladly sacrifice innocent lives.
They did the same thing on 9/11 and now they are funding both sides of this war too. It’s the same playbook EVERY SINGLE TIME.

What if Q said they are “saving Israel for last” because they knew this was the cabal’s final move. Their last resort.

This is the final battle to eliminate the New World Order.

How do you catch an invisible enemy?

How do you capture a dangerous animal?

You set a TRAP.

Nothing is as it appears.

If they had any incriminating evidence on Trump, it would have been released before November 2016.

If Epstein had tapes of Trump, he would have released them before Trump seized his island and threw him in jail.

If Trump was on their team, why are they at war with each other?

If Trump was implicated, why would he bring up the island in 2015?

If Trump was compromised by Epstein, why is it that they cannot control him?

If Trump was involved, why did he sign EO 13773 and dedicate his presidency to stop global human-trafficking?

If Trump was one of “them”, why do ALL of “them” hate him?

If they had blackmail on him, they would have used it.

💥Holy crap.. Watch both of these clips through. 🤯

Was Dan showing us more then we thought in this clip?!

Why is there a C-17 Globmaster III parked directly next to Trump's plane?!

The C-17 is military equipment used to transport the PRESIDENTIAL motorcade.

Do we think Joe Biden is letting him borrow it? 😂🤣

H/T @SpenceMobilAuto

Imagine being in President Trump’s shoes for a moment on J6 as you get word the Capitol is getting swarmed…

- You were considered a near lock to be a two-term president in February of 2020

- You delivered one of the best economies ever seen for 3 years before China unleashed a lab grown virus on the planet

- You warned states repeatedly of the dangers of mass mail-in voting, but Democrats forced the measures through anyways

- You watched as election officials caved to COVID fear mongering to relax election integrity measures violating election laws and state Constitutions

- You witness 51 “intelligence officials” collude with Big Tech to censor a bombshell story about a laptop that directly implicated Joe Biden

- You campaign tirelessly to sold-out arenas crisscrossing the country with historic enthusiasm

- Your opponent is a two-time failed candidate, disqualified for plagiarism, who barely survived the primary, and then barely left his basement during the campaign

- You win 74,222,958 votes, more than any other presidential candidate has ever won

- You learn that somehow 159,633,396 people voted, the largest turnout in U.S. history, breaking the previous record by 20 million votes — the first time more than 140 million people voted and the highest % turnout in 120 years

- You somehow “lose” by 42,000 votes in 3 states among a host of irregularities, drop box scandals, and controversies and despite winning practically every bellwether county and state

- You think back and remember they spied on your campaign, invented a fake Russia hoax, impeached you and constantly smeared and lied about you in the media

- You remember that anarchists and race hustlers unleashed months of riots and chaos in a possible domestic color revolution

- You remember that you offered National Guard troops on J6 but the offer was denied by Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser

- You remember that you said just hours before to peacefully and patriotically march

- You remember everything you’d given up in your previous life to be hated, attacked, and vilified by the DC snakes, insiders, and elitists

- Your own VP just fist-bumped Nancy Pelosi inside the Capitol

- You realize the entire DC cabal has conspired and plotted to hand the White House to a puppet they could control

Is it any wonder why Trump might have been a little upset on J6?

He wasn’t responsible for what happened despite what the media says. It was four years of lying, cheating, and betrayal by those who wanted to get Trump at all costs.

Nevertheless, he gathered himself and released a video telling people to go home—an act the illegitimate J6 Committee tried to criminalize.

Then they impeached him again.

Despite all of it, he’s decided to come back to retake the White House and finish what he started, a decision that provoked Biden’s DOJ to indict him multiple times for 700 years in federal prison.

Who else could endure what Donald Trump has?

Tim Pool wants President Trump investigated based off claims that were retracted years ago.

This should come as no surprise!

Pool pushed the tired controlled op narrative as recently as last summer that the code words in the Podesta E-mails were references to drugs despite the fact he acknowledged that cheese pizza — a confirmed pedophile code word — were in the e-mails.

@Timcast is a joke who covered up Pizzagate. Pass it on!

RE: the #EpsteinDocs being released

The anti-#Trump crowd is big mad that no smoking gun evidence evidence of him exists of him 1) ever having visited at #EpsteinIsland - which he never did, and 2) that there is no evidence of him having sex with underage girls.

Now ask yourself why they aren't outraged about those who have and did if the politics of said person aligns with their own?

Weird, right?

Apparently, according to them, it's ok to be a pedophile if you're a Democrat or they'd be raising hell about it.

Admission via silence being a thing and all in this case.


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