Trump kan zijn ware gezicht (nog) niet laten zien. Het feit dat hij zich voortdurend negatief uit over Netanyahu en zijn houding naar Epstein in het verleden zegt genoeg.
It’s called a sting operation.
How do you capture an invisible enemy that infiltrated every side everywhere?
The main issue that non woke anti Trumpers have against him is the Zionist claim, especially pardoning the handler of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard
But LOOK at who was most upset about Pollard:
What was Pollard *really* leaking?
Who was Pollard *really* leaking to?
Rumsfeld and Cheney are notorious neocon Bush crime family Christian Zionists. They collaborated with Israel, among others with the inside job on 9/11.
When did they ever care about National Security?
Why would they be so upset about Pollard?
Why weren’t they already involved?
Seems to me that Q team likely has operatives inside Israel and Netanyahu may not even know. Trump has given plenty of comms already that he is not a fan of “Bibi.”
Netenyahu and Larry Silverstein profited billions from the WTC insurance after 9/11, when Silverstein bought the towers just one month before.
President Trump has eluded to knowing 9/11 was an inside job on more than one occasion.
It’s been clear that Trump allied with elements of Israel, but also covertly with Saudi Arabia, Russia, NK, etc and key players around the world. (Q140)
I’m no fan of the Rothschild created state of Israel but if you read General Flynn’s book, Field of Fight, he lays out a very sound case why it was/is strategically necessary for Trump (and America) to ally with Israel militarily against Iran on the global stage. (In this same book, when discussing running psychological operations abroad to counter deep state narratives and wake the public, he used the term “Great Awakening” — this book was written in 2016, over a year before Q ever posted.)
The fact is that Israel, aside from Saudi Arabia (anons know), at least publicly, is our greatest strategic ally in the Middle East that doesn’t (openly) chant “death to America.”
At least not publicly. But many of us know better; their deep state government, along with our deep state government, is creating and funding the ones that do, and were both involved with 9/11 the inside job. (Not the people of Israel or America, of course; people are not their corrupt governments.)
Israel was the First Nation to mandate vaccine passports.
As we know, Trump stopped that entire NWO FEMA camp endgame with warpspeed.
Now it looks like the Cabal is making their move for the big counter attack they’ve seemingly been building up to with mass illegal immigration: their “Holy War” WW3 start attempt, as outlined in Luciferian scumbag Albert Pike’s infamous letter to Mazzini, laying out the plan for 3 world wars…
The NWO is really this evil.
They gladly sacrifice innocent lives.
They did the same thing on 9/11 and now they are funding both sides of this war too. It’s the same playbook EVERY SINGLE TIME.
What if Q said they are “saving Israel for last” because they knew this was the cabal’s final move. Their last resort.
This is the final battle to eliminate the New World Order.
How do you catch an invisible enemy?
How do you capture a dangerous animal?
You set a TRAP.
Nothing is as it appears.