I can't believe I have to continue to say this but Trump stopped the great reset by pushing out his own vaccine and forcing them to "warp speed" their vaccine plan which caused America to be opened up sooner than they anticipated. They wanted our entire economy to completely shut down and fail and Trump literally did save millions of lives considering the fall out that would have occurred.
Trump did what he had to do to save civilization.
What do you expect him to do now?
Tell everyone that he knew the vaccines were terrible? That would be political suicide and would stall his mission.
Who can we even hand the reins over when we see how easily everyone gets bought off. Trump is the only one who can't be purchased for any amount of cash. He's been weathered in the storm like no other.
If you wanted your life to be comfortable and easy, then you were born in the wrong era.
The fall of Babylon requires an unprecedented amount of discernment to walk through.
Thinking for yourself has saved lives. The anon message has done wonders. But I see through what happened. I know Trump did what he had to, to stop the globalists in their track and alleviate as much suffering as possible.