Verenigde Staten van Amerika


The Israeli ambassador to the U.S. decided not to participate in a vigil in Washington, DC on Tuesday for the six hostages killed in Gaza after his request to speak at the event was denied, four sources with direct knowledge told Axios.

This unusual incident shows the growing rift between the majority of the families of hostages being held in Gaza and the Netanyahu government.


Aysenur Izgy, 26 year old American activist with Turkish origin was executed [Shot in the head and killed] by Israeli soldiers while participating in PEACEFUL protests in the town of Beita, Nablus, Occupied West Bank.

She was targeted by israeli soldiers during the weekly anti-settlement protest.

She was volunteering with the Faz3a campaign to support and protect Palestinian farmers from the violations of the occupation and settlers.

Like Rachel Corrie, Aysenur stood in solidarity with Palestinians and chose to pay the ultimate price for her unwavering commitment to liberation and resistance against the israeli occupation.

To Aysenur...

Today, 26-year-old Aysenur (Aisha Noor) Eygi ascended to martyrdom on the land of Jabal Sbeih in Beita, south of Nablus. On this land are its defenders—the night confusion units, the solidarity activists, and the allies who rally together in defiance of the illegal outpost of "Evyatar" every week.

After Friday prayers, the familiar confrontations began. The IOF immediately deployed their usual colonial violence: tear gas, live bullets, and smoke. Two shots rang out fired; the first hit a young man in the thigh, and the second hit Aysenur in the head. She was deliberately shot by a single bullet from an IOF sniper, a bullet and weapon provided by the country where she travelled to Palestine from, America.

Aysenur heeded the call to Save Beita, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the land's defenders, becoming the 18th martyr to ascend on the land of the town since 2020. She didn't come for recognition, but for justice, driven by the same fire that burns inside all of us who believe in liberation.

Aysenur was like many of us: politically active, compassionate, driven by justice. She graduated from UW Seattle just three months ago, donning a kuffiyeh and roses on the day of her graduation. She was active in the student encampments, participated in reading groups, and showed up for the community. A beloved community organizer, she worked with all her efforts to end the genocide and for the oppressed, no matter where the struggle took her.

Like Rachel Corrie before her, she organized in the state of Washington before standing on the frontline in Palestine, putting her body between the oppressor and the oppressed until her ultimate sacrifice.

Her blood will not be forgotten, and the blood of our martyrs will not be in vain.
Glory to the martyrs.

Credit: RNN.


Israel has spent over 100 MILLION dollars paying thousands of influencers to spread their propaganda on social media.

Whether they are an Israeli jew, or American jew, or a shabbos goy, it makes no difference. If they have a significant presence on X, you can be certain they've taken the money.

Influencers are being paid 1k-5k PER VIDEO posted, and the larger influencers are being paid 400k to OVER 1 MILLION. Surely, you can see the incentive being too large to refuse.

This "Russia disinformation" attack on Lauren Chen and Tenet Media is a coordinated Israeli disinformation campaign being disseminated by primarily jewish accounts on X. All of whom are more than likely being paid to do so.

Since the attack started, Lauren has already been deplatformed, removed, and attacked by
Youtube ✡️
MSM ✡️

Keep in mind that she has yet to be charged with a crime and hasn't faced her day in court. However, this hasn't stopped the X jewish hasbara mafia.

If you look at their tweets, you'll notice that they point the finger at Russia, yet conveniently leave out Israel's complicity in their role as the largest influencers of our elections and their own complicity being paid by a foreign agent to tweet.

💥Israel has spent 100 MILLION paying influencers.

💥Israeli lobby AIPAC has spent 100 MILLION buying congressional candidates.

💥Israel was already caught spending 8.6 million social media disinformation campaigns that targeted targeted more than 120 US lawmakers using AI generated, muti layer sophisticated bot networks.

💥Israel ran a social media disinformation campaign to sway the 2016 through an ex israeli intelligence company named PSYGROUP through an operation called "Project Rome"

💥In July, hacktivists released classified Israeli documents on Telegram detailing that Israel seized and suppressed state secrets contained in a lawsuit against Israeli spyware vendor NSO group that was being used to spy on US citizens and members of the government.

💥In another set of leaks earlier this month, documents showed that Israeli officials tried to circumvent a foreign agent law requiring them to register with FARA in the US as part of their pro-Israel advocacy efforts there.

💥Israel, AIPAC, or the influencers they pay have never registered as a foreign agent with FARA.

If a jew says it, don't believe it.

Notice how all these Zionist shills are taking extra steps to call Aysenur Ezgi Eygi a “Turkish American.” The not-so-subtle implication being she’s not a “real” American.

Never mind that she actually lived IN America, went to school IN America, and all her family is IN America, they’re going to do everything they can to suggest she was much less American than you or I.

Now juxtapose that with how they all talk about Hersh Goldberg-Polin. Hersh had not lived IN America since he was a small child. He had no connection to our country whatsoever besides his passport and yet Barack Ravid only identifies him as “the American hostage.” Not the Israeli-American. Just the American.

Pay attention to the ways these language deviations are used to influence whose death you should care about and whose death you should just let go.


Israel has received about $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total U.S. aid since its founding in 1948, making it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid.

Israel currently receives about $3.8 billion annually in U.S. aid.

U.S. aid accounts for about 15% of Israel's defense budget.

U.S. law requires maintaining Israel's military superiority in the region.

Source: Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

🇺🇸 Aysenur Ezgi Eygi is NOT the First American assassinated by israel

🇮🇱 Israel has killed 4 other Americans since 2010

1. In 2010, Israel killed Peace Activist Furkan Dogan [18] (US Citizen born in New York) while he was on the Marvi Marmara trying to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza

2. In 2016, Israel killed Mahmoud Shaalan [16] (US Citizen born in Florida) at a checkpoint while he was visiting his family in the Occupied West Bank

3. In 2022, Israel killed Omar Abdulmajeed Assad [78] (US Citizen from Wisconsin). He was dragged from his car, blindfolded, and handcuffed, and then fell silent while being held at a construction site. They never got him medical help to save him.

4. In 2022, Israel KILLED Shireen Abu Akleh [51] (US Citizen from New Jersey) by shooting her in the head while she was working as a journalist with her "PRESS" Vest on.



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