In one of the MOST telling parts of the interview, Putin BOLDLY proclaims that the CIA is actually FULLY RESPONSIBLE for the Nord Stream pipeline disaster.

Tucker: “Who blew up Nord Stream?”
Putin: “You for sure.”
Tucker: “I was busy that day. I did not blow up Nord Stream.”
Putin: “You personally may have an alibi, but the CIA has no such alibi.”
Putin actually has a great sense of humor, but he is CORRECT.
He then goes on that ONLY an organization with INTEREST & CAPABILITY could achieve such a feat. Makes sense, the CIA is the MASTER of all false flag operations designed to both create, and continue wars worldwide. CIA would have MASSIVE INTEREST.
He also said that the US is essentially a Propaganda factory.
“In the world of Propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the United States, because they CONTROL the world’s media, and many European media.” Putin is candidly referencing CIA Operation Mockingbird.
These two instances alone help shift the Overton Window, BIGLY.