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Evin's journey:
I am currently sitting back, in awe, as my life has literally transformed into that of my deepest dreams. Visions, wishes, manifestations have actually been Born into Physical reality before my very eyes.
Taking this path was the hardest choice I ever had to make. It was also, the only choice I had. "Life or Death," Spirit softly whispered in my ear.
I was given a choice.
A choice to choose between living my deepest dreams by following an unpaved trail, or, to take the path that had been laid out for me. One path lead straight into the mystical glimmering waters of the deep unknown...and the other? A concrete paved road that was to play it safe, to make my parents proud, to be a "good girl" in a messed up world.
Do what is "right" they say. "This is the WAY," they say. Stay in your comfort zone. Follow the path that has been laid before you!
My heart dreamed of distant lands, traveling, True Beloveds, Star Soul family, Rainbow realms of Light, Healing MySelf, Awakening the Goddess Within. Mystical waters called to me, I wanted to connect deeper with nature, attend sacred gatherings, Awaken to my truth, and truly walk my Sacred Spiritual Journey upon Earth. But, at that time, all I knew was the safety of my apartment and computer screen. I HAD to believe in my dreams. If anything I had learned was true, I knew I could, and would, manifest the life of my dreams.
In 2010, the weekend before my Junior year of Finals at Florida State University, I received a sort of “Cosmic Awakening from the Stars”. A new energy I had never felt before coursed through these veins, and I received Knowledge that came from the depths within. It didn’t come “from” me, but came “through” me. Everything I ever knew, I knew no more. And what I knew, well, I had no idea How in the world I knew it! I just did!
I watched the world I had spent my 20 years of life building up around me, in an instant, crumble to the ground. All that I ever thought I was and would be, was no more. I saw all the labels I had collected burn up in flames.
In fact, they never were even real. My ego couldn’t stand a chance against the infinite Love that flowed through these cells on that fateful day.
All that I had left was the essence within. I saw through the Academic School System I was currently enrolled in (GPA, grades, tests), I saw through my OWN ego’s dramas and needs, and I saw through everything our Society breeds us to believe.
Cosmic Divine LOVE filled this vessel, and I KNEW without a fraction of a doubt that Love is what we’re made of. Literally. Physically. I saw the “big-bang” and saw how it was L O V E. Literally every cell of our being is made of this Cosmic Universal Divine Love, and we’re so numbed up & plugged in to actually re-mem-ber our ancient eternal true heritage of O N E.
I saw the deep sickness, suppression, and oppression that exists in our Society. I met Albert Einstein, and was taken on a journey into his world and time, and saw how it was not too distant from mine. The function of Society was the same. The rejection, the game, the false fame.
Now, I knew it would be torturous to stay upon the same path I had been upon, as it held not an ounce of truth to it’s name, but at the same time, what path was I to choose? I was at risk of losing all my friends, my family, my chosen career. Nothing made sense to me anymore.
I kept the transformations of my inner world secret to all those who knew me in my life before. I was, as far as I knew, a completely different being than the world outside knew me to be.
The Spirit Path my heart called for, was against everything I had ever been taught and told. But the comfort of my old life was literally growing UNBEARABLY uncomfortable by the day. And I, sicker and sicker.
I was in deep contemplation for some time, as to which path to choose. I listened all too much to the voices, opinions, and advice of those outside of me, rather than following my OWN intuition.
My body did not cease to show me what I had allowed to build up inside. As I tried to resist my heart calls, my body literally began to show it. My skin began breaking out in terrible cystic acne all over my face, chest, and back, so bad that I dared not leave the house. It physically hurt to smile. I gained 20-30 lbs despite eating a raw diet of only fruits & veggies. What had happened to the Goddess I once knew? They begged to put me on all kinds of pills and antibiotics, but I refused western medicine. I knew I could heal myself.
It was a deeply painful time not only for me, but for my family. For as I was suffering, so too did they. The bright, shiny, positive being of Light we once knew was hidden somewhere deep down in her own depth of darkness.
I received a very strong inner calling to the jungle. Specifically, the jungle of Peru. I felt I needed to go there to drink a Sacred medicine, known as Ayahuasca. I didn’t know why, but when I resisted this call (because I listened to others instead of ME) I fell into a deep depression, which led to my body almost shutting down.
I did everything. I went 100% raw vegan diet, cut out all gluten, all sugars, all cooked foods, oh, but nothing helped. It only got worse and worse.
After about a year, of suffering in my pain, I finally decided to jump. Into the Unknown. Two days before my 22nd Birthday, I followed my heart and inner whispers to distant lands where I knew no one.I prayed and prayed for Spirit to guide me, and guided I most certainly was. This time, I stumbled upon a picture of a magical lake, and discovered a Yoga center there where I could apprentice and learn. Anything, to get me out of the Western World! Two weeks later, I was on a one way flight to Guatemala.
In that moment, I chose to walk the path of Spirit. I chose the path of my Heart. I KNEW if I didn’t, well, I didn’t know what would happen but I surely knew that I didn’t want to find out.
As hard as it was, I could no longer keep myself stuck in a world of pain and suffering when I knew I could heal myself, follow my heart, and ultimately, Live my BLISS.
I asked my Dad to sell my car, and I began what would be a never ending journey of One-Way flights into the unknown. I needed to cut my ties to my life at home, and that meant letting go, fully.
I dove into healing. Into remembering. The waters began to teach and call to me. As I unplugged from our Western World, I re-mem-bered more and more of who I AM and what I came here for.
I lived in Magical Earthen Portals; from the Initatory, Mystical shores of Lago Atitlan, where I first met the Cacao Spirit & my Soul Tribe in 2011, to the Highest Peaks of Costa Rica where the pure pristine waters still run! Since then I’ve lived in the Jungles of Hawaii, in the mountains of Oregon & California, and (as of now), in between La Selva & the High Andes of Peru.
In 2013 I followed my inner visions, which lead me from my sacred mountain-river home in Costa Rica, back to the U.S. where I drove across country with my star- soul-brother Chance Aquarius. We had met one fateful day in the middle of a hot, dry, middle-of-nowhere road in Guatemala, and now would be making a sacred journey together through the USA. Our next destination?
Rainbow Gathering, Montanta, 2013. It was here that I was introduced to someone who would revolutionize my life forever more. From our very first meeting, upon hearing his Voice, and his hands touching mine, I knew I had met someone I could not and would not ever forget.
We stood in the middle of the path. Introduced by a friend from Lago Atitlan. We gazed into each others eyes and saw realms of consciousness residing within. I instantly felt at home, safe, and like I had found someone who too was walking in waking life, AWAKE.
He placed his hand on my heart, and mine on his, as he spoke the words, "Feel our Hearts, they beat as ONE".