National Geographic star sentenced to 10 years for raping and torturing dozens of dogs .

53 -year-old British zoologist Adam Britton from the BBC and National Geographic was sentenced to 10 years in prison for bestiality .

He set up a torture room in his house, where he filmed himself raping and torturing domestic animals. It was from these videos that he was identified.

Over the course of two years, he raped at least 42 adult dogs and puppies , killing 39 of them.

When Britton was charged in court, people in the courtroom cried.

If only he had been Israeli, he could have gotten away with it, for dogs are not Jews so rape and murder is allowed

These people are SICK.

To those saying, that "Tommy Robinson", may have been or may be in an "alliance" with Zionists or that his financial relationships with Zionists are in the past or the data is out of date, or the EDL no longer exists and all the other variations of this line.

Here is one example of his relations with Rebel News.

As the Guardian reported in 2018:

A US tech billionaire, Robert Shillman, financed a fellowship that helped pay for Robinson to be employed in 2017 by a rightwing Canadian media website, the Rebel News, on a salary of about £5,000 a month.

Just to be clear: Robert Shillman is a hardline Zionist who is a massive donor to the Friends of the IDF and to sundry Islamophobic causes.

And what is Rebel News? Wikipedia states that it is "far right" and this is correct. It was co-founded by someone called Ezra Levant, who is a hardline Zionist.

What is the relationship between Rebel News and "Tommy Robinson" today?

Here is a news report from 24 June this year about the arrest of "Tommy Robinson" in Canada where he was invited to do a tour by Rebel News.

As you can see this report refers to "Robinson" being "booked" to speak, which implies costs, and also refers to Ezra Levant making an appeal for funds to pay "Robinson's" legal fees.

On 6 August this year "Robinson " was interviewed by Rebel News Australia presenter Avi Yemeni. Yemeni is a far right Zionist figure who previously spent three years in the Golani Brigade of the genocidal occupation forces.

If you search the Rebel News website for mentions of "Robinson" there are nearly 100 pages all of which are promoting "Robinson".

So, Robinson is still a Zionist asset. It is the direction of the financial flows that tells you all you need to know about the power in the relationship.

Frankly, however, the denialism on the left on this question is extraordinary. It is perfectly plain that the EDL was set up as a sort of reverse engineered offshoot of the Jewish Defence League by Zionist extremists.

The Zionist movement has bankrolled the EDL and Robinson (after the EDL folded). This was all part of the wider Zionist strategy of co-opting the European far right to focus first and foremost on Muslims and to become - for the most part - Judeophiles.

If you doubt this, please don't do so on the basis of this or that "theory" but on the basis of a serious engagement with the historical evidence.


Douglas Murray is a disgrace to Britain and British values

He's a regular BBC contributor:

'If the army will not be sent in then the public will have to sort this out themselves and it'll be very brutal. I don't want them to live here. I don't want them here. They came under false pretences.'

He also visited Israel after Oct 7 and spoke passionately in support of Zionists

Join the Dots

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Anyone challenging Israel is usually removed from their position:

The University of St. Andrews has disgracefully dismissed its elected Rector, Stella Maris, from the university’s governing body and from her position as a trustee after she circulated an email to students calling for an immediate ceasefire and for an end to Israel’s genocide and apartheid. @univofstandrews


A Muslim called ABDULLAH jumped in and stopped the man with the knife.

“I jumped on him, held the hand in which he was (carrying) a knife, and just put him down on the floor and just held him and took the knife away from him.”

Two other people then came to help.

Abdullah said: “I just saw a kid getting stabbed and I just tried to save her. It’s my duty to just save them.”

I expect huge outrage by all of the same accounts that did the same thing last week. Let’s go Tommy Robinson and his crew.


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