
The Rothschild family paid out the British Government to create Israel under the Zionist Foundation…

The Balfour Declaration would create a Zionist Jewish state in Palestine…

Eventually over the next 100 years the Rothschild family would ensure Israel would become what was once Palestine.

Credit @Resist_05

In 1948 Israel launched the top secret operation Cast They Bread

The IDF launched biological warfare by contaminating drinking water with Typhoid

This was used on Palestinians as well as in Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon

This is against the Geneva Convention but it is clear they don't care

They say its antisemitic but numerous times jews Have been accused of poisoning drinking water and on several occasions, it's been proven

  • Wow
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Afkomstig uit deze speech van Gideon Levy op een AIPAC summit 😳 in 2018 te Washington - houdt je grootste vijand dichtbij je ?

🚨 SURPRISE! JACK THE RIPPER UNMASKED (and he's a you-know-who)

▪️New DNA evidence has conclusively shown that one of the original suspects, Aaron Kosminski, was the infamous murderer.

Other interesting findings:

▪️His family were Russian jews who fled Russia after 3 jews--Vera Figner, Hesya Helfman & Ignacy Hryniewiecki--organized the conspiracy to assassinate Tsar Alexander II.
▪️His brother Isaac Abrahams was a prominent member of the freemasonry lodge set up for jewish immigrants in Britain, and it's suspected this connection helped Aaron evade justice.
▪️He was acting out the notorious Masonic blood oaths "giving descriptions of mutilations, such as cutting throats, removing tongues, and 'That my left breast had been torn open and my heart and vitals taken.'"
▪️London officials were reluctant to arrest Kosminski b/c they didn't want to be accused of antisemitism or facilitate negative fallout against jews.

✡️ How ironic is it that jewish assassinations in Russia led to jewish ritual murders in Britain, and that fears of "antisemitism" prevented the authorities from delivering appropriate justice?

Absolutely wild. Could never happen today, right?

Did a jew recommend starving millions of Irish people to death?

The image below shows Nassau Senior, a jewish economist who advised Queen Victoria in the 1840s.

During that time, the English population needed more food, so they began importing it from Ireland.

But it was Nassau Senior, the jew, who evidently advised Queen Victoria that much more food should be taken than was needed in order to starve the Irish to death.

Senior was worried that if more food was not taken, then not enough Irish people would be killed. He advised the Queen that if no more than a million Irish people were to die of hunger, it wouldn't be a "good" enough death toll.

Senior is quoted as advising the Queen that the current food import policies "will not kill more than one million Irish in 1848, and that will scarcely be enough to do much good.”[1]

Thus, over time, vast amounts of food were taken from Ireland to cause mass starvation, as well as to increase profits for "merchants" in London.

Some Irish people who've studied this tragic period believe that the "Irish Potato Famine" was actually a deliberate genocide.

It's interesting that it was a jew advising the Queen during this time.[2]

And it's troubling, but perhaps unsurprising, to keep finding jews behind some of history's most gruesome events. Just recently, it was confirmed that Jack the Ripper was a jew.

As we gain more information on the Jewish Problem throughout history, it's worth reexamining certain atrocities to determine whether and to what extent jews played a leading role in engineering or exacerbating them -- openly, or behind the scenes. [3]

1. Smith, Cecil. The Great Hunger, p. 373.

2. See here to confirm Senior's identity as a sephardic jew: https://www.hetwebsite.net/het/profiles/senior.htm

3. For more information on the "potato famine" being a deliberate genocide, see here: https://tlio.org.uk/land/land-rights-history/irish-holocaust-the-mass-graves-of-ireland/

And here: https://johndenugent.com/tell-your-fellow-irish-americans-who-really-caused-the-irish-potato-famine/


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