Nieuwste ontwikkeling:
Sally schrijft dat er 'quite a few' klachten bij hen zijn binnengekomen, maar ze biedt aan mij in ere te herstellen als chapter leader als ik het forum zo opzet dat ik elke post vantevoren beoordeel ('police' is het letterlijke woord dat zij gebruikt) voor publicatie en alle 'onbeleefde' en 'beledigende' opmerkingen verwijder. Daar kan en ik wil ik niet aan beginnen, genoeg is genoeg.
Ik wil met jullie mijn laatste reactie aan Sally delen:
Look at how you start your message with a sarcastic 'sigh'. Don't get me wrong, you are speaking my language and expressing your frustration and impatience at me 'not getting it' and I take no offense whatsoever. If anything you are straight to the point, something I've always admired about you, I don't consider it 'rude' at all. This is exactly how I tend to communicate if people don';t get it, so I recognize that.
It's also why I fail to 'get it', because if you're the one 'policing' (I absolutely hate that word) the Wise Traditions journal, you should fire Tim Boyd on the spot! He's your most outspoken writer and I absolutely love his style! This guy openly critiques Agenda 21, AGW, Big Pharma, and in the latest issue he even gets into the money system. All of which is highly political! You yourself cite Putin from an article from, a 'conspiracy' website! An entire issue was devoted to vaccines, which promote infertility, among other things. Then there's 'trade agreements' like TPP and TTIP which are highly secretive and not only deal with our food supply but also slip in military cooperation with NATO, which has Russia's borders encircled and could strike and start a new world war any minute!
So tell me, how on earth can you separate the politics from the other stuff when it's clearly political agendas dictating nearly every aspect of our lives on a global scale? I don't have time to weed out all the 'offensive' stuff and set my forum up so I have to 'police' each and every post before publication. I don't think you 'get' how serious and urgent the situation in the world today is - it's difficult enough to keep up with developments as it is, as our elite are promoting chaos and confusion at an ever faster pace! Therefore I will not honor your request. You may say you've had 'quite a few' complaints, my hunch is still that it concerns only a small group of people who are making a coordinated effort to silence me, just like the ones who tried to do the same to you. These people's world views are threatened by the truth and I WILL NOT practice political correctness so as not to offend them, because it's PC which is at the very heart of the problem!
I would change the URL and forum name in a heartbeat if I were just starting out, but I've built up an impressive Google ranking and reader stats, which I'll lose if I follow your directions. Last year the forum got hacked, I suspect by individuals belonging to the same group of detractors that are still bugging you with negative info about me today. Ask yourself how all of my 'rudeness' could possibly have generated such a large following.
Holland is a weird country, I've told you that before. It's a Nordic thing. We are too PC for our own good. Look at Germany, Austria and Sweden, which are now crumbling under the weight of 'refugees' who have NO RESPECT for women and children. I shudder to think what will happen this summer when women and girls walk the streets with fewer clothes on! Is that 'racist'? No, that's the honest truth! True war refugees should be welcomed at all times, not this riff raff, who have no education, no job perspectives, and who contribute nothing to our culture. But try saying that and you'll get burned for it in the 'land of PC'. That's the leftist PC crowd for you, shouting 'we are all the same' or 'we are all one', waving their rainbow flags. Do you think the tribes Weston Price visited would be so tolerant if outsiders assaulted their women and children? Do you think they had a rainbow flag?I don't think so, they weren't PC at all! Look at where all this PC stuff is getting us - they're attacking our women and children and the police do nothing! In Holland MEN even protested wearing mini skirts. Wanna know what Russian men living in Germany did? They beat the crap out of the attackers - and rightly so! Now let's bash Mike for being 'rude' and 'offending' people, shall we?
I guess you see why I can't take you up on your offer. All I can promise is that I won't put the geopolitical stuff back up. The world is aflame and I need all my spare time to expose the sickos lighting the flames. There's a silent majority which likes the forum just as it is. Because of all the controversy which a SMALL GROUP of negative people created about FCLO I've had to continually explain to new forum members who have questions about this that whatever it is they're reading on the internet, it's not true. That's how destructive a small group of self-declared 'enemies' can be!
As for the legal aspect, I don't want to be at odds with you in any way (see how they play us against each other?) but I will inquire about the legal ramifications of keeping the URL. A few years ago someone claimed the domain and forwarded that address to a national vegan site, just to spite me (the same people again?). I've even spoken with the vegans running this site and they assured me they are NOT behind this and regretted this just as much as I did (I believe them). I then inquired about claiming this domain based on slander and was told that under the Dutch law there wasn't a single thing I could do about it. I eventually settled on and decided to let it go. After all, only 20 or 30 people visit the vegan site every year, vs. the many thousands I get per day!

I suspect it's the same with, which would mean there's nothing you can do about this. Except I bear no ill intentions toward the WAPF in any way, I just refuse to be cowed by a bunch of crybabies and not even you can convince me otherwise!