Soros blijkt ook flink geïnvesteerd te hebben in het JA-kamp van het Oekraïne referendum van afgelopen april.
In januari had Soros een meeting met Rutte over het verdrag tussen de EU en Oekraïne om hem (en onze regering) op het hart te drukken dat ze Oekraïne moesten steunen en dat er JA gestemd moest worden door het volk. Dit stond er in de memo van de Soros Open Society Foundation voorafgaand aan die meeting:
Securing a YES vote is therefore crucial. OSF through OSIFE will fund the YES campaign (in the amount of EUR 300,000) that will lead the activities to support a positive vote. It will cooperate with the Ukrainian community in the Netherlands and civil society in Ukraine. The chief consultant for the campaign, engaged by OSIFE, is already working with the government and the main pro-EU political parties on strategy and messaging.
IRF has been working with Ukrainian civic activists and opinion-drivers to coalesce a robust response that amplifies the campaign with voices from Ukraine. IRF plans to provide financial support to Ukrainian partners for activities (requested upwards of EUR 400,000) and has engaged with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, parliamentarians and businesses.
Dat is dus al €700.000 wat Soros geïnvesteerd heeft om een JA te krijgen tijdens het referendum. Niet gelukt dus.
Er werd een media campagne opgezet om de kiezers over te halen om JA te stemmen.
Unique selling points of the campaign
• Emotional component prior to the referendum will stick to the people until the day they will go to cast their votes
• Ukrainian children involved in the campaign look very much like their Dutch counterparts (light- coloured hair, freckles, etc) that eliminates perceived differences between the two nations
• Performers to sing in Dutch and play the popular tunes, invoking further sympathy. It will have a similar positive effect as we have witnessed from the Moldovan video clip presented in Norway.
• Anastasia Bahinska and Roman Sasanchyn are winners of the Ukrainian version of Voice Kids talent show. The original is one of the most successful media products created in the Netherlands. Their performances will highlight Ukrainians’ awareness of the Dutch culture and history as well as affinity between the two nations.
• Key message: Ukrainian children associated with intellectual and artistically sensitive Europe, eliminating any associations with the negative stereotypes (i.e. refugees, low-skilled labour, etc).
• A new website focusing on achievements of 50 Ukrainian children in arts, music, chess, sports and innovations. The new image of Ukrainians will bring more parallels with Tijl Uilenspiegel’s character who was an adventurist too.
• Critics of Ukraine focus on present-day issues, talking about incompetence and corruption. We provide an alternative narrative of “Ukraine of the future” embodied in children who are at risk of being denied the right to become Europeans. Key message: It’s not about us who live in a corrupted environment but about our talented children who do not know what corruption is, representing a new future elite of Ukraine.
• Key tools: 4-5 video clips united around Tijl Uilenspiegel and musical performances of Ukrainian young musicians. Potential for a separate theatre performance and chess tournament. The campaign can amplify its effect through widely televised video clips and positive coverage.
In ieder geval goed dat een groot deel van het Nederlandse volk zich niet heeft laten foppen door deze poppenkast. Vandaar dat die politici zo verbaasd waren dat het toch nog zo duidelijk NEE werd. Zonder die campagne was het dus wellicht een nog grotere overwinning geweest voor het NEE-kamp.