Je kunt ook kelp gebruiken in plaats van chlorella:
Dr. Wilson:
Kelp, a sea vegetable, is another wonderful food. However, it must be the kelp capsules from Nature’s Way or Solaray companies only, or granules from Frontier Herbs or Monterrey Bay Herbs. This is important because many brands of kelp are different species that are not as good, and higher in mercury.
The correct brand of kelp is a life-saving food supplement that I recommend for everyone. It is a rich source of hundreds of trace and ultra-trace minerals. It is also better than most “mineral supplements”, including earth-based products like fulvic and humic acid, zeolite, sea-based minerals, and others.
One of its most important roles is to provide bioavailable iodine, a mineral that few are getting enough of from their food. Kelp is far more physiological than most other iodine products, and more balanced so it does not cause toxicity, as do the others. It also contains a very bioavailable form of calcium not found in most foods.
Kelp is also a source of many phytonutrients that are hard to find in other foods. So it provides a host of nutrients at a very reasonable cost.
Kelp versus “green superfoods”. Kelp is the best green superfood. I prefer kelp to others because:
1. Others often contain chelators such as chlorella, cilantro, and zeolite. We find these always remove some vital minerals from the body.
2. Others contain algae that is less compatible with human physiology such as spirulina, chlorella and blue-green algae that we always find are slightly toxic.
3. Kelp does not go rancid, as do the green powders. The salt in kelp apparently preserves it far better.
4. Kelp is far more yang in Chinese terminology than the others, which makes it a more balanced and healthful product.
5. Kelp contains far more alginates than the others. This compound protects the body against mercury and other toxic metals present in most sea vegetables and other foods. All the other green foods contain either none of this chemical, or much less of it. This is why I never recommend other sea vegetables, although they are nutritious foods.
Reactions to kelp. Kelp is a powerful food supplement and herb. Occasionally, a person has a reaction to kelp. In most cases it is mild and temporary. The cause is often the removal of an iodine antagonist, either a bromine, fluorine or chlorine compound. Iodine is stimulating in a few instances. Most of the time, just reduce the dose for a while, and then work up very slowly. Most everyone has been able to take kelp eventually.
Adults can work up to about 1800 mg of kelp daily, taken in divided doses with meals. Children also need kelp, and should take less depending on their weight and size. Children less than three years old usually do not need to take kelp.
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Alginates are heteropolysaccharides made up of mannuronic and guluronic acids. Modifilan has 40-60% alginates. It is widely known that alginates from brown seaweed offer the best protection from radiation and environmental pollutants. Alginates bind with heavy metals such as lead, mercury and other; radioactive elements: strontium, barium, cesium etc. and are then excreted from the body. Alginates are non-toxic and are not reabsorbed into the rest of the body from the gastrointestinal tract. Alginates do not adversely effect the body’s ability to absorb calcium and other natural minerals.