MICHAEL'S MUSINGS: I just read this, so I borrowed it to share with you. This information fits in with all I have learned, while educating me considerably further on the subjects. I consider this to be essential reading for everyone! Read and be informed . . . then CONSCIOUSLY . . . choose Love!
Let us go back 100 years in time. The AMA trashed the lives of two incredible men. Both had invented a microscope that could see what was happening on the theoretical virus playing field, thereby proving the theory of "viral contagion" to be false.
There are no viruses. There are "somatids". Everything in life is created via polymorphism of somatids. They are everywhere, on everything organic, including rocks. They are found to be virtually indestructible and can neither be cut with diamond nor destroyed with fire or water.
Somatids go through 16 stages of polymorphism to become DNA. Gaston Naessens filmed this activity with his Somatoscope. When something is wrong in the environment, some somatids morph into "exosomes" (the particles that are mistaken for viruses). They are created within the human body.
Virologists only have "electron" microscopes at their disposal, as they have been and continue to be deprived of the Universal Microscope and Somatoscope that the two gentlemen mentioned above invented. An electron microscope can only view a dead, stained plate. So, it has always been speculation as to whether or not what they were seeing is a virus. In other words, the entire industry is based on theory. No virus has ever been isolated according to "Koch's Postulates".
So when many people live in the same "suddenly altered" environment, those many people grow the same types of exosomes. It then becomes easy to mistakenly say, "It must be a contagious virus!".
The human body makes exosomes to fix a new internal problem that manifests from the environmental factors.
There is much to learn about the whole egregious "virus" marketing ploy. All the way back to Edward Jenner, who failed to prove that a virus can spread from person to person. He could not prove it, so he falsified his research. And, a new snake oil industry was born (This happened circa 1798 or thereabouts).
In 1918 doctors performed 300 experiments to try to prove that there was a contagion involved in the Spanish Flu.
They tried;
* "mouth to mouth inhalation",
* "pus and mucous rubbed in the eyes nose and mouth of healthy people", and also.
* "injecting pus and mucous into healthy people".
All 300 experiments failed. They could not make the Spanish Flu jump from person to person.
However, Pharma still claimed that vaccines were needed. And, they injected 12 "live-virus" vaccines (army surplus) into millions upon millions of healthy people. This action added outlandish numbers to the death toll.
Whether one is aware of this or not, injecting a live-virus gives one the viral infection. This is the reality of the situation, and it only makes sense. That is why the polio vaccine caused egregious numbers of polio cases. And, this criminal activity continued long after polio.
Throughout modern history, there have been three occasions wherein new permanent blankets of radiation were broadcast across the earth. In each of these instances, many people all over the planet developed severe health symptoms. Many died as a result. The Spanish Flu is one of these epidemics. Just before, and right up to 1918, the earth was being freshly blanketed with thousands of kilowatts of RF frequency for the WWI effort.
Because of the widespread symptoms, the event was mistaken to be a viral infection. To which Big Pharma responded with vaccines that injected theoretical viruses and many toxins and caused many more illnesses and deaths.
It is an irony that the industry refers to them as "live-virus" when it is plain to see, even with an electron microscope, that viruses are not living organisms.
Other people's exosomes should not be injected into a human body. Nor should anything else be injected into a human bloodstream bypassing the human body's ability to filter foreign matter. It will all be toxic, as it is not a normal, natural occurrence, and one's body will treat it as such.
In regards to "radiation". The current rollout of "5G" is no less dangerous and probably much more dangerous. As there is a new blanket of intense high power millimeter waves covering the earth, especially in densely populated areas.
The widespread symptoms associated with 5G "60ghz" "millimeter waves" are shortness of breath, lack of Oxygen, and death.
People suffering these symptoms are mistakenly being placed on respirators instead of receiving a simple oxygen mask. This action is causing more people to die. Many doctors have observed this reality and made public statements about it.
The function of "60 GHz millimeter wave" regarding 5G is similar to a microwave oven. The millimeter-wave oscillates or vibrates the O2 (Oxygen) molecules in a human body and breaks them apart into O (Oxygen) atoms. This action deprives the hemoglobin of the needed O2 (Oxygen). So the body's cardio system, heart, and other organs suffer dire consequences.
This characteristic is the reason that Wuhan, after its new 5G rollout, started seeing people suddenly become short of breath and drop dead. The same thing happened in Guayaquil, and one must suspect many other places. Shortness of breath and people dying is the most severe response to 5G. However, others have a higher threshold or are in areas where the millimeter-wave output levels are not as high. Many people in such areas will suffer from cardiac rhythm problems, insomnias, growth of cancer, and much more.
All of these 5G symptoms are mistaken to be an infection passed from person to person. However, that cannot be. Because real science long ago discovered and observed that viruses do not exist. Instead, exosomes grow within us to attempt to help us survive in a new caustic environment. Some of us will survive, and many will not be able to tolerate the new blanket of radiation and will perish.
There is much to learn in a short time.
Historically, corona type shots cause many to have enhanced respiratory complications and kill many of them.
In order to save our freedom and our health from the coming corona vaccines, then we must establish a correct education.
One cannot trust people whose motive is to make money at the expense of destroying healthy immune systems.
All of this data comes from legitimate books, reports, and interviews that cannot find the light of day in mainstream education.
If such truthful information were taught in the mainstream media and universities, it would destroy a highly profitable "fear-based" industry dependant upon the public's ignorance of the truth.
The industries that profit from vaccines and microwaves are never going to take the moral "high ground" when it means those industries will be decimated.
Let us get educated, and let us take action quickly against these atrocities that are destroying the planet and enslaving humanity.
Het 5 G verhaal gaat misschien op sommige plekken op. De Spaanse griep en het chinezen verhaal vind ik ook wel geloofwaardig. Maar de overige opmerkingen over een virus zijn zeer interessant