Elon Musk

🇮🇱🇺🇸 Elon Musk is straight up retweeting Netanyahu's propaganda now.

That advertiser boycott really did a number on him, huh?

Well, let me explain something to you, @elonmusk.

These are not antisemitic protests; they are anti-Israel protests.

Many Jews organize and partake in these demonstrations.

If you're more angry about a couple of college campuses being disrupted than you are about your tax dollars being used to fund a genocide, I gotta say, you've got your priorities wrong, buddy.


Musk wekt de schijn steeds meer toenadering te zoeken met Israël.
Israel has killed over 30,000 civilians.

Israel has illegally stolen Palestinian land for over half a century.

Palestinians are treated like third-class citizens in their own homeland.

Israel uses lobbies like AIPAC, as well as honey trapping important American figures using Mossad assets like Jeffrey Epstein, to ensure that the U.S. government makes favorable decisions regarding Israel.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who is in the wrong, @elonmusk.

Israel has killed over 30,000 civilians.

Israel has illegally stolen Palestinian land for over half a century.

Palestinians are treated like third-class citizens in their own homeland.

Israel uses lobbies like AIPAC, as well as honey trapping important American figures using Mossad assets like Jeffrey Epstein, to ensure that the U.S. government makes favorable decisions regarding Israel.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who is in the wrong, @elonmusk.


Volgens mij moet dit de domste tweet ooit zijn van EM. Die tekst /cartoon in relatie tot (protesten tegen) de genocide in GAZA. Of hij wordt flink onder druk gezet om dat soort geluiden te laten horen.
EIsrael needs racist spergs back on Twitter. They need to make it appear like the movement against them is antisemitic. They will amplify this. I predict the return of the trolls. For almost a year zionist have been losing because the most toxic elements against Israel have been removed.


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