Elon Musk

Uit die tweet :

AU10TIX was founded in 2002 as the technology arm of a dutch firm called "ICTS international".ICTS international was established in 1982 ALSO by former members of Israeli intelligence unit Shin Bet.

AU10TIX is an identity verification and risk management company [1] based in Hod HaSharon, Israel.


Alleen maar omdat iedereen dit herhaalt wil nog niet zeggen dat het klopt. Dit bericht deed al eerder de ronde, maanden geleden. Toen is het ook niet gebeurd.

🚨🇺🇸 Former US President Donald Trump discussed with Elon Musk his appointment as a consultant if he wins the presidential election in November, WSJ reported.

This proposal has not yet been fully developed.

But Trump and Musk have discussed such a possibility, which would give the latter influence on policies related to border security and the economy.

The Wall Street Journal notes that Musk has recently become more active in speaking out on these topics.

🚨🇮🇱 Dr. Eli David Is Connected to X’s New ID Verification System? | The CEO of AU10TIX

Well, here’s something bizarre I stumbled upon.

The current CEO of AU10TIX, the company that has deep ties to Israeli intelligence and is used by X to verify its users' IDs, is a man named Dan Yerushalmi.

Before becoming the CEO of AU10TIX, Dan served as CRO and Chief Customer Officer for a company called Check Point Software Technologies (CPST).

CPST is an American-Israeli cybersecurity company that operates out of Tel Aviv.

The founder of CPST, Gil Shwed, served in Israel’s intelligence unit, Unit 8200.

CPST is also rumored to be collaborating extensively with the Israeli government/intelligence.

We have evidence of this happening on at least one occasion when the company worked with the Israeli government to form the consortium IC3, which was established by Israel’s Ministry of Economy to address national cyber needs.

The co-founder of Dr. Eli David’s company, Deep Instinct, is a man named Nadav Maman.

Maman, also ex-Israeli intelligence, held various senior management positions in CPST for over six years.

But let’s go back to Dan.

Dan was also once the president and business manager of EMEA for Amdocs.

You know, the company that was investigated by US federal agencies in the early 2000s for being used by Israel to eavesdrop on US government communications?

Yeah, THAT Amdocs.

In 2016, Dan was named one of the ‘100 most influential CIOs in the world’ by CIO magazine.

Well, that’s the CEO of AU10TIX for you, folks.

It’s actually so funny how everything connects to each other.

Will @elonmusk reverse this decision that is a clear violation of X’s user security?

Wat is hier zo boeiend aan? Dit is pure stemmingmakerij. Wie kritisch is op Iarael is dus automatisch pro 'Khamas'? Die Gad Saad is een beruchte zionist op X.

Wat is hier zo boeiend aan? Dit is pure stemmingmakerij. Wie kritisch is op Iarael is dus automatisch pro 'Khamas'? Die Gad Saad is een beruchte zionist op X.

Boeiend in de zin van het zal allemaal wel. Ik vraag mij af wat Elon Musk ons duidelijk wil maken door dit te blijven delen.

Gad Saad komt ook uit Canada net als Peterson. Allebij heel erg pro-Israel en bekende conservatieven.
Je denkt in de juiste richting. Sad wordt door Elon onder de aandacht gebracht om een reden. Sad = bad news. In de nabije toekomst zal naar alle waarschijnlijkheid Sad genadeloos ontmaskerd gaan worden.

This guy tweets genocidal shit literally everyday and gloats about Palestinians being murdered claiming the babies “brought it on themselves.” This is the guy who owns the company @elonmusk is handing over our ID verification to.

This is insanity and besides @jakeshieldsajj @CensoredMen and a few others I’ve seen little discussion of this disastrous plan.

Remember when Israeli intelligence agents celebrated while the WTC was burning?

I do.

Remember when Israeli intelligence purposely gave us false information in order to invade their enemies in the Middle East?

I do.

Remember when Israeli intelligence came up with 'Operation Susannah' in which they targeted British infrastructure in Egypt and then blamed it on Islamic terrorists in order to increase Britain's presence in the region and sour relations with Egypt?

I do.

And now Israeli intelligence agents are running the same company we're meant to be giving our government issued IDs and biometric data to.

Now imagine what they can do with that, even if we don't allow them to store it and use it for nefarious purposes.



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