I’ve seen a lot of back and forth on this H1-B visa issue from a lot of people I follow and respect.
Is this a purposeful narrative deployment?
Biden just changed the rules on H1-B visas.
I think that is what caused Vivek to make his comment.
I wasn’t offended by his comments. I think Vivek is focused on changing the “culture” as far as “education” is concerned. I think our education system needs to be completely transformed, just like our government. I think that would go a long way to safeguarding future generations from being victims of the H1-B visa program.
But I see things coming, which will make this whole H1-B visa issue nonexistent in the future.
Trump knows the American people are exceptional. He knows they can compete with anyone.
But the American worker has been purposely screwed for generations as the puppet masters moved our manufacturing overseas and raised minimum wages to make American workers more expensive to hire. At the same time they were driving up costs on American companies by taxing and regulating them to death. While also allowing foreign companies to flood our markets with their cheap goods and foreign workers to flood over our borders illegally, in order to replace American workers.
Trump is going to literally end all of that.
Trump is going to tariff all the countries that are putting tariffs on our companies to level the playing field.
Trump is going to massively cut federal taxes and I believe he will completely eliminate the federal income tax and fund a much smaller government with tariffs only.
No income taxes would increase the amount of money in the American people’s pockets WITHOUT FORCING American companies to raise their wages. This makes them more competitive and increases the opportunities for the hiring of American workers.
Trump is going to massively cut federal regulations, which will cut costs for American companies and make them far more competitive globally.
Then there’s inflation and the global debt system, which is at the center of all of our problems.
Trump is going to bankrupt the global central bank debt system by bankrupting the FED. The FED is sitting on a lot of bad debt while the assets are sitting in the Treasury.
The day is coming when the entire central bank system will no longer exist and it’s going to happen a lot sooner than people expect.
Trump is also going to restore the gold standard which will end inflation.
The fiat Federal Reserve Note that has been losing value every day as they print and spend, will no longer exist.
Our money will once again become honest and backed by gold/silver.
Now imagine the future.
No inflation. Honest money that has a lot more purchasing power.
More money in peoples pockets.
A financial system that is open and honest because it’s on a decentralized blockchain rather than controlled by a cabal of central banks.
And a federal government that is no longer taxing and regulating American companies to death, but instead, is helping them to compete globally.
American companies and American workers being “allowed” for the first time to actually compete on a level playing field.
I don’t think we’re actually thinking big enough.
I think Trump’s plans are much bigger than we can imagine and we are going to witness an expanding economy that we never dreamed of.
I think this H1-B visa program is a narrative deployment to put a spotlight on this issue in order to make it easier for Trump to make the necessary changes that are coming.
Just my opinion.
As certain accounts spend the next few days EMOTIONALLY reacting and urging us all to throw both Vivek and Elon over the side of the MAGA train?
Keep your wits about you.
Stay completely calm, emotionally detached, and fully rational and logical. Do not fall into emotional traps.
Wait for Trump to speak and lead on this. As we all know he will, in his own timing.
A lot of people are going to calm down as the rational debate MAGA is having with itself continues.
At that point, those who stridently continue to insist that Vivek and Elon both need to be chucked over the side RIGHT THIS INSTANT are going to stand out very much.
Probably by next Monday.
This HB1 Visa issue is but ONE of the very healthy DEBATES about important issues that MAGA is going to have with itself in the coming years.
Some people are going to make use of these important and necessary debates among the massive MAGA coalition to try to steer the movement with rhetoric and emotional rabble-rousing into fracturing itself and splitting off into different camps and tribes who will all see each other as mortal enemies and declare war.
They want to see MAGA split apart into warring tribes. They want all the unity Trump and his team carefully built during the recent campaign to depart as quickly as possible so MAGA and the new unity government being installed in less than a month is as WEAK AS POSSIBLE on its inception.
They'll try to cause wedges and divisions between Trump and every single member of the unity government that's inbound. Trump vs. Vance, Trump vs Vivek, Trump vs Elon, Trump vs. RFK Jr., Trump vs. Tulsi, Trump vs Kash, Trump vs Bondi, etc.
They hope you're going to be open to bein instantly and easily emotionally manipulated with rhetoric from big accounts that suddenly explode into outrage and demand some member of Trump's unity government instantly be thrown off the team.
You're already seeing it.
Just because some account on here built up a lot street cred with you over the past few years by posting the same stuff the rest of MAGA did does not mean you let them emotionally goad you into rash actions or joining some instant explosive viral push to split MAGA apart.
Be careful who you follow. Pay attention to what your social media influencers are attempting to influence you to do. Your discernment as a Digital Soldier in this 5th Generation Information War should be finely tuned at this point.
Keep your eyes on Trump and follow his lead.
It will become apparent in just a few days which influencers jumped the shark here.
Now read this excellent post from Joe Lange.
