Elon Musk


It’s about excellence. Not race or nationality.

Only the bums and sluggards and racists are complaining.

But to be fair, we should not let anyone in who is a criminal or otherwise contributes nothing and only takes from us. The same can be said for those who ship money from US to other countries, bleeding our economy.

Unpopular opinion:

Elon's crackdown on groyper accounts is justified IMO. Not only that, it's long overdue. Nick Fuentes has been undermining the MAGA movement long enough. He's a troublemaker and likely a fed. He's the new Richard Spencer, who almost ruined things for Trump in Charlottesville. Who knows what shenanigans Fuentes has been up to, he needs to be stopped in his tracks before he does any further damage.

Making the H1-B visa program about race effectively silences any real debate about the merits (or lack thereof) of this program. I don't think Elon would have a problem with a healthy debate, but Fuentes had to make this about race, suggesting two disingenuous talking points:

- Trump is facilitating an 'Indian takeover' of the White House
- Trump is undermining the 'white race', his legal immigration stance is just a lawful form of mass immigration

It's been said that the internet killed all nuance. Well, that's because of dudes like Nick Fuentes making everything black and white. Indian Americans such as Vivek Ramaswami and Kash Patel are very welcome and highly talented additions to Trump's team and they will go on to do great things that will put Fuentes and his groyper army to shame.

We should all be thankful that other Indian, Nikki Haley, never made it to the White House! And that's where the nuance comes in. There are good Indians and there are bad ones. There are good white people and bad ones - like Nick Fuentes.

The H1-B visa program ensures talented people from other countries can be attracted for specific tasks. At the expense of talented Americans? Maybe so, in which case the program may need reform. Instead of kicking up a huge fuss about this, why not give Trump and his team a chance to make the necessary changes to this and other government programs?

I compare Elon's "nuking" of groyper accounts to Soros' color revolution attempts in and around Russia. Ever wonder why Putin locks up Western-backed political opppnents and why the Russian police literally beats down political rallies in liberal Russian cities supporting these candidates? Doesn't that make Putin a 'tyrant' who 'opposes democracy'? Those of us with a clear-eyed view can see that Putin is the only man for the job and that we would have been in WW3 if it hadn't been for Putin.

In the same vein, Trump is the only man for the job when it comes to preserving and restoring the American republic. Yes, the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to free speech, but when muh democracy and muh free speech are used to question every move made by these two men trying to save humanity and the world from total collapse my guess is even the Founding Fathers would be okay with exercising a few liberties with such fundamental principles. Our spiritual enemy is very sly and will encourage citizens to use those very rights as privileges to further his agenda. Freedom is not just saying and doing whatever the hell you want, it's about observing the Greater Good.

What America needs right now is a positive and unifying can-do spirit and the likes of Fuentes and others are undermining that very spirit through division and demoralization, causing significant harn to the movement they're trying to muscle in on. Elon's finally had enough and is now in damage-control mode. Rightly so, if you ask me. If you can't add anything positive to the conversation and just cause doom and strife we need to 'go Putin' on your sorry ass.

I care about solutions and those who contribute nothing to solutions are therefore part of the problem and need to get out of the way while those of us who keep their eye on the ball are busy fixing this shit. Some of my followers may take issue with this post and may choose to leave. Ask me if I care. If so, you're part of the problem too. Leave if you must.

Plenty of white people who are giant pieces of sh** commies who want to do nothing to contribute to a wholesome society, while they force LGBTQ and perversion on us all.

Plenty of non-white people who work hard, contribute greatly, love Jesus and America, and hate the aforementioned people just as much as everyone else.

Race is not the issue.

Trump is not AWOL on the HB-1 VISA ongoing debate.

Far from it.

He’s avidly following it.

You think he’s not following it?

He’s LITERALLY the Social Media President.

Some people with agendas may hope you believe that what Trump is allowed to see on social media is tightly screened and controlled to keep certain things from him.

What utter nonsense.


A whole lot of social media influencers use Trump’s current ongoing silence to mean he’s just not paying attention, so they have to lead for him.

WAIT FOR TRUMP TO SPEAK before taking any actions.


“I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them.

I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program.”

Source: New York Post

I believe the Feds infiltrated Truth Social very early on, weaving their plots and ploys into conversations and group messages across the entirety of the site. I believe the Feds infiltrated X for the same purpose.

I believe they've: employed bot accounts on each site, spread malicious/tracking codes in web links shared by their bots/user accounts, attacked the code of both sites via hackers (possibly even while using government electronic devices), and all was done under warrants issued by federal courts.

I think they did all of this to disrupt Trump's interaction with the public, to divide and to mislead Trump supporters, to tarnish the reputations of each site, and to destroy the economic benefits that Truth Social's and X's investors are expecting to see.

@realDonaldtrump please have your DOJ investigate to find any:

-federal government contractors
-federal law-enforcement agencies
-members of the U.S. Senate or House
-intelligence networks
-Congressional staffers
-federal court officers or judges
-persons appointed by POTUS or their VP
-media assets of the federal government

has requested or approved: any intrusions into Truth Social or X with the intent to cause harm; any suppression of any user(s) Freedom of Speech on Truth Social or X; any warrant authorizing the functional degradation of Truth Social or X; disruption of any account holder's usage of any service offered by Truth Social or X; interference with the financial investments made into Truth Social or X.

And to split up the MAGA movement. Oct. 7th revealed the Achilles' heel of conservatives: racism and colonialism. Fuentes is playing into that sentiment. I see lots of MAGA and Q people saying he's got a point. No, he doesn't. Any sane debate about the subject is no longer possible because of this idiot. Elon is on to him and is doing the right thing. Fuentes is BAD NEWS, has been from the very beginning.

And honestly , I’m sick of the racist sh**.

I’m white. There will be no more anti-white agenda soon because those that are responsible are going to meet their bitter end with their crimes against humanity, and the great replacement theory isn’t a theory—it’s proven fact.

But this doesn’t mean hate others.

All it means is remove the negative, and lock down our open borders. You want to come in? Go through customs or border patrol. Visa. Temporary. No ownership of anything. Tracked and monitored. The whole 9 yards.

Then invite the best talent from all over if they want to actually be American with the best.

God will work out the rest.

I like debate best when both sides honestly acknowledge the merits in the other sides position.

Many things being said about H1Bs are inaccurate.

But some of the people screaming that MAGA is racist, are the exact people who spent the past 20 years trying to destroy white people from the workplace, and eagerly participated in the obviously immoral DEI grift.

People who still pretend Joe got 81 million votes, and that weren’t tyrants during COVID.

It’s very easy to paint with a broad brush and both “sides” are doing some of that right now.

DOGE deserves a chance to show it is sincere, and has no intention of abusing the H1B process, and leaders need to give People who have been ABUSED and targeted for years… some grace and time to trust again.

Calm minds that understand the roots of these conflicts must hold this coalition together long enough to show real results.


It’s clear there’s a replacement agenda for European countries and I can even understand ethnostate sentiments for places like Japan and Europe, but that’s not what America is or ever was.

You’ll never convince me, a descendant of both Native and White Americans, that America’s indigenous population is White.

The people who justify what was done to Native Americans by saying it’s okay because they were “conquered”, don’t realize that same logic also justifies what is being done to Europeans and Palestine by “the globalists” right now. These people will rightfully criticize Jewish Supremacy but then hypocritically turn around and extol White Supremacy, which makes them no better than their foes.

They’ll point out differences of IQ, crime rates or modern society based on race but won’t acknowledge the historical circumstances that created them. They’ll point to the squalor of Haiti as a supposed example of what happens with non European influence but won’t acknowledge that people born as slaves already lost all of their knowledge from previous civilizations and Haiti was immediately put into insurmountable debt, in addition to starvation sanctions, by the same banking mafia that is now enslaving the rest of the world today.

They’ll say it’s okay what happened to Native Americans because the land was undeveloped and they were just “uncivilized savages” but wont acknowledge that having a different cultural priority doesn’t mean the land wasn’t “settled.” Living in harmony with the land, not polluting the drinking water and keeping the wild game population thriving is, in fact, meaningful. Before Columbus came, we could drink out of any river. Now we wage slave away for fiat. Modernization comes with a great expense. Materialism does not equal success.

They’ll say it’s okay what was done to Native Americans because they were just ‘savages’ at war with each other and *SOME* Native American cultures had brutal practices - (there were many cultures; they were not all a monolith) - but won’t acknowledge that European tribes were also at war with each other and *SOME* even had brutal practices like cannibalism too; (they were also not a monolith.)

Humanity is awakening from a centuries long delusion of brutality, warfare & cruelty and nobody’s ancestors’ ‘ethnicity’ is innocent of it.

The founding of the American Republic is a Divine historical event because the ideals of Freedom it has strived for are timeless and immutable principles for all humanity. To this day, America, with all our flaws, is still the freest place on Earth. Some White Nationalists will argue that it is only because White Europeans founded it, but exceedingly similar ideals from the Constitution of the United States were also upheld in the Iroquois Confederacy after the Great Law of Peace, way before the founding of America and before the Constitution was ever written.

The miracle of the American Republic is not just its founding principles but that, against all odds, the Founding Fathers were mighty enough to fight off the most powerful and tyrannical Empire in the world, the British, (their own kinsmen.)

I will always swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and founding principles of our Republic, but that doesn’t mean I also don’t recognize they were hypocritically upheld in the past. We are now the freest Nation in the world but we aren’t without flaws or above critique.

The 1st part of the 1st Amendment is Freedom of Religion, which is the most important one and that is why it’s first. Did you know it was ILLEGAL for all the different Native American cultures to practice their own religion until as recently as 👉1978👈 with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act?

The founding principles of the American Republic are timeless ideals that should be strived for by Nations around the world, but they were never perfectly upheld and still aren’t to this day. We are even still fighting for religious freedom with the use of psychedelic plant medicines, proven to posses the ability to cure addiction, depression and PTSD, but are still illegal to this day, despite the ancient sacred practice being common to all of humanity.

The truth about the “Great Replacement” is that the American Republic was originally founded by replacing the indigenous population and legal immigration has been an American tradition ever since. This does not justify the attempted replacement of Americans happening today but we must recognize that every single American, aside from Native Americans, were all immigrants at one point. The major difference is they were expected to assimilate into our culture and take to heart the patriotic ideals of American Liberty. The irony about the Mexican/Central American immigrant invasion is that most Mexicans, for example, are predominantly Native American by blood - but there are many who will not carry with them a sense of American patriotism, when this is what every American needs to have in order to actually be an American.

What matters most about our precious National sovereignty, is our people, our national culture and the timeless ideals that it was founded on - that is what is at stake with massive waves of illegal, and unchecked legal, immigration. The reason the “globalists”, (and just so happens to be predominantly Jewish NGOs, ie: Kalergi plan), want to flood our country with illegal immigrants is that they need to erase borders and dissolve our patriotic national identity because they want a one world government.

This is why Nationalism is so important because it is about the sovereignty and self determination of a Nation. All Nations should have independence from each other. That’ is why Trump said “sovereign and independent Nations are the only vehicle where freedom has ever survived...and so we must protect our sovereignty and our cherished Independence above all.” America is not an ethnostate but a Constitutional Republic. If you want an ethnostate then go to Europe and fight against the invasion there. America has always been a unique multiracial endeavor in this way, of Native, White and Black attempting to live together on this land. Despite the fact that *some*, (not all), of our Founding Fathers hypocritically believed in slavery and an ethnostate, you cannot believe this if you are to be true to the foundational principles and ideals of America claims to be. Ethnostatism was never unanimous. Don’t forget that many Founding Fathers, like Benjamin Rush, were abolitionists.

We’ve come a long way since the founding of this Republic, with all our tragic national history, and we still have a long way to go. Despite all our imperfections and current struggles against the attempted takeover by a tyrannical world government, we are still the freest place on Earth, and if America falls, there is nowhere else to go. We’ve never had a more hopeful future than we do now with Trump being reinstated and I truly do believe this is the dawn of a new Golden Age. Like Trump says, “the future will not be determined by globalists, but by Patriots.”

Patriots have no skin color.

Someone very great once said:

“They want you divided.
Divided by religion.
Divided by race.
Divided by sex.
Divided by political affiliation.
Divided by class.
When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].
Divided you are weak.
Divided you pose no threat to their control.”

We do not look at race.
We do not look at skin color.
We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.

The best is yet to come.


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