Portugal is een ondemocratische vazalstaat van de NAVO geworden:
Aníbal Silva, the President of Portugal, leaves little room for doubt after his speech yesterday appointing the incumbent Prime Minister, Pedro Coelho, to form a government after the general election on October 4. He confirmed that NATO is a supra-national organization with unconstitutional powers which interfere directly in the internal affairs of its member states.
En dat terwijl de partijen die zich tegen de bezuinigingen keren de meerderheid van stemmen hebben behaald!
Aníbal Silva, the President of Portugal, leaves little room for doubt after his speech yesterday appointing the incumbent Prime Minister, Pedro Coelho, to form a government after the general election on October 4. He confirmed that NATO is a supra-national organization with unconstitutional powers which interfere directly in the internal affairs of its member states.
En dat terwijl de partijen die zich tegen de bezuinigingen keren de meerderheid van stemmen hebben behaald!