Hier zie je hoe Jean-Claude Juncker stomdronken is en Europese leiders op de wang slaat en op het hofd kust:

Dit is de baas van Frans Timmermans! Tijd om de EU en deze ongekozen 'vertegwnwoordigers' te verlaten, en snel!

Momenteel zit ik in een interessante uitwisseling verwikkeld met een vriend in Engeland over de Brexit. Het leek me wel leuk om mijn woorden aan hem hier met jullie te delen:

I'm not a big fan of the EU and I'm rooting for the Leave campaign. Now before you paint me as a 'right winger' allow me to explain:

I'm neither left wing or right wing, because I feel this is a false paradigm set up for us by the elite to give us the illusion of choice, when in reality it's divide and rule based on the Hegelian dialectic, thus preventing us to join forces for a common cause.

First of all, the EU has Nazi origins, this is a PROVEN fact:

And let's take a look at the behavior of the UNELECTED Jean-Claude Juncker, shall we?

I assume your response may be: yes, the EU has its flaws, but we need to reform it from within, not leave it. But how can you reform this monster when it's clearly undemocratic? Take for example the European Constitution First the French said NON! in a referendum in 2005, then the Dutch voted NEE! as well. So what did Brussels do? They repackaged it and called it the 'Lisbon Treaty'. This time around the French and Dutch agreed, but now it was the Irish who said NO! in a referendum. So they gave the Irish a second referendum and lo and behold now they did decide to go ahead with it. Was vote rigging involved? And what part of the word 'no' do these Eurocrats not understand?

That's just one of many examples. Recently we had a referendum on the Association Treaty with Ukraine here in Holland. Myself and a majority of Dutch voters flat out rejected this treaty. So what does our PM Mark Rutte do? He says he needs time to consider this, because it just so happened that the Netherlands was heading the EU at that time. Does the phrase 'will of the people' mean anything to that guy? Of course not, because after buying some time he rammed it through parliament anyway. After all, the referendum vote was only 'advisory'. How can you expect any 'internal reform' when these knuckleheads are running the show?! Wanna know what neonazi scumbags the EU chooses to associate with in Ukraine? Watch this film, I hope you have a strong stomach:

Why do we entertain relations with a country that's right on Russia's doorstep and which should be considered one of the main suspects behind the downing of MH17? Are you aware of the fact that NATO broke its promise made to Gorbachev not to advance further east toward Russia's borders if he disbanded the Warsaw Pact? Did you know that NATO now has Russia fully surrounded and that the shootdown of MH17 was an ACT OF WAR against Russia, just like the downing of a Russian Su-25 jet by Turkey was last year? Now let's talk Turkey, another gang of thieves the EU likes to do deals with, and conveniently located very close to Russia as well - and a NATO partner to boot. Coincidence? I think not! The EU is just the political extension of NATO. It's also the political arm of the IMF and World Bank, which are now keeping Greece in perpetual debt slavery.

I could go on and on, but I think I've made my point. Norway, Iceland and Switzerland chose not to be part of the EU and they're doing just fine, thank you very much. Sure, Iceland went bankrupt but they're now a sovereign nation creating their own money system, independently from the ECB or any other central bank. I'm afraid you're caught up too much in left-wing dogmas, Oliver. I could never support the Green Party, but I can't keep you from appropriating my donation toward the accommodation which you so kindly provided to that end. I believe in free will, so in the end that's your choice. I believe the EU, UN, 'global warming', the whole LGBTQ agenda, as well as other social and political issues are part of an overall agenda to enslave mankind, cleverly disguised as 'human rights' or 'care for the environment'.

Once again I need to remind you that seeing through the BS benefits ALL OF US and this is neither 'left wing' or 'right wing'. I consider myself neither, if anything I'm a truth seeker and the truth is neither left or right.

Gaandeweg de discussie kwam Ken Livingstone in beeld, vanwege zijn opmerking dat Hitler een zionist was. Mijn woorden:

Ken Livingstone never said Hitler was a zionist but he did say there was an agreement by the nazis and zionists to repatriate German jews to Palestine. This deal, known as the Havaara agreement, benefited both parties: the nazis for obvious reasons (getting rid of jews) and the zionists for helping make possible their desired jewish state in Palestine.

So if Livingstone was historically correct and if he and Corbyn are long-time supporters of the Palestinian cause, then why on earth did Corbyn suspend Ken Livingstone? What this illustrates is the power of the zionist lobby both in the Labour and Tory parties. Ah, the plot thickens, we're getting to the puppet masters! From day one Corbyn has had to deal with outright mutiny by the Blairites, who are essentially delegates from the War Party. All wars in the middle east are fought for Israel, period!

And this brings me to the middle east. Syria, Iran and Southern Lebanon (which is controlled by Hezbollah) are the last independent strongholds that are in the way of total domination of the Levant by Israel and that's why they're in Israel's crosshairs all the time. It's also why the US and UK are active in Syria 'fighting terrorism' (it's a war OF terror, not a war on terror) and it's of course ruining a country with a major history and a high living standard, before the BBC started spreading propaganda about Assad gassing his own people in 2013; when all the evidence clearly points to the western-backed 'rebels' being behind the attack.

The latest 'peace talks' between Russia and the US about Syria prove what a sick game Washington is playing. They actually requested the Russians not to bomb Al Nusra (Al Qaeda by another name, which was funded and supported by the west)! That means the US is in the business of regine change to ensure Israel's full-spectrum dominance of the Levant. The Russians are on to this game and they proved to be very effective in actually cleaning up terrorists in Syria and now they're going in for another round to finish the job. So guess who's the most demonized world leader today? Putin! He's blamed for just about anything, including climate change!

But let me tell you, Russia is our only hope for world peace. Our western 'leaders', both left and right, are all genocidal maniacs and Israel is their rogue colony in the middle east. Ashkenazi jews, who make up about 90% of jews worldwide; are NOT semites, nor are they originally jews. They are Eastern Europeans who originated in the Caucasus region and who were then known as Khazars. These Khazars converted to judaism in 840 AD, so they don't have a drop of hebrew or semitic blood in them.

This is history's cruelest hoax and they don't want this particular cesspool opened, so there's a very clear (and genocidal) incentive to get rid of any and all historical traces that disprove their claims to Palestine and the Levant. This explains why these merchants of death called 'ISIS' destroy ancient sites as well as ancient peoples (Yazidis, Christians) in the region, but never attack Israel.

And it's not the first time theyre doing this either. They did it in Armenia in 2015. Modern secular Turkey was set up by the donmeh, which means 'impostors', just like the House of Saud, which rules Saudi Arabia. Both countries surround Syria and arm Al Nusra, the Free Syrian Army, ISIS, or whatever they choose to call themselves this year. These impostors are not muslims, in the same way that Ashkenazis (interesting suffix there, don't you think?) are not jews. They're a sick death cult and the Russians have been their sworn enemies for at least a thousand years. This is why they instigated a poltical coup called the Bolshevik revolution. The word 'bolshevik' is a made-up word meaning 'of the majority'. Well; that they became, because they succeeded in murdering 20 million people, the majority of them original christian inhabitants of the region, just like they did in Armenia. You see, these impostors don't care if they have to pose as jews, muslims, communists, they'll lay their cuckoo's eggs in any nest! Don't judge them by their appearance, judge them by their behavior. And it's genocidal, so it's easy to spot!

Russia finally got rid of these sickos. After that total drunk Yeltsin they thought they had a silent bureaucrat in Putin but boy did that turn out to be a mistake in judgment! And so they've been demonizing him ever since and blaming him for everything under the sun. Russia doesn't start wars, it ends them, look at their historical track record.

So Livingstone was absolutely right in making his statement, but of course he's a dirty antisemite for saying so. And Jeremy Corbyn is a pussy for suspending him, but he's having a hard time trying to battle the Blairites who are crying antisemite at every turn as a tactic to oust him as party leader. I suspect this is also why Corbyn is not speaking out in favor of a Brexit. I believe they will try to rig the vote, so our only hope of getting rid of this centralized, communist dictatorship in Brussels is an overwhelming and resounding no!

In reactie op de opmerking dat de situatie in Syrie 'uiterst ingewikkeld' is en dat Poetin 'nietsontziend' is, schrijf ik:


If you want the short version, here it is.

Syria and the rest of the mid east is like all colonial states hijacked by Europeans:

First they move in and capture and enslave the people, severely traumatizing them by treating them as less than human.
Then they appoint indigenous 'leaders', usually lighter-colored ones.
Then they pit indigenous groups against each other by favoring one over the other.
Then they sit by and watch them destroy each other.

How's that for a short explanation? I suppose I could add:

If there's a risk of large groups of people uniting against their oppressors, draw artificial lines and create smaller nation states.

This is how countries in the mid east and Asia and Africa were created. So it's really quite simple. I could also add:

If there's still a risk of large groups of people uniting against their oppressors, send in death squads posing as indigenous militants and pretend to fight them while arming them at the same time.

That's your 'ISIS' right there. And before that 'Al Qaeda'. Fake terror attacks also work, which you can then pin on whoever suits you. 'ISIS' seems to be doing a lot of that in Europe. As if they're not busy enough chopping off heads in Iraq and Syria. Oh, and by the way, they also have time to make high-definition videos (a far cry from the grainy 'Al Qaeda' vids) and be active on social media and publish a glossy mag. The only real terror network capable of pulling all of this off is called CIA-MI6-Mossad, which brings us back to the unholy alliance between the US, UK and Israel.

As for Putin, he's ruthless only when he needs to be. You have to be when dealing with complete psychopaths. The Russians always favor diplomacy over force, but the Russians aren't pussies. They never have been, judging from the fact that Russia has NEVER been defeated, EVER. Have you ever seen their battle-hardened generals? Quite the opposite from the bureaucrats America appoints as generals!

Geweldige speech inderdaad, prettig om naar deze man te luisteren.

Onze monden moeten worden gesnoerd, er zijn vergaande plannen in de maak. Merkel heeft in mijn ogen met het laten arresteren van de duitse cabaretier een 'junckertje' uit geprobeerd: Juncker: "We besluiten iets, laten het dan even rusten en kijken wat er gebeurt. Als niemand dan herrie maakt en er geen opstand uitbreekt, omdat de meeste mensen sowieso niet begrijpen wat er besloten is, dan gaan we weer verder. Stap voor stap, tot er geen weg meer terug is."

Het artikel over de inperking vrijheid van meningsuiting:
Mooi, dank je!

Ooit heb ik bij de NMB Bank gewerkt, tegenwoordig is dat ING.
Bilderberg bij Arnhem was vaste trainingslocatie, ik praat over jaren rond 1985, 86. Toen had ik nog nooit van Bilderberg in andere zin gehoord..

Dit is een voorbeeld van hoe de EU ons belastinggeld verkwanselt.


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