Fake news

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Het publiceren van de data op het darkweb kan erop wijzen dat de gemeente niet is ingegaan op de losgeldeis van de cybercriminelen. Daarover deelt de gemeente geen informatie.

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[Doorgestuurd van The Clickbait Exposé Channel]
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Steinbart is off probation, he's back, and he's triggered about being exposed for the batshit shill he is 🤣🤣

If you're not familiar with this guy, he busted onto the scene in early 2020 claiming to be a time traveling secret DIA agent using a quantum computer to write the Q posts... something like that.

Clowns gonna clown.
Yesterday, Simon Parkes made a post on his website claiming "children were being transported in containers" on the ship in the Suez Canal and "the operation was a success", alluding to the Navy SEAL claims going viral this weekend.

Today David Nino reposted Simon Parkes web post with the claims of the alleged op.

Yesterday Michael Jaco claimed that he remote viewed that children were on the ship, had tarot card readers on his show claiming their card pulls showed things going on with the ship, and showed a blog from a website called "Operation Disclosure Official" as evidence of the alleged Navy SEAL op.

On Friday night Scott McKay read a text on his video yesterday from his "inside sources" that he alluded to as being called "Overwatch", this text apparently said, and I paraphase, "seizure of surface vessel from JSOC operation, SEALs and Russians involved, 1300 bodies recovered."

We are supposed to believe all this based on what?
"The Team" gives such easy ammunition for the MSM to clown on us with.


Anybody spreading this as fact is either extremely misguided or has bad intentions.

Is anything possible?

Of course.

Have we seen signs that SOMETHING weird is going on with these people?


However, going around to every person you know and telling them that all of the elites are dead and have been replaced by clones is the reason why we can't have nice things. It's also keeping the MSM alive by giving them something to write about and attack us for.

It's not that the idea that there might be something far more complex playing out in front of us than we could ever imagine is crazy or incorrect...

It's just a terrible look to make such definitive statements over something that 99% of the world couldn't even mentally grasp.

We're fighting an information war folks.

We have truckloads of evidence that the 2020 election was stolen and that Covid was a hoax and we can barely get half of the country on board.

What makes you think there's even a remotely good reason to waste your time trying to convince these people that Joe Biden was executed three years ago...WITH ZERO EVIDENCE to back up that claim?

Why even waste your OWN time harping on something you can't even begin to prove?

For those of you who are new to all of this and have been misguided by clickbait accounts, I urge you to reconsider or at least keep it to yourself.

I also urge you to pick your battles wisely, as you may only get one chance to redpill someone. MAKE IT COUNT.

For those of you spreading these things on purpose to harm the movement...NCSWIC.

I wonder how many bots and algorithms are pumping this Med Bed clickbait on Twitter for the sole purpose of making us look stupid.

Those are CGI images that have been online for years, by the way, and are constantly reposted as med bed bullshit.

[Doorgestuurd van We The Media ★★★ (AwakenedOutlaw ⭐⭐⭐️ & OutlawJW on Gab)]
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All of you backing Dr. Artis and his 'snake venom' claims probably need to rethink your support given this new information.

I mean, unless you believe DJT is part of the globalist cabal and taking orders from the Black Pope, because then you should most certainly keep promoting him.

LOL Well, it's sad really, though should have expected it. Kerry Cassidy, the Queen of Promotion without Proof, has gone full fucking Retard on the Ardis Snake Venom scam. So does she have an affiliate link for his 100$ vitamin C? Anyway, she is now Super Shocked to learn about snake venom peptides in medicines! Never mind that we have been using snake venom (and others) as a medicine storehouse for over 4000 years. Maybe much longer. There are Sanskrit medical texts that go into snake venom 'partial, fractional, distillations (probably should be translated as 'extractions')" that are in books recording info from over 6000 years back. Anyway, Kerry Cassidy is into fierce FULL RETARD mode so i expect she will be blasting away in support of Silly Stew and the Chiropractic Quack thinking. Going to be glorious to watch. BUT it will burn out soon, and she will never acknowledge later that she was part of the Snake Venom Club.
A super fake story being shared around claims “VP of Pfizer arrested after #pfizerdocuments get released” - shared by the likes of Tarot by Janine and other known misinformation spreaders.

This article is clearly fake, put out by a blog called “Vancouver Times”. Very RealRawNews-esque.

I guess fact checking doesn’t matter anymore?

The LARP John McAfee channel that is notorious on Telegram has joined Truth Social!

The likes of Juan O Savin, David Nino Rodriguez, Jennifer Mac, Michael Jaco, and others in that network have promoted this fake channel quite a bit these last few months.

FYI Those Congressional UFO hearings start tomorrow

You can be sure those will overshadow Sussman's trial in the news for the coming week

The NOTHINGBURGER That Was Congress UFO Hearings


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