Fake news

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If you research this QFS scam, you can watch it morph over time. Here is an early take on it. Note the off-planet shit. This was introduced by one of corey goode's fantasies. Charlie Ward picked up on it after watching Corey on GAIA (curse that media to hell - look who owns its shares) and then he starts changing it over time. i am currently tracking down how many times Charlie Ward and/or Simon Parkes have said that QFS is about to launch, this next monday. i have found 23 times so far going back into 2020.

Nieuwe ster aan het firmament, David Straight:

What do you guys know about David Straight? Seems to be a new character on the scene pulling people in with his Common Law talks, then he promotes absolute bullshit like JFK Jr being alive and the QFS/NESARA being legit. Shill-dar going off with this feller.

Ah, the Timothy Holmseth fraudster crowd pushes David Straight, and Straight promotes Holmseth and the "General Flynn Exposed" shill channel. Explains everything.

I think we might be dealing with another con-artist here in David Straight.

Kerry Cassidy just shared a doozy of bullshit about David Straight - I think we can add Straight to our list of the "Team" of disinfo assets. Apparently Kerry has no problem sharing their lies.

David Straight in 2021 claimed to have ridden a helicopter with Trump and JFK Jr. and got dropped off at Mt. Rushmore with JFK Jr. 🤣🤣 can't make this shit up (oh but you can, because he did)

Here's the link to the article/clip:


Comments on one of Simon Parkes latest videos aren't happy with him. ()

He was essentially chastising his audience in his video, telling them it's "their fault nothing has happened by now."

When these clowns make grandiose claims like they do based off nothing ("muh insiders"), it's going to take a mental toll on people who consume their content and believe them.

How some of these video creators act is not okay. They don't really give a shit about you. How many people are they manipulating? Hundreds of thousands? Millions?

Megan Rose - who claims that representatives from the "Galactic Federation" talk to her - claims on Scott McKay's show that Q is "Naval Intelligence working with the Galactic Federation, Pleiaidian looking ETs"

🤡 Show

In a show a few days ago, Michael Jaco and Scott Mckay were telling their audience that the Elon Musk we see now is a clone, along with Vladimir Putin and Hillary Clinton. (Scott McKay was referencing what Tarot by Janine apparently told him about these people supposedly being played by clones)

Conmen and conwomen in action.

Serial fraudster Michael Jaco had Michelle Fielding on as a guest the other day and she was claiming some serious bullshit about crypto.

Fielding was claiming that Central Bank Digital Currencies are under the control of the white hats - they are selling their followers on the idea that Central Bank digitized coins are a good thing.

The "Team" is trying to get you to love Central Bank social credit systems! How about that!

In David Wilcock's latest livestream, apparently based on the "time loops" related to his "Archangel Michael Prophecies" - he is convinced that he was once a member of the secret space program.

Ooooookay then.

Not sure who needs to hear this but there's a group here on Telegram called "Skye's Med Bed Room" that is full of the most insane fake bullshit, constant Medbed pushing, "NESARA and the QFS are real", all kinds of other delusion stories.

Oh, and "Skye" claims to have been a person in the secret space program.

Simon Parkes is promoting mega-fraud Judy Byington - she's a NESARA/QFS promoter so of course Parkes will share her content to keep that echo chamber going.

Funny: he shared this video from one of those super suspicious foreign language YouTube channels that all-of-a-sudden started posting Parkes/Ward/"Team" videos.

Clif High windt er ook geen doekjes om:

Phil (The Shill) Godlewski doesn't have any inside sources, and don't know shit. The CCP is explicitly against a war on North America Continent. Three big issues: the CCP is afraid of the AVERAGE of 101 rifles, or handguns PER PERSON here in USA; and they are not good at support logistics & have NEVER fought a war across the ocean; and they cannot use nukes as they want the farmland without radioactivity. Sp Phil The Shill is a Shithead & needs to be called out on his fear mongering. Also i think the fellow is a bit retarded. Yeah, like not quite a thinking person.

Over the last week, Scott McKay has had two of his "friends" on his show - "former" CIA agent Michael Jaco and tarot card reader Janine - both of which have recently been telling their audiences that General Flynn is Deep State.

Be careful of this snake, General.

Remember: the Devil gets close to you, love bombs you and tells you what you want to hear so he can draw you in and manipulate you.

Angels slap you upside the head with the hard truth out of love and respect. Archangel Micheal carries a sword for a reason.

Which of these energies do some of the "truth tellers" on the internet embody??

Scott's really upset w/ me.

I'm simply pointing out the contradiction of him hosting frauds like Michael Jaco & "Tarot by Janine" - who both call General Flynn a Deep Stater - meanwhile Scott wants to cozy up to Flynn.

Let's not forget the hundreds of glaringly false claims Scott has made on his show over the last couple years.

"Trump secretly flew to Europe to sign NESARA!", "kids are getting rescued from the ship in the Suez Canal!", everyone's a clone, Q is the Galactic Federation, Hillary died of kuru, Scott's picture of an alien he claimed to be shown from his "Overwatch intel group". Who remembers the digital purple hearts he was trying to hand out? Oh, and giving clowns like Negative 48 a platform? Let's not forget Scott claiming JFK Jr. is alive! And the med beds! How much money did he ask his followers for to ride around the country on a tour bus last year? A half mil?

That's just off the top of my head.

I expose people for their false claims & grifting.

They attack me personally because of it.


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