
Wanneer mannen elkaar corrigeren doen ze dat zodat de ander daar beter van wordt en ervan leert. Wanneer vrouwen elkaar corrigeren is dat om sociaal geaccepteerd te blijven en het narratief van de meerderheid in stand te houden.
People always want to fight me on this when I tell them the number one reason that 75-80% of divorces are initiated by women is nonsense like this. It’s not because they’re being abused or mistreated or because the man is unfaithful. It’s literally fantasy nonsense in their head. They chase romantic feelings and self-satisfaction. Most of them don’t even understand what loyalty is or care about what this does to their family. My famous line that I’ve used hundreds of times now is that she will leave and destroy her family because Mr. Johnson down the street makes her feel sexy.


I hate to say it, but certain women shouldn’t have the right to vote, IF they can’t use their BRAINS instead of their EMOTIONS.

The Democrats literally count on women using their emotions instead of LOGIC & COMMON SENSE to get votes.

One big reason we are in such an incredible MESS in this country is because far too many use FEELINGS OVER FACTS to make critical decisions…Its not only women.

That is why there is a huge push to feminize men as much as possible.

Weak men, especially queer/trans types are FAR more likely to vote Democrat because they think with their emotions like women do.

Weak men are also far more submissive and subservient to authority.

Therefore a nation full of weak, feminized men and women who think with their heart (feelings/emotion), NOT the brain that God gave them is MUCH easier to control and conquer.

A VERY favorable scenario for the New World Order.

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv

I hate to say it, but certain women shouldn’t have the right to vote, IF they can’t use their BRAINS instead of their EMOTIONS.

The Democrats literally count on women using their emotions instead of LOGIC & COMMON SENSE to get votes.

One big reason we are in such an incredible MESS in this country is because far too many use FEELINGS OVER FACTS to make critical decisions…Its not only women.

That is why there is a huge push to feminize men as much as possible.

Weak men, especially queer/trans types are FAR more likely to vote Democrat because they think with their emotions like women do.

Weak men are also far more submissive and subservient to authority.

Therefore a nation full of weak, feminized men and women who think with their heart (feelings/emotion), NOT the brain that God gave them is MUCH easier to control and conquer.

A VERY favorable scenario for the New World Order.


Agree !
Wat niet wegneemt dat er ook hele kudde's dombo (beta-) mannen rondlopen waarvoor datzelfde geldt.

Ik ben voor een stemrecht examen !
Klein dingetje: hoe geef je dat vorm en wie geeft dat vorm ?
Dat examen zou door de overheid worden verzorgd en dus zie je direct het probleem al. Stemrecht zou m.i. moeten worden verleend aan de hand van dienstbaarheid aan de samenleving. Dit betekent automatisch stemrecht aan gepensioneerde of arbeidsongeschikte ordehandhavers, militairen en hulpverleners. Gevangenen mogen niet stemmen, uitkeringstrekkers evenmin. Ik den ook aan stemrecht op basis van economische dienstbaarheid, waarbij er een bepaalde inkomensgrens wordt gehanteerd (bijv. 0,5 fte en hoger).

I have met too many attractive, intelligent, quality women who struggle to find and maintain relationships because they aren't prepared for anything to be required of them.

They're not raising kids, paying bills, or doing much of anything else, but they feel entitled to a high-performing man who can provide a top-10% lifestyle.

My own last relationship went in this direction. She contributed... not very much (she tried on most days I guess), but considered her presence to be equal to the extra effort I put in. (To be fair, she felt ripped off too, even though I warned her about me.)

A lot of women have forgotten that there was NEVER a time in history when it was the woman's job to relax and be fawned over. They were constantly pregnant, gathering food, weaving cloth, churning butter... they brought something to the table.

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv

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