Herinner je je nog mijn aloude definitie van ziekte? Een vergiftigingscrisis veroorzaakt door voedingstekorten. Het gaat idd om gluthation als meesterontgifter, ik plaatste hierover laatst nog het volgende:
Methylation and glutathione. Improving methylation is important for everyone, but it's especially important if you have an autoimmune condition. One of the reasons is the role of methylation in the production and recycling of glutathione, the body's master antioxidant and master "splinter" remover. Glutathione directly neutralizes free radicals, reduces inflammation and assists in the role of other antioxidants like vitamin C, E and lipoic acid.
Glutathione contains sulfur groups, which are sticky compounds that adhere to toxins and heavy metals and carry them out of the body. This is a good thing and you want lots of it! I haven't met anyone (including me) with any type of autoimmune condition that has adequate methylation and levels of glutathione.
In a perfect world, your body makes its own glutathione from the amino acids cysteine, glycine and glutamine, then recycles it via methylation using methyl donors like vitamin B12, folate, betaine and other nutrients. Under normal conditions, your body makes and recycles enough glutathione to handle all the toxins that you're exposed to. However, if you have a high toxic body burden, or a part of the methylation cycle is disrupted, you can get very sick.