Uit het door Tanja geplaatste
So, to summarise the events:
Corganics invested heavily into the development of EVCLO, upon release of this product, the WAPF rated it below FCLO, and so sales were poor. Either in reaction to this, or as part of their marketing plan, Corganics/ EVCLO and Rosita launched a malicious campaign against Green Pastures, which included accusing them of purchasing ingredients from China, lying about their producing methods, and saying that FCLO is lower in vitamins than EVCLO. This campaign got EVCLO noticed, but the lies and rumours they were spreading were unfounded and obviously malicious, so peoples opinion of the company fell. After a warning from the WAPF about EVCLO’s behaviour, they apologies for their actions, and removed much of their campaign.
The slander campaign seemed to end in late 2014, which is when I suspect Corganics started conferring with Dr. Kaayla, because shortly after the end of the slander campaign Dr. Kaayla voices her concern about FCLO being rancid. The WAPF sent out samples of FCLO to Midwest Labs and Leicester School of Pharmacy which shows that FCLO had no lipid peroxide species and is safe. Despite the evidence showing that FCLO is not toxic, Dr.Kaayla decides to do her own research (you need to ask yourself why), and publishes a damning report against FCLO. Dr. Kaaylas research is riddled with flaws but this seems to mean very little considering her position of trust in the WAPF (vice president). People read her conclusions and chaos ensues, resulting in the WAPF and Green Pastures being accused of fraud, lying and worse.
As a result of the chaos Dr. Kaayla establishes her own foundation (PPPF), people are encouraged to get rid of their FCLO and take EVCLO, and according to Archie Welch sales of EVCLO are starting to increase.
Dit is vrijwel identiek aan de opsomming die ik eerder hier heb gedaan:
En zoals je altijd zult zien is niet het product van GP toxisch, maar dat van Rosita:
EVCLO has demonstrated its unethical marketing, but tests by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority have shown that oils produced by Rosita contain pollutants above the safe limit. I spoke to Rosita about this, and they say that they were tricked by the Norwegian authorities into providing a contaminated sample. Usually, I would be more than happy to give Rosita the benefit of the doubt, but considering the barefaced lying that their company has done already, I’m not so sure. It’s your judgement to make.
Zo de producent, zo het product!
Dus ik vraag het nog 1 keer: wie is er nu nog overtuigd van Kaayla Daniel als 'moedige klokkenluider'? Speak now or forever hold your peace.