
A citizen of Mariupol Tamara Davydenko (24 Khmelnitsky Boulevard) tells the Ukrainian military was shooting at civilians’ houses and says: "Destroy them, finally".

What was the Ukrainian military doing here?

— A tank was driving and intentionally hitting my windows. Bang. Got it. Left. Came back. Into the second window. The third. 7 times. Intentionally at all the windows...

Ask you to share this information as much as possible.
A resident of Mariupol, Alexey Sergeenko, witnesses he saw looting of the national units of "Azov" and the Ukrainian military:
At the Central Market I saw the military officers were breaking in a mobile phone-store. Looting.
While you lived in the city, did you see the equipping of firing points near social facilities?
Tanks arrived, moved into civilians’ houses and brought down fire.

Gagik Khlopuzyan tells when he was leaving Mariupol, the Ukrainian military was shooting at civilians.

— When you were leaving (Mariupol), did they somehow prevent you from this, did they shoot at you?

— They were shooting, shooting furiously, very... I walked from there 7-8 km... when I met the DPR people, (they) gave me boots, a hat, I am very grateful to them.

Vadim Kondratenko testifies how in Mariupol the Ukrainian military and national units occupied all the yards near his house with military equipment and prevented civilians from receiving medical care in hospitals:

— 164 Azovstal Street ... they (the Ukrainian military) were blocking all the yards... the equipment was there.

— My grandfather had had a stroke and we went to the hospital to get at least some help... there was a (Ukrainian) soldier at the entrance... he just laughed.

Ask you to share this information as much as possible – it’s very important to know.

Olga Shapovalova tells how in Mariupol, in the district near the Drama Theater, Ukrainian tanks shot at residential buildings and churches. The points from which the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired were located between residential houses and schools.

There were tanks (Ukrainian) on the territory of schools 69, 68, 5. I personally saw them with my own eyes.

Babadei, a resident of Mariupol, tells how she fled under fire from the Ukrainian military:

— We knew about the humanitarian corridors, but we were afraid because they were shooting. They were shooting at us, they were shooting hard. We were ducking while running.

Elena Buntseva from Mariupol talks about Ukrainian tanks’ fire at the houses of civilians.

— Was there any help from Ukrainian soldiers, from the Ukrainian side?

— Absolutely not ... We hid with our brother, tanks were driving around his place all the time, shooting all the time, neighbors' houses were on fire. Our neighbors said that they were shooting at the houses, driving and shooting. And if anybody tried to oppose, they threatened with weapons.

At the Azov’s checkpoint the representatives stripped women and girls naked, took their gold and money away… one girl had only 27 hrivnias… they took and this one too.

- Zelinsky kills his folk… While at the head of the government there are people who dance to the USA’s tune there (on Ukraine) will be no future.

WAARSCHUWING, NIET VOOR MENSEN MET EEN ZWAKKE MAAG! Beelden van Russische krijgsgevangen die geboeid worden geexecuteerd doof nazi's in Oekraine.

Some people say the 'liberation of Mariupol' is taking longer than Durham's probe 🤪

Right now, there's combat in 2 industrial areas: the Azovstal and the Ilyich plants, as well as scattered combats in the regions in light green.

The Nazi Azov forces, despicable and criminal as they are, are fighting hard and desperately, using civilians as shields, and the Russian coalition forces have to sometimes clear building by building, floor by floor. 🔥🔥

Once Russians clear the city, that will free up to 8k soldiers to head north and join the battle in the Donbas region.

Welcome to Lwów!

This woman, of questionable I.Q, pictured earlier worshipping Stepan Bandera... calls Russians stupid for misspelling Bandera as Bendera.

Even Wikipedia - a known political tool of manipulation - names the UPA (Bandera's Insurgent Army) as the mastermind behind the genocide of Poles at Wolyń in WWII.

It appears her entire Tiktok presence is built around the hatred for someone else - that simply boggles my mind, how one can dedicate their existence to hate.

I'm no Freud, but I guess when you have no talent, skill and are unfortunate looking, you try to mimic importance in less constructive ways 🤷‍♀️

Valt het niet op dat de grootste haters masr al te vaak VROUWEN zijn? Zal vast toeval zijn.

🇺🇦 A serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a native of Shchastye, who served under a contract from 2019 to 2022, Daniil Kovalev, detained by the LPR prosecutor’s office, spoke about how he was subjected to bullying and humiliation by the command and colleagues because of his origin, as well as because that he spoke Russian.

As a punishment, by order of the leadership, he was repeatedly placed in the so-called. "cage for punishment" (video from his mobile phone).


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