
🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The fighters of the legendary Donbass battalion "Somali", together with other units of the NM of the DPR and the RF Armed Forces, finally drove the neo-Nazis out of the city and went to the sea from the northern direction. Right on the central beach of Mariupol.

🇺🇦🇷🇺About 700 Ukrainian servicemen are held captive by the Russian army - Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Irina Vereshchuk

And where did they record those 1,300 marines who surrendered the day before in Mariupol as dead? Just curious

A citizen of Mariupol, Svetlana Surma, keeps telling her story about Ukrainian snipers and Ukrainian equipment shot at houses.
(Ukrainian) Grads, cannons, mortars were hitting the private sector.
Thanks to the Chechens and the DPR , I am still alive... The Chechens took me out...
What can you say about the Kiev regime?
They crossed out our life in one month... They took everything.

An older relative (apparently father) goes fully mad and beats a boy for expressing pro-Russian views. Note, that all the scolding and cursing towards a 'separatist' is in pure Russian language (as usual in Ukraine though).

Zoals met alle extremistische ideologieen maakt een bepaalde demonische bezetenheid zich meester van de geinfecteerden. Zo hoort een vader niet met zijn zoon om te gaan.

Heksenjacht op iedereen die Russische sympathieen heeft, Rusisch spreekt of Russische objecten in huis heeft! Deze mensen worden door de SBU (Oekraiense veiligheidsdienst) opgepakt en gemarteld. I stand with Ukraine!

vervolg op Ukraine on Fire

De documentaire Revealing Ukraine uit 2019 onderzoekt hoe Oekraïne er vijf jaar na de Maidan-revolutie voor staat. Met Oliver Stone als interviewer en onder andere de Russische president Vladimir Poetin als ondervraagde, geeft dit vervolg op Ukraine on Fire een ontluisterende inkijk achter de coulissen van het politieke steekspel.

Ook deze documentaire is weer Nederlands ondertiteld. Kijken dus!
Wordt de bevolking van Lozovaya in de val gelokt?

The mayor of Lozovaya calls on the city's population to evacuate by train. Yesterday, the Russian MOD claimed that the Ukrainian authorities are planning a false flag provocation in Lozovaya & want to hit the refugees at the train station with a Tochka-U missile. https://t.me/readovkanews/31102

The head of the Donetsk public organization "Fair Protection" Vitaly Galakhov says that since 2015, he has been submitting petitions from victims of Ukraine (relatives of the killed, wounded, etc.) to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).
Out of the 6000 cases from victims of Ukraine for 7 years, the ECHR has not rendered A SINGLE JUDGMENT.
Another eloquent proof of the absolute bias of the ECHR, which depends on the authorities of European countries and the Brussels bureaucracy.


His last post was yesterday. I have private messages with him before, he's not answering my messages any longer. His status said... Last seen recently...

Many people is actually pointing out that there is no energy or internet in Kharkov today. Let's wait and see what's happening. He's mean to do a interview with George Galloway tomorrow.

The Order of Nine Angles is a Satanic and Left-Hand Path occultist group based in the United Kingdom, but with associated groups in other parts of the world. Claiming to have been established in the 1960s, it rose to public recognition in the early 1980s, attracting attention for its neo-Nazi ideologies and activism.

The most notorious Satanist Neo Nazi group in Ukraine is the infamous Misanthropic Division, part of Azov Regiment, linked to the murder of British MP Joe Cox or to the New Zealand shooter.



Current situation of Mariupol City, the Russian MoD officially announced that Azovstal is the last remaining area occupied by Azov militants, all the urban settlements have been liberated!

En wat gaan ze daar vinden?


En wat gaan ze daar vinden?


- Biolab
- NAVO-basis
- Testlocatie voor het testen van biologische en chemische wapens op burgers.
- Mensenhandel
Jullie zijn er maar druk mee met het plaatsen van al die links en filmpjes. Maar wat vinden jullie nu zelf van deze walgelijke genocide en het verkrachten van vrouwen en vermoorden van kinderen en baby's? Gezien jullie woede om pizzagate en biolabs moeten jullie hier toch ook een persoonlijke mening van hebben? Dit lijkt me geen collateral damage meer toch?

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