Palestina - Israël

👍 ja erg fijn. Dankjewel. Kijk ernaar uit. Merk heel veel twijfel ook om mij heen over Q nu dit alles gebeurd en niet te rijmen is.
Misschien is deze dreiging nodig zodat het leger het kan overnemen althans in de VS. Hoe dat zit in de EU weet ik niet. Ik wacht ook maar Mikes draadje af.
The Rothschild Jewish Mafia was the original source of Bolshevism which is nothing more than covert Babylonian Talmudism expressed as racist and malignant Judaic Tribalism. And one trait that these Bolsheviks have is unforgiving vengeance to destroy forever any group that ever crosses them.

This is all they live for, that is, to get revenge against their enemies who are all Christians, Islamics who they secretly refer to as “Goyim” which means “cattle to be slaughtered.”

The Rothschild Jewish Mafia extracted extreme revenge against Russian in 1917 when they began the World’s largest bloodletting spree of torture, rape and mass-murder.

During their Bolshevik regime in Russia they proceeded to mass-murder an estimated 100 Million innocent Russian citizens including the Czar and his whole family including his children.

It is a known fact that historically the Rothschild Jewish Mafia’s number one hated group like most other Babylonian Talmudist is Christian all over the World, but especially in America. Islamics follow in a close second place for their genocidal targeting.

And then the Bolshevik Kingpins looted Russia of all it wealth including its gold, silver, artwork and jewelry which have not been recovered or had reparations paid to surviving Russians even to this very day.

To this very day these same families hold that immense wealth. Hopefully some day the Russians can get it all back as reparations from the Jewish Mafia Chieftains.

So the so called conservatives went from the fake atrocity propaganda, to calling for genocide, glassing Gaza, and turning it into parking lot.
Now in unison, they switch to calling anyone in America who knows Palestine is an open air prison under occupation and doesn’t support carpet bombing one of the most densely populated areas in the world, who’s population is 50% children, terrorist sympathizers and anti-semites.

These same people were very welcoming and happy to join with these same Muslims when they were protesting Drag story hr in our schools 3 weeks ago. They happily claimed blacks for trump as well as Latinos for trump were signs that thing are changing and called for unity. It’s the worst hypocrisy I have seen since the terror propaganda after 9/11.

Classic divide and conquer propaganda and you are falling for it again after you have been called the racist/terrorist for 5 years.
I truly have lost all respect for conservatives. You stand for absolutely nothing that your handlers don’t tell you to stand for.

Please wake up and understand that every war is based on lies and emotions to further goals that have nothing to do with your interest. War is brutal, innocents always pay the highest price on both sides.


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