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Prayingmedic met een lange maar informatieve en geruststellende video waarvan de laatste 15 minuten een Q & A:

Ik heb er geen geheim van gemaakt dat ik In Pursuit of Truth (IPOT) de allerbeste YouTuber vind die Q-video’s maakt. IPOT is van Sir Patrick Mack en hij is ook een muzikant, net als ik

In eerste instantie kon ik hem niet serieus nemen, want het lijkt alsof hij uit een sprookjesboek voorleest. Maar hij komt zeker met goede info en heeft ook nog eens de nodige humor. Laat het een bron van inspiratie voor je zijn, mike.

Hierbij zijn laatste 2 korte video's waarin hij bovengenoemde posts doorneemt en ook aangeeft waarom dit niet eindigt in november. Naar mijn mening must see:

Moet deze zelf nog kijken hoor, maar ik plaats hem alvast:
Mijn nieuwste samenvatting voor Dan (The Iconoclast):

Q keeps telling us to trust the plan. I'm trusting the plan, but some of us are getting impatient. Remember, we are living in an instant-gratification society. There's a long game being played, though, and this is the time when we need to pull together and pull through. So TRUST THE PLAN. But what is the plan exactly? Allow me to unfold it for you:

Were you able to make heads or tails of Trump's first year in office? I know I wasn't. Remember how Trump fired Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor after less than a month? And there were several other events last year that seemed to make no sense either. They were carrying out a well-thought-out plan, though, and this only became apparent to me once the Q posts started. This is why I had to write that second article (Salvage and Savage), because things seemed to be happening at lightning speed all of a sudden in late 2017 and early 2018. Then things started to make a lot more sense.

We now know why Flynn had to leave so soon. Q asks 'who knows where the bodies are buried?'. The answer is: Flynn does. Flynn has got everything on the lot of them, including the Pizzagate/Pedogate stuff. The deep state knows this and this is why they went after him first. Trump and his white hats played along and made sure Flynn was officially out of the picture, yet still active in the background (is Flynn Q?). Thus the deep state and their Mockingbird media (look up 'Project Mockingbird') were fooled.

A month ago, Q posted about Flynn: done in 30. This implies Flynn would be exonerated in 30 days. How? Remember, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to VP Mike Pence about his Russian contacts. We now know that was a ruse. By pleading guilty, certain evidence becomes admissable in court which otherwise would not have been. The first judge that presided over Flynn's case was a corrupt deep-state judge and he has now recused himself. But the new judge seems okay, since he's provided Flynn's lawyers the opportunity to produce "exculpatory evidence", i.e. proof of Flynn's innocence. So this is another clever way of introducing highly incriminating evidence into court and once again the deep state and complicit Mockingbird media took the bait!

So what about the special council led by Robert Mueller? Well, Trump had a meeting with Mueller the day before he was appointed special prosecutor. In all likelihood, Mueller was offered a deal. They've got the goods on Mueller's role in 9/11, as well as Uranium One, so Mueller has probably been promised immunity if he plays ball. The same goes for Mueller's second-in-command, Rod Rosenstein, who's also heavily involved in the Uranium One coverup. These two are trusted by the deep state and so they could pretend to be investigating Team Trump and their supposed "Russian collusion", while at the same time going after top FBI and DOJ officials. They also went after Paul Manafort, who was a deep state plant in the Trump campaign, as well as embedded journalist Carter Page. They've been helping to drain the swamp, while pretending to go after Trump and his team!

The white hats have cleaned out Comey, McCabe, and others in record time. Those who refuse to become cooperating witnesses will not get a deal, those who do will get a deal and are now incriminating their fellow deep staters. So why no public action at this stage? The cleaning operation of the FBI and DOJ is still ongoing and as long there are still swamp rats in the closet it is not yet an opportune time to drop the hammer on these folks. After all, these are lawyers themselves and they know how to slow-walk any legal proceedings and they might even get off scott-free.

We'll need to have patience for now and TRUST THE PLAN. It's obvious to me they have a plan and that this should all be finished within the next few months.

Moet deze zelf nog kijken hoor, maar ik plaats hem alvast:

Hij heeft dit al voor een groot gedeelte gedaan:


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