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NEW Q post 1338:

We've all been blinded for too long. Alex Jones is NOT alt media, he is a traitor. He makes us all look crazy. F*ck him

May 12 2018 11:50:47
Q !4pRcUA0lBE
Time to move on.
Big week ahead!

Beetje gek dat Q wederom tijd besteedt aan AJ/Corsi....???????!!!!!
Lijkt mij verdacht te veel aandacht voor dat duo. Komt kinderlijk over en niet als Military Intelligence (leek mii een rode vlag maar ik wacht af....)
Komt op mij over als: they've been found out. We hebben veel aan AJ te danken, zoals Anti School ook zegt, maar hij is te groot geworden en hij kan het niet verkroppen dat hij nu MILJOENEN volgers verliest en is zelfs bereid hier LEUGENS voor te verkopen, zoals beweren dat-ie telefonisch contact heeft gehad met Q. Weet je nog:

NO private comms past/present/future.
NO comms made outside of this platform.
Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.


Er zijn meerdere anons die verbaasd reageren over de laatste Q post:

From an anon:

Anonymous 05/12/18 (Sat) 18:02:48 0c33bb No.1384163


Why would MILITARY INTELLIGENCE give a sh$t about some twat?

Q, you're giving away the larp, man. Or is that Phase 3?
Mooie anon post voor de ongeduldigen onder ons (waaronder ik) ;-)

Anonymous 05/12/18 (Sat) 18:38:30 81564e No.1384605>>1384618 >>1384625

Do you really think every day police forces and law enforcement could tackle this without the full involvement, dedication, leadership, and force of the US Military under POTUS? How long does a typical USA investigation take just to take down a criminal organization of local city drug dealers, for example, 1, 2 or 3 years? Now multiply that task to the hundredth power. What are the limitations of even our best Law Enforcement? City? County? State? Federal? How far can each of them reach even if with proper leadership? Why do we have “jurisdiction”? What does “jurisdiction” mean, and is it important? Is there are reason why NYPD cannot just go and arrest in Phoenix? Clearly, only the US Military and POTUS can lead this fight. Global intelligence and evidence has to be gathered and verified, networks identified, witnesses isolated and protected, testimony obtained, and then the complete case of evidence has to be presented before a Grand Jury or Military Article 32 Investigation, then a court, military or civilian, in a highly organized fashion – or the case falls apart. Should we be breaking laws just to enforce the laws? Are not we still A Nation of Laws Not of Men? Agencies have to be coordinated, and that is after they are purged. Critical Institutions no matter how tainted must be purged, rebuilt and must continue to stand. Not to take all required and prudent steps means perpetrators could be handed reduced sentences or even walk, or if steps are skipped we destroy our own system that made this Great Awakening and Second American Revolution possible. Why are their not riots in the streets today, why is there not armed civil conflict in our city streets? It is because of the institutions our Founding Father’s created and because of THE PLAN. Be patient. Could a John Wayne attitude be acceptable with virtually have the nation completely asleep and hypnotized? How best should those be Awakened who are in the Trance? Abruptly or gently? What about peeling layers of the onion? How do investigators get to the innermost layers which are hidden from outer layers? Is it not better to give them enough rope to hang themselves - so in the critical cases they expose themselves and so there is no question of guilt? Others can simply be snatched and grabbed. These are, after all, secret societies and members have to be flushed out and exposed, then apprehended, then those apprehended have to be used to flush out and apprehend more. Small fish to get big fish, and big fish to get small fish. Who else has the capability to handle this task other than POTUS and the US Military? Remember that in virtually every country, including ours, the leadership of police and law enforcement are POLITICAL APPOINTMENTS with restrictive jurisdictions and limitations on authority that are boundaries not easily crossed or often shared. This global criminal cabal knows that and used these divisions to their advantage, but these divisions do not apply to the US Military. The global criminal cabal specifically infiltrated the leadership levels of Law Enforcement, but rank and file Agents and Officers helped hold our Liberties together until this day could come. We must be grateful to them also – the nameless Patriots in US Departments and Agencies. That is why they fought a Silent and Lonely War. If they spoke up then their ability to protect would be lost – until now. Rest assured that good men and women, rank and file in the US Government, have been holding it all together for many, many years, perhaps decades, sacrificing until this time could come. Also remember that at best the police or law enforcement can only reach so far, pricking at the cabal only here and there. Do you think INTERPOL actually has any teeth? INTERPOL is now run by Communist Chinese Government! Look even how NYPD was hampered and stalled by one perverse and abusive NY Attorney General who protected this cabal’s “generals” for years. Then think of the law enforcement of other nations where law enforcement structures are weak at best, where Rule of Law often does not exist, and where police forces can be easily corrupted. Many nations do not have “A Thin Blue Line”. In many other countries the “police” are not the good guys and it is they, “la policia” who the People actually fear. The global criminal cabal uses every weakness to their advantage and thus were more powerful than any one police or law enforcement institution, but they are NOTHING compared to the Commander In Chief and the US Military.
Het probleem is niet een tekort aan bewijs, het gaat om DRAAGVLAK. Infowars maakt hier ook onderdeel van uit. Trust the plan!

Zie je uit bovenstaand filmpje hoe STRIJDBAAR Trump is? Waarom is het dan ineens een probleem als QAnon dat ook is?

Het lijkt mij dat AJ/Corsi geen (vermelding in meerdere) Q post verdienden.

Te kinderachtig. Niet de signature van Military Intelligence. Ik wacht af en hoop echt dat de Q account niet een pootje gelicht is.
Zo is het maar net! Bedenk dat het Q-collectief een doodscultus van ZESDUIZEND JAAR OUD in MINDER DAN TWEE JAAR aan het neer brengen is!

Q post 1340

PEOPLE UNITED hold the power.


Volgens mij lijkt dit wederom een A-typisch geval van Military Intelligence signature.

Voor mij wederom een (halve) rode vlag. Ik wacht af. Even geduld aub. Al onze Q medewerkers zijn in gesprek.

Voor iemand die hier vrijwel constant mee bezig is, ben je m.i. te skeptisch en te ongeduldig. Het zegt meer over jou dan over Q.


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