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My source just informed me that Anthony Bourdain and girlfriend Asia Argento were both involved in doing black magic with Hillary.

En wie is deze 'source' dan wel? Is die Corey Lynn wel te vertrouwen?

Hier nog meer achtergrond informatie over de suicides:

- Kate Spade
- Anthony Bourdain
- Inés Zorreguieta, the younger sister of Queen Maxima of the Netherlands
- Charles Williams, aka, “Rockin’ Rebel” for ECW Wrestling

Anthony Bourdain en Asia Argento lijken toch diep in het pizza satan wereldje te zitten.
Misschien wilden ze er uit en zijn ze uit de school geklapt?


Argentina, with the disappearance of the 30,000 during the "Dirty War."
Argentina, where Queen Maxima of the Netherlands sister just committed "suicide."
Argentina, where Pope Francis is from.
Any coincidence all his Chilean bishops just resigned?!?
This is going to be huge.
Edit: typo

Na het lezen van de post van Neon Revolt over Anthony Bourdain en vooral de vrouwen in zijn leven is het mij duidelijk dat hij (zijdelings) betrokken was bij morbide zaakjes. Ik vertrouwde die Ottavia al geruime tijd niet en ik heb ook mijn twijfels bij die Asia. Dit is mijn eindoordeel over Bourdain, totdat het tegendeel bewezen wordt:

Zoals eerder gezegd, als atheistische links-progressieveling (punk-verleden met drugs, letterlijk 'van God los') was hij vatbaar voor duistere invloeden en sfeertjes. In zijn TV-programma's heeft hij zijn fascinatie voor dood, geweld, marteling, seksuele escapades etc. nooit onder stoelen of banken gestoken. Zoals gezegd, zijn gevoel voor humor was soms wat aan de zwarte kant.

Ook heeft hij al vele jaren een fascinatie voor wat hij altijd de 'nasty bits' noemde (orgaanvlees). Daar horen ook hersenen bij - hij was vooral verzot op garnalenhersenen. Een van de meest memorabele afleveringen van No Reservations was toen Bourdain samen met een eskimo-gezin rauw zeehondenvlees at en onder het bloed zat terwijl hij at.

Maar in diezelfde programma's liet hij ook nooit na om zijn afkeer van politiek onderdrukkende regimes uit te spreken en zijn korte geschiedenislessen waren zeer inzichtelijk. Veel van de door hem bekritiseerde dictatoriale regimes waren communistisch en hieruit kunnen we opmaken dat Bourdain allesbehalve een hardline communist was. Zo ver aan de linkerkant zat hij dus helemaal niet. Sterker nog, Bourdain was enkel gematigd links. Kijk eens wat hij zei over de verkiezingsoverwinning van Trump:

The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we're seeing now.

I've spent a lot of time in gun-country, God-fearing America. There are a hell of a lot of nice people out there, who are doing what everyone else in this world is trying to do: the best they can to get by, and take care of themselves and the people they love. When we deny them their basic humanity and legitimacy of their views, however different they may be than ours, when we mock them at every turn, and treat them with contempt, we do no one any good. Nothing nauseates me more than preaching to the converted. The self-congratulatory tone of the privileged left—just repeating and repeating and repeating the outrages of the opposition—this does not win hearts and minds. It doesn't change anyone's opinions. It only solidifies them, and makes things worse for all of us. We should be breaking bread with each other, and finding common ground whenever possible. I fear that is not at all what we've done.

Dat getuigt m.i. van een gezonde geest en zijn pleidooi voor eenheid i.p.v. verdeeldheid zegt mij dat het slechts een kwestie van tijd was voordat ook hij op de Trump-trein zou stappen (er zijn ook veel aanwijzingen dat Bourdain op het punt stond om een 'Kanye' te gaan doen).

En dan is er nog het onderwerp van pedofilie. Dit is wat ik schreef op 5 juni 2016 over een aflevering van No Reservations op de Polynesiche eilanden:

Hij vond het graf van de Franse artiest Paul Gaugin, van wie hij zegt dat hoe meer hij over Gaugin te weten kwam hoe minder hij hem mocht. Bourdain beschrijft hem o.a. als een pedofiel.

Kortom, als iemand die een echte Bourdain-fanaat was en bijna een soort studie heeft gemaakt van wat hij zei en schreef in zijn TV-shows en boeken kan ik alleen maar tot de conclusie komen dat hij wel degelijk het hart op de juiste plaats had.

De foto's van hem bedekt met bloed en met organen in zijn hand zijn echter verontrustend en daar wil ik mijn ogen niet voor sluiten. Mijn inschatting is dat hij overduidelijk een morbide kant had, geen twijfel over mogelijk, en dat de werkelijke kwade invloeden in zijn leven die heksen (misschien wel letterlijk) van vrouwen zijn geweest waar hij voor viel. Hij was altijd op zoek naar dat scherpe randje, ook in vrouwen, dat was nu eenmaal de nihilistische punker in hem.

Als ik nog een conclusie mag trekken, dan is het wel dat Bourdain al het goede en slechte in hem openlijk op tafel gooide. What you see is what you get - geen verborgen agenda's bij deze man. Bij mij blijft het gevoel overheersen dat er beduidend meer goed in hem zat dan kwaad. Ik zou zeer verbaasd zijn als uitkwam dat hij zich schuldig heeft gemaakt aan pedofilie, dat is volgens mij een grens die hij nooit heeft overschreden. Maar shockeren met bloedige foto's? Dat past absoluut in zijn karakter. Kijk echter eens naar de ontwikkeling die hij in zijn leven heeft doorgemaakt, hij werd steeds braver: eerst stopte hij met drugs (heroine!), daarna stopte hij met roken, daarna ging het oorbelletje eruit.

Wie de feminisme-topic volgt, weet hoe vatbaar vrouwen zijn voor morele verdorvenheid en hoe belangrijk het is dat ze de leiding van rechtschapen mannen nodig hebben om hen hiervoor te behoeden. Bourdain was lang niet altijd die man, maar was wel bezig deze te worden. Hij wilde oprecht een fatsoenlijke burger worden, maar zijn slechte keus van vrouwen is uiteindelijk zijn ondergang geworden.

Mijn nieuwste update naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Here's another update on what's been going on behind the scenes and it is A LOT. Where to start? I suppose the Q-posts themselves are a good start, or actually the lack thereof. Q did write in an earlier post there would be '10 days of darkness' and that actually happened on May 23, after which Q went dark and didn't post until June 3. So far this has been the only Q drop and it's now June 10. We may see another 10 days of darkness, or we may see new Q today or tomorrow, who knows.

So what happened during those 10 days? Well, Q did write we have more than we know, so we all started digging and looking at older posts to see if 'future proves past', in the words of Q. You see, that's the beauty of the whole Q phenomenon: they can't reveal any classified intel, but they can point us to open-source info and make us connect the dots much faster than any of us would be able to do without them pointing us in the right direction. This accelerates our learning and our understanding of this cabal, whose evil, as Q says, is 'bigger than you can imagine'.

In the meantime, any efforts from disinfo agents to ridicule or discredit QAnon have failed miserably. We also did some digging on them and exposed them for the bad actors that they are. I would say the 10 days of darkness have been a time of reflection and, after all, Q warned us to 'be careful who you trust'.

Q's June 3 post has proven very telling. We were told this week would be 'a week to remember'. And what a week it has been! A group of army vets called Veterans on Patrol (VOP) acted on a tip (Q-tip? - pun intended) and discovered what the media is calling a "deserted homeless camp", an underground facility just off the I-19 in Tucson, Arizona. As you may or may not know, AZ is a border state and also the constituency of John 'No Name' McCain, who is heavily involved in child sex trafficking.

So back to this "homeless camp". What homeless camp actually has an inverted septic tank dug into the ground small enough to hold a child, with children's toys in it? What homeless camp has condoms lying around, and hairdye, swings, and brushes with blond hair in them? What homeless camp has "rape trees" with wrist restraints and makeshift rungs to elevate a child? What homeless camp has nail scratch marks on these trees and the name "Maddie" carved into a log? All of this has been documented on video and photographed and the authorities WHO REFUSE TO ACT ON THIS EVIDENCE have been alerted. We're now to the point where even a DECOMPOSING CHILD'S SKULL has been discovered on another site, and it's only a matter of time before VOP discovers living children in another "homeless camp".

But it gets bigger - of course it does. The land on which these camps are situated belongs to a company called Cemex, a Mexican cement company (hence the name) and the world's second-largest company for concrete. You're gonna love what comes next. Guess who owns stock in that company? The Rothschilds! Guess who's mayor of Tucson? Jonathan Rothschild! Guess who's also a stockholder? George Soros! And who did Cemex donate to? The Clinton Global Initiative! Cemex was also awarded construction of houses in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. Wanna know how many houses they have built since then? Six - that's it, six. And of course the Clinton Foundation has been trafficking children from Haiti ever since. You can't possibly make any of this up.

But since these are creatures of habit we now know what to look for. It's very convenient to have a concrete company in your pocket when you're trafficking people, guns and drugs - especially if these constructions are underground ones, where no drones or choppers can see them. VOP is now asking for more manpower so they're scouring this massive border area for more Cemex-owned sites and other vets are doing the same in other parts of the country (think Texas and California). Pretty soon the media wont be able to cover this up any longer, this is going to be big, very big!

And then there were the "suicides", one of which was in... Arizona. Remember the Jonbenet Ramsey case in the 90's? This little six-year "beauty queen" (there was a lot of criticism back then about the sexualization of this little girl) was killed around Christmas time in 1996. Ramsey's parents were almost immediately the main suspects (these sick bastards most likely were prostituting their child and something probably went wrong during a gruesome sex act performed on this poor girl, as these sickos like to choke their victims on theiir penises). However, to this day the murder remains "unsolved". On June 1, the psychiatrist in the Ramsey case was shot dead and on June 4 the gunman committed "suicide". All sorts of weird connections with future proving past here as well.

But it doesn't end there. There were several "suicides" this week as well. I'll specifically mention three of them, that of Ines Zorreguieta, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. Ines Zorreguieta is the youngest sister of our Queen Maxima. Another sister of hers, Dolores Zorreguieta, held an "art" exhibition in 2005 involving... human flesh. I remember the Dutch mainstream media fawning over her and NOT ONCE asking where this flesh was actually coming from (most likely executed Falung Gong prisoners in China, whose bodies are then plastnated with certain chemicals - once again, you can't make this up). These wicked sisters are the daughters of Jorge Zorreguieta, who served as the Agricultural Minister during Jorge Videla's wicked regime in Argentina during the second half of the 70's (Videla liked to throw live prisoners out of choppers into the ocean). According to the media, Ines was suffering from "depression", but there are indications she may have stumbled upon video evidence of all sorts of physical and sexual abuse in her home country of Argentina and wanted to blow the whistle on this.

Then there's fashion designer Kate Spade, who was clearly involved in all sorts of weird occult stuff, together with her husband Andy Spade. Apparently Kate committed "suicide" by HANGING HERSELF FROM A DOOR KNOB WITH A RED SCARF. I don't know about you, but I have never heard of any successful suicide attempt using a door knob and a scarf. That must have been a pretty high door knob and a pretty strong scarf! The color red is very significant in occut circles and who knows the door knob also signifies something, like closing the door on whistleblowers or some shit like that. Other celebs have hung themselves from door knobs as well in the recent and distant past. The next day, Andy Spade was seen wearing a weird mouse mask, probably signalling surrender - yep, you can't make this shit up.

What shocked me personally was the sudden and unexpected death of Anthony Bourdain. I knew Bourdain was a bit of a lefty, but personally I didn't care. I liked his sense of humor and I was a huge fan of his TV shows No Reservations, The Layover and Parts Unknown, which were an edgy combination of a food and travel show with lots of movie references. Right away Bourdain's "suicide" seemed suspicious (he was found dead in a hotel-room bathtub) and once we start looking at his Italian ex-wife Ottavia end current girlfriend Asia Argento we immediately started seeing red flags. These two women were heavily into the occult and to a certain extent dragged Bourdain into it (although I personally think Bourdain never crossed too far into the dark side, with pedophilia and everything, but I could be wrong). And then there's Bourdain's recent tweets, such as 'I have information that will lead to Hillary's arrest'. In another tweet he writes he had been 'on the receiving end of her operatives' wrath'. So sad to see Bourdain go - may he rest in peace.

Well, Q did write 'suicide watch' some time ago, in a way we knew this was coming. More suicides will probably follow as the war behind the scenes rages on. Add to this the now 35,000 (!) sealed indictments and new resignations of executives and officials literally happening every day and you know there's big things going on. Tomorrow's June 11. The big day? Trump left the G7 early and basically poked fun at all of these jokers. Their time has come and they know it.

Ik heb de aflevering gezien waarin hij dat ding kocht. Dat is dus de ietwat donkere humor van Bourdain, waar nu m.i. teveel achter wordt gezocht. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat het bij Bourdain bij een geintje bleef. Lach erom of niet, maar zoek er niet meteen iets achter - Bourdain had nu eenmaal af en toe wat lugubere humor. Zijn vriendin daarentegen...

He also had some rather practical thoughts on the subject on cannibalism. An audience member posed a bizarre hypothetical situation: if he and Bourdain were trapped in a cave, would Bourdain eat him? “F*ck yeah,” Bourdain said without hesitation. He added that if they were trapped on a boat with a bunch of his chef friends and this guy wasn’t pulling his weight, he would have no problem cooking him as a slow braise. Bourdain was asked straight up if he would eat a human. “Yes, yes, I f*cking would.” It wouldn’t be his first option though — he’d eat a bag of Doritos first.

When someone later asked Bourdain which person he would most like to deep fry, he had a detailed idea. First, he would waterboard Dick Cheney. Then he would deep fry his head, f*ck him up the ass and then he’d cook him. Whoa.

Mensen, dit is humor! Zwarte humor weliswaar, maar als de ironie in zijn woorden je ontgaat dan kan ik niets voor je doen. Hij shockeerde graag, is dat nu ineens een misdaad?


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