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Their need for symbolism will destroy them. -Q This isn’t my creation but I can’t remember who posted it. If it is real It’s awesome though. @urbanmovingfast @Real_Bill_Smith @CbboFOtcZs @USFreedomArmy
Isnt Tommy just a tool for Zionist agenda?
It might be. See Bill Smith's post and video. Although he is has an ignorant black and white in his definition of jewish. It does seem that the agenda of the big players (fake jews) of the Cabal/Deepstate setting people up against each other to create chaos and war for their profits and depopulation plan. In this case the group of intolerant criminal migrants vs the group extreme right people.

It seems to have the same signature of a false flag: real deaths in the false flag event vs real criminal actions of migrants while there's a bigger secret agenda behind it (distraction of other events vs creating chaos and war).

[o] (@occulturalism)
"Tommy Robinson, his whole purpose is to become an Alt-Media leader, so that people like us, who are looking for the truth, don't look at Zionism. We don't look at Israel. We look at Tommy Robinson and Tommy Robinson tells us to look at muslims." -@Real_Bill_Smith #qanon

Bill Smith
q-anon - The CHAIR Serves the MASTER (Baruch the Scribe)

why is the Netherlands setting off my radar?.. well.. there’s this..

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands are "persons of interest" in the Pedogate Investigations..guess what they do with @NatRothschild1 and @LdeRothschild when they get together socially.. #Cabal #Pedogate #Netherlands #BIS #Luciferians #MassArrests #Tribunals

Q indicated that there would be suicides taking place prior to the world finding out the truth about the Illuminati’s practice of child sacrifice and other crimes.. so we need to keep that in mind with what’s happening right now #QAnon

we then found out the sister of Queen Maxima of the NETHERLANDS, Inés Zorreguieta, commited suicide at the age of 33.. a VERY important number in Masonic Occultism.. even though she was Argentinian.. her sister married Crown Prince Willem-Alexander.. 100% a member of the Cabal

as soon as i saw Anthony Bourdain commited suicide i knew this could be connected to Kate Spade and possibly Queen Maxima’s sister.. all connecting to the Luciferians and Pedogate
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Corey Lynn ?? (@CoreysDigs)
5) I have gone into h and archived all of these pages. None of them had been archived - so we are set. This is important for everyone to start doing w/articles. Simply take the url and paste into and it will store it.

Backup channel of Jordan Sather Destroy the illusion 2.0
Backup channel of Jordan Sather Destroy the illusion 2.0 2.0 banned channel

Michael Trimm
You are free tv
JustInformed Talk
Citizen Investigation
Abandoned Camp in Tucson AZ discovered by Vets On Patrol, a complete overview with photos and links -

Liz Roslan Facebook Post on #TucsonGate -

Liz Roslan is with Laura Chapman Rosario and Nick Reeder.
June 9 at 8:31pm ·

#tucsongate & #suicideweek

How was Kate Spade connected to Cemex, no name and the Clinton foundation?
[No Ceilings Initiative/Haiti Initiative]
What did she know?
Why would Kate leave a suicide note for her young teen daughter saying, "This isn't your fault. Ask your father."
How high is a door knob?
Did Kate Spade have help with her red scarf incident?
Was Kate suicided for speaking out about the cabal?
Was Kate making [special] accessories for the cabal?

Why did Andy Spade wear one red shoelace and a red belt after Kate's death?
Why was Andy wearing a mask [with red scarf/turtleneck] from a movie about abducted children on his first day out after Kate's alleged suicide?
Did someone smell a rat?
Was he ordered to wear it to send a coded message [open signaling]?
Was it an elaborate Masonic humiliation ritual?
Why do Spade and Podesta share similar [taste] in art?
Why do Andy spade, his girlfriend and their mutual friends have creepy pics of children, red shoes, red balloons and Illuminati symbolism on their Instagram page?
When should we call a spade a spade? .... If the [red] shoe fits?

What did Anthony Bourdain know???
Did Anthony Bourdain expose Harvey Weinstein after his girlfriend (Asia Argento) accused Weinstein of sexual assault?
Did Weinstein hire Isreal's Mossad to stifle investigations?
Why are Bourdains tweets a piece to the puzzle?
Was this a threat to keep Asia quiet.
Why did Asia post on Instagram on the day of his death, "F--- everyone. You know who you are."
Why are these celebrities Instagram accounts filled with questionable images & occult symbolism?
(Brain extractors, blood soup)
Was Obama and Bourdain speaking in pedo code when they met in Vietnam?
Does Bourdains animal torture, food choices and quotes give you the impression he is unattached and lacks empathy?
Was Bordains a pedovore & a master spirit cooker but is now turning the tables, speaking out about those involved with scandals involving the Clinton's and those in Hollywood?

What do Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell, Robin Williams, Avicii, Alexander McQueen, Aaoron Schwartz, Michael Hutchence, L'Wren Scott, Dutch Queen's sister and Kate Spade all have in common?
Who's assets are being frozen?
How does the death of Alan O'Neill, Inés Zorreguieta, Stephen Pitt, Tareq Kamleh, john Lermayer, Charles Williams, Ben Krapinski and wife all play a part in this?
Which industries are fronts for trafficking, prostitution & child slave labor?
[fashion, food, film]

Who predicted #Tucsongate in 2017?
Is Cemex the keystone?
Why does the Canamex, (proposed NAFTA superhighway) run straight through Tucson AZ?
How big is their entire operation?
Who are the wives involved?
Does Carlos slims (owner of cemex and also 2nd largest stockholder of the NY times) wife run an [unwilling] organ donation center?
Who is Emiliano Salinas and what is his connection NXIVM?
What does BASF do other than makes chemicals for cemex?
How are they connected to Lockheed Martin?
NXIVM= Hum. ?Traf.=Bronfman/Rothschild operation?
Who are the d'ADESKYS, how are they connected?
What industry do they own & what exactly are they shipping?
How is cemex linked to Bush oil co?
Why do the communities near the child trafficking site (hotels, casino, schools) use FBI known pedo symbols in their logos?
Why does the media remain silent about the AZ child trafficking site?
Do homeless people live out in the desert with no food or water nearby, in tiny bunkers with rounded out sides so they can not climb out?
Why was the site immediately bulldozed?
What happened to the CEMEX FIU bridge?
Why was Cemex selected to build the wall?
Why did Cemex say they didn't want any involvement in building the wall?
Why has Cemex been under US DOJ investigation since March14th?
Did military already raid the site?
Were Veterans purposely led there?
Why are illegal immigrants (women and children) at such high risk (80%) of being sexually assaulted & trafficked? Can they be traced?
Will Mexico's assets get seized and will they end up paying to build the wall?

More questions...
How does this tie in with Project pelican?
What was said about Cemex in emails from john Podesta and the Pope?
What do we really know about Disney?
Did Trump and Pence signal each other to have their water bottles tested for tampering or was that a code for something else? Maybe no plea deal [taken off the table] for Debbie Wasserman Schultz?
What topics are going to be discussed at the 2018 Bilderberg meeting [post-truth world] and who will not be attending? Why?
How is the Vatican and their telescope [LUCIFER] in AZ desert connected?
Why is there a US patent since 1980 for use of blood in cement?
What is a foundation sacrifice?
How far back does the use of blood sacrifices in buildings go?
[Baal & Phoenician] [Walls of Jericho]
What changes human DNA?
Are there satanic rituals in everything & are we unknowingly participating in their rituals? (Buildings made out of sacrificed blood, aborted fetal cells & human DNA in vaccines, senomyx, aborted fetal kidney cells, HEK 293)
What will the elite do when they run out of #Adrenochrome ?
What will they do when no one is left to make #RedShoes ?

Does the rabbit hole go as deep as an underground tunnel that leads to a drug, weapon & child/human trafficking highway?
Is GITMO being renovated?
Why are there hundreds of sealed indictments in just Washington alone?
Will more "suicides" occur as the indictments are being unsealed?
Why have so many involved stepped down?
Why has attorney general Sessions announce 311 new assistant US attorney positions?
Is Assange working with Trump and military intel to take down the globalist cabal?
If so, what comes next?
Since the Inspector General Report has moved to 6/14, is Monday still the big day?
What is NASA planning to announce?
What is majestic 12?

Don't fall for it!
Stay strong.
We are many.

Yours truly,

Here are some links on some of the topics I covered. I may add more upon request.…/40k-view-elite-players-…/……/suicide-weekend-weirdness-com…/……/whos-next-two-suicides-……/…/1005101026490421248…/kate-spades-suicide-eerily-similar-t…/…/…/asia-argento-cryptic-message-before-a…/……/anthony-bourdain-has-no-reserv…/…/obama-ketchup-is-accept…/…/20-why-is-the-vatican-the-large…/…/…/pixar-walt-disney-animation-john……/tucson-police-chief-…/…/sos-cemex-indonesia-tsunami-partn……/undercover-child-pornography-i……/metro-sex-trafficking-sti…/764243882…/dead-babies-in-the-walls…/…/Conten…/Clinton-Dead-Pool-List-112235358

#KateSpade #AnthonyBourdain #AlanOneill #SuicideWeek #Arkancided #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Rothschild #Bronfman #Soros #Clinton #CEMEX #NXIVM #WWG1WGA #Qanon #WhereAreTheChildren
Nieuwe update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

So far the whole Q thing has been in the background, but it looks like all that may change in the near future - even beginning today! Will we see Julian Assange's public testimony? The new Q posts seem to suggest so, when he talks about testifying first privately and then publicly. Also, the IG report is coming up, and that will be very, very revealing indeed! At present, heavy redactions have been made, but expect a presidential EO to order that the content be released in full. On the 14th? Certainly a nice birthday present for Trump! And your birthday is on the same day, if I remember correctly!

I also want to take the time to reassure you that Britain is headed for a glorious future as well, even if it doesn't look like that way now. I don't know if I ever explained the Five Eyes spying arrangement? The short of it is that Obama ordered the Trump campaign to be spied upon months before they got the fake FISA court warrant on suspicion of "Russian collusion". And here's how they did it: the "five eyes" are those of the USA, UK, Canada, Autralia and New Zealand. Basically, what is means is that these five countries have access to each others' surveillance systems, so when it's illegal to spy on your fellow citizens you can bypass national security laws and have other countries do the spying for you.

And guess who collaborated in the surveillance of Team Trump so they could get dirt on him and try to prevent him from getting elected? Yup, Theresa May! And Trump knows it. And May knows Trump knows it. What's more, they have some serious dirt on May's husband (at this point I don't know what dirt exactly, but he's even dirtier than his wife is, that much is for sure). As it stands, May is faced with an existential choice: either step down and pass on the torch to Rees-Mogg, or stay on and face the consequences (once the Brits find out she's a national and international traitor she'll have to flee the country - only to be arrested and tried in Trump's America).

Now, I know what your opinion is of Rees-Mogg, but youi have to bear in mind that at this stage in the game there's really no alternative. Anne-Marie Waters? Paul Weston? These are one-issue people with no comprehensive plan for British governance. Rees-Mogg will have only one job to do and that's for Britain to quit dragging its feet on Brexit and go for a hard Brexit - no more pussy-footing around! After that, he will have either outlived his use and be forced out, or he may actually turn out to be a gifted leader (with a little help from Trump and his Q team).

You see, Trump needs allies in Europe. And he's got a fairly "unexpected" ally in... none other than Steve Bannon. I can't prove this 100%, but my gut feeling tells me that whole "feud" between Trump and Bannon was just kabuki theater. Bannon gets pushed out of the WH, Trump disses him in public and on Twitter, and Trump's enemies think Bannon's their friend now. Bannon returns to his former job as chief editor of Breitbart News and hangs low for a while. Then, out of nowhere, he pops up in Europe, speaking at Marine Le Pen's FN conference, helping out Germany's AfD, and... helps put Italy's populist coalition in the saddle (which is sure to bring down the EU). I don't know about you, but it seems to me that Bannon is Trump's man in Europe! Bannon may just become an "advisor" to Rees-Mogg, you never know...

I wouldn't worry too much about Britain, Dan, your country will be fine. Trump is the leader of the free world, and your country as well as mine will be truly free. It's "May day" for Theresa!

Over die SerialBrain2, die zoekt werkelijk overal iets achter. Bill Smith heeft daar ook een beetje last van. Laat ik duidelijk maken waar ik sta, tot het tegendeel is bewezen:

Tommy Robinson is echt. Veterans On Patrol is echt. 'Keyboard warriors' die hun handen niet vuil maken IRL hebben makkelijk praten. Robinson en VOP zijn geen autistische puistenkoppen die met hun handen vastgelijmd zitten aan een toetsenbord en nooit daglicht zien, zij wagen daadwerkelijk hun leven om de waarheid bloot te leggen!

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Corey Lynn :flag_us: (@CoreysDigs)
5) I have gone into h and archived all of these pages. None of them had been archived – so we are set. This is important for everyone to start doing w/articles. Simply take the url and paste into and it will store it.

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Lisa Mei Crowley
‏ @LisaMei62

It's almost as of the deal was already done and this was just for show! ?

Lisa Mei Crowley Retweeted Wired Sources

BREAKING: Discussions between the United States and North Korea have moved more quickly than expected, allowing President Trump to departure Singapore earlier than originally thought.

Lisa Mei Crowley
Qpost #1449 - 1455

Last night KJU visited Gardens By The Bay Waterfront Park & Marina Bay Sands Hotel among other places. The photo of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel from Q's 10 May drop (#72 on /patriotsfight/) shows foreknowledge KJU would be visiting. All part of the "plan".

2. More pics from KJU's sight-seeing tour last night. Not sure of the significance of the time stamp fm previous pic (10:26:18) unless that's a marker for a future event? Everything has been scripted. Deal is done. …

3. KJU looks like a happy, FREED man. Strings were cut last Nov during @realDonaldTrump's Asia trip (Forbidden City). Last night we learned Blackwater is on guard. KJU is safe. POTUS early departure because this part of "The Plan" is a done deal. Iran next.

4. Decision to hold off on issuing signed EO (pen pics) was to allow completion of HRC email investigation to ensure it was included in the EO ordering declassification/release of docs & preclude accusations of partisan hit job. Sessions appointed Huber. …

5. EU isn't happy we pulled out of the Iran deal as it was a huge scam to launder money, fund terrorism, enrich themselves via business deals, drugs & human trafficking, etc. Iran, like NK, was used as a perpetual nuclear threat to the world by the Cabal. NK is freed. Iran next.

6. This appears to be a msg to black hats. All London pics shared in previous drops were likely intercepted fm their phones during Spygate ops. Those who took the pics know they're screwed. UK/US (via FVEY) committed joint treason. One last chance to flip. Biblical flood coming?
Ik kan het niet goed plaatsen waarom Anthony Bourdain tweets heeft verspreid via zijn twitter account of instagram over Hillary Clinton als o.a dus deze: I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.

In eerste instantie en naar mijn idee niet bepaald slim of intelligent te benoemen. Zeker niet als je zelf ook donders goed moet weten waartoe dit kan gaan lijden. Zo naief kan hij toch niet geweest zijn?

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