Billy Joyce over de red pills die Dennis Rodmann gaf op CNN nota bene.
Referentie: Great video by Mark Dice (it shows a CNN "reporter" looking not amused when Dennis Rodmann tells about NK and Obummer ignoring him)
In opvolging van de 2 vorige video's:
Billy Joyce’s video (02:00) quote from Field Mc Connel Abel Danger livestream of June 6th:
Meeting in singapore (financial center in Asia)
“Trump and world leaders including singapore, the us, china, russia, (maybe iran), iraq , vietnam and Zimbabwe.
There is a global reset occurring and rothchilds and the rockefellers are going to be out of business by this time next week. I am confident.”
6+7=13 June
Billy Joyce got message from Abel Danger admins (22:00)
Alert. On Monday June 11th Trump will tell nation about the shadow government and it’s destruction of america plans. Arrests will follow of the ringleaders, bureaucrats, oligarchs and top cabalists. All avenues of escape have been sealed. Resisters will be bombed out or killed. Some targets are in canada, big pharma, educations, sanctuary cities, Monsanto, etc. Stock up on supplies it might get nasty.