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Mijn update naar Dan (The Iconoclast), die overigens net als POTUS zijn verjaardag viert:

Well, the much anticipated public appearance of Julian Assange has not happened. You'll have to forgive us Q followers for speculating, since Q was inactive (at least in public) for a while - although the team is more than making up for it now with tons of new drops! One of those drops goes into the 23-day countdown we thought was happening. Q is now telling us the number 23 refers to something different altogether - we're still trying to figure out what that is exactly. There are many theories, but nothing conclusive has come up yet.

Here's what we do know, thanks to the new Q posts:

Would you believe the black hats fired a missile from a submarine to bring down Air Force 1? You're probably shaking your head as you read this, but truth is indeed stranger than fiction. They desperately wanted the Trump-KJU summit to fail. This is also reminiscent of the January DEFCON situation in Hawaii - remember that one? There, too, a missile was fired from a sub. In both cases, the missiles were taken down, possibly from space using the secret space program. The Hawaii missile would have been blamed on NoKo and the missile meant to take down AF1 would have been pinned on China. These people are truly sick!

We also know the Iran situation will be resolved very soon as well. The implications for this side of the pond are huge: if the Iran regime falls or crosses over to the side of the white hats the EU corruption involving the Iran deal will be out in the open. Me, I can hardly wait to see that happen!

With NoKo and Iran out of the way, the only avenue the black hats have left are the midterm elections. But of course the white hats have thought about closing off this avenue as well. AG Jeff Sessions has been acting like a lame duck for over a year now, but what he did do was appoint US Attorney John Huber from Utah, where they have the DEATH PENALTY. Republicans in Congress have been calling for a second Special Council for months, which Sessions has refused to do at every turn. Huber, however, is working with IG Michael Horowitz, which gives them a team of almost 500 people to prepare a multitude of court cases based on the now 35,000+ sealed indictments. The black hats are not the ony ones in a hurry to get stuff done before the midterms. Using Huber as their ace in the hole is a tactic which is BETTER and FASTER than a 2nd SC!

All we're waiting for right now is for the IG report to finally be released, which will be very damning even when redacted. This will create the impetus for POTUS to issue an executive order to release all the information in unredacted form. Do you see how they're prepping the normies for what's coming down the pipe? I'm sure I don't have to tell you the mass hypnosis goes deep into the psyche of the sheeple, so they can't just go around arresting people left and right, trying them in military courts and executing them. The public outrage would then be directed against POTUS and his team, instead of the real culprits. That's why we need to be patient and TRUST THE PLAN, these people know exactly what they're doing and have literally thought of everything. The black hats are in a panic and there's NO ESCAPE for them. Hopefully the IG report will come out today, on POTUS's birthday, but I'm a bit weary of making predictions after the Assange prediction.

At this point, I have no idea whether the Q thing will go mainstream or not. The EyeTheSpy and Backchannel17 Twitter accounts have both proven to be totally fake, which means that after a tumultuous period in which many seeds of doubt were sown about the authenticity of QAnon the team has proved once again victorious. In their latest posts they are referring to 'new arrivals', which we believe to mean that more and more new people are flocking to the Q boards and YT vids and finding out about the Q stuff. Critical mass is building!


Volgens Lisa Mei wordt er flink gerommeld met deze petitie:

Volgens mij heeft ze helemaal gelijk. Als ik de pagina ververs zijn de aantallen soms opeens een stuk minder.......
Was toen met de IBOR petitie ook al!

Kunnen wij deze petitie ook tekenen of is het alleen voor US inwoners?

FBI OIG report press briefing later vandaag
IG report is uit! Ik heb nu geen tijd. Tibo, would you like to do the honors?

Special thanks to @qanon-europe!

Neonrevolt met maar liefst 4 artikelen:


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