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Who’s NEXT? Dat week ik nog niet. In aanmerking komen: Lisa Mei, qanon-europe, Ben, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Jordan Sather, Donald Trump, InTheMatrixx, Praying Medic, e.v.a.

Vergeet fatsnotbad niet! ;-)

Mike, jammer dat je (nog) niet hebt gereageerd op mijn bericht over 5G op die van jou. Het is uiteraard niet verplicht, maar omdat je er zo zelfverzekerd in overkwam, kreeg ik dus het idee dat ik hierover iets had gemist.

Sorry, Ben, het was er door de 'ínformation overload' tussendoor geglipt. Trump omarmt officieel de 5G-technologie, maar weet dondersgoed dat deze levensgevaarlijk is. Een weggever dat hij hiervan op de hoogte is, is dat hij deze technologie wil nationaliseren. Dat gaat volledig tegen de vrijemarktwerking in die Trump voorstaat (zie ook Trumps veto tegen de suikertaks waar jij ook op hebt gereageerd). Eenmaal genationaliseerd heeft Trump de totale controle over het al dan niet uitrollen van 5G. Dit geldt echter vooralsnog uitsluitend voor Amerika, in Europa zal dit centraal en supranationaal worden beslist door Brussel. Aan de andere kant, de EU gaat toch naar verwachting dit jaar nog vallen...

Jij ook bedankt voor het reageren.
Ondanks je uitlatingen over Bill Smith, heb je in ieder geval je gevoel voor humor nog.

Bedankt voor je reactie.

Ik ben heel benieuwd of je hierin gelijk gaat krijgen. Vergeet hierbij ook het verhaal China niet, waar deze ontwikkeling razendsnel kan gaan of al aan het plaatsvinden is.
Maar even in de gaten gaan houden of men in de US doorgaat met het uitbreiden van o.a. de gsm-masten.
Vandaag de dag staan bijvoorbeeld in de Verenigde Staten 154.000 gsm-masten. Tegen 2026 zullen er zo’n 800.000 nodig zijn om 5G te kunnen ondersteunen.

Dat ook je verwachting over de EU mag gaan uitkomen en ja...liefst dit jaar nog.
Theorie van een anon:

So, we all were wondering what the grainy pics were that Q posted yesterday (I personally thought it was Soros).

But I was wrong. Bear with me.

These pics were of POTUS. Why is this relevant? Was Q just verifying that he was close to the president? Why would he make the comment "What a wonderful day"?

Remember anything else that happened earlier that day? Did anyone spill the beans about firing Rosenstein on Friday? And what the hell does that have to do with the pics of POTUS?

It has EVERYTHING to do with the pics of POTUS.

Let me explain.

Shortly after Sheila Jackson Lee made the statement about firing Rosenstein, Q said "how would she know?"

He also referred to "Vive" which is a secret video chat that was used on phones to communicate between cabal members. They set a trap and said that RR would be fired on Friday to see who would take the bait.

Sure enough, she spills the beans on live TV. Shes caught red handed.

"These people are stupid".
Then POTUS trolls the deep state by sending out the cryptic pic on one of the phones they use.

Those pics weren't for Anons. They were for the deep state to let them know they got busted.



Theorie van een anon:

So, we all were wondering what the grainy pics were that Q posted yesterday (I personally thought it was Soros).

But I was wrong. Bear with me.

These pics were of POTUS. Why is this relevant? Was Q just verifying that he was close to the president? Why would he make the comment "What a wonderful day"?

Remember anything else that happened earlier that day? Did anyone spill the beans about firing Rosenstein on Friday? And what the hell does that have to do with the pics of POTUS?

It has EVERYTHING to do with the pics of POTUS.

Let me explain.

Shortly after Sheila Jackson Lee made the statement about firing Rosenstein, Q said "how would she know?"

He also referred to "Vive" which is a secret video chat that was used on phones to communicate between cabal members. They set a trap and said that RR would be fired on Friday to see who would take the bait.

Sure enough, she spills the beans on live TV. Shes caught red handed.

"These people are stupid".
Then POTUS trolls the deep state by sending out the cryptic pic on one of the phones they use.

Those pics weren't for Anons. They were for the deep state to let them know they got busted.


Theorie van een anon:

So, we all were wondering what the grainy pics were that Q posted yesterday (I personally thought it was Soros).

But I was wrong. Bear with me.

These pics were of POTUS. Why is this relevant? Was Q just verifying that he was close to the president? Why would he make the comment "What a wonderful day"?

Remember anything else that happened earlier that day? Did anyone spill the beans about firing Rosenstein on Friday? And what the hell does that have to do with the pics of POTUS?

It has EVERYTHING to do with the pics of POTUS.

Let me explain.

Shortly after Sheila Jackson Lee made the statement about firing Rosenstein, Q said "how would she know?"

He also referred to "Vive" which is a secret video chat that was used on phones to communicate between cabal members. They set a trap and said that RR would be fired on Friday to see who would take the bait.

Sure enough, she spills the beans on live TV. Shes caught red handed.

"These people are stupid".
Then POTUS trolls the deep state by sending out the cryptic pic on one of the phones they use.

Those pics weren't for Anons. They were for the deep state to let them know they got busted.

Sorry voor evt spam.

Theorie van een anon:

So, we all were wondering what the grainy pics were that Q posted yesterday (I personally thought it was Soros).

But I was wrong. Bear with me.

These pics were of POTUS. Why is this relevant? Was Q just verifying that he was close to the president? Why would he make the comment "What a wonderful day"?

Remember anything else that happened earlier that day? Did anyone spill the beans about firing Rosenstein on Friday? And what the hell does that have to do with the pics of POTUS?

It has EVERYTHING to do with the pics of POTUS.

Let me explain.

Shortly after Sheila Jackson Lee made the statement about firing Rosenstein, Q said "how would she know?"

He also referred to "Vive" which is a secret video chat that was used on phones to communicate between cabal members. They set a trap and said that RR would be fired on Friday to see who would take the bait.

Sure enough, she spills the beans on live TV. Shes caught red handed.

"These people are stupid".
Then POTUS trolls the deep state by sending out the cryptic pic on one of the phones they use.

Those pics weren't for Anons. They were for the deep state to let them know they got busted.


Als ik een link naar Twitter plaats, verschijnt m'n post niet.

Theorie van een anon:

So, we all were wondering what the grainy pics were that Q posted yesterday (I personally thought it was Soros).

But I was wrong. Bear with me.

These pics were of POTUS. Why is this relevant? Was Q just verifying that he was close to the president? Why would he make the comment "What a wonderful day"?

Remember anything else that happened earlier that day? Did anyone spill the beans about firing Rosenstein on Friday? And what the hell does that have to do with the pics of POTUS?

It has EVERYTHING to do with the pics of POTUS.

Let me explain.

Shortly after Sheila Jackson Lee made the statement about firing Rosenstein, Q said "how would she know?"

He also referred to "Vive" which is a secret video chat that was used on phones to communicate between cabal members. They set a trap and said that RR would be fired on Friday to see who would take the bait.

Sure enough, she spills the beans on live TV. Shes caught red handed.

"These people are stupid".
Then POTUS trolls the deep state by sending out the cryptic pic on one of the phones they use.

Those pics weren't for Anons. They were for the deep state to let them know they got busted.


Deze Sheila Jackson heeft zich erbij gelapt door te zeggen dat Rosenstein vrijdag ontslagen wordt. En er zijn foto's van haar met een ring met pedo-symboliek om haar vinger.
@ben zie ook:

#post-213586 (pagina 214

#post-213588 (pagina 214

#post-213593 (pagina 215

#post-213595 (pagina 215


Thanks, voor het laten terugblikken, maar deze info had ik zelf al eerder tot me genomen.
Het artikel heb ik meer geplaatst voor degenen die ook de visie van Thomas nog interessant vinden of de mensen die het fijn en gemakkelijker vinden deze info in het Nederlands te lezen.

Okido. Beter mee verlegen dan om verlegen zei mijn oma altijd ;)

Er is ook nog een link naar de missile alert in Hawaii.

P.S. Groetjes van Lisa aan jou en Bill :-) grapje :)

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